So time for a full recap
Lex Luthor smiled as he filled Cat's glass with champagne and explained his plan to host the White Orchid Ball.

Suddenly, Cat pulled a gun and pointed it at him.

Lex looked at Cat with more admiration than fear. "You don't seriously think that I would let you shoot me. Yes... you will think that? You are sadly mistaken, Miss 'I'm Too Sexy For My--'"

He broke off abruptly as Cat retrieved a silencer from Asabi, then shot Lex dead saying, "Now I am the one in charge, Mr. Luthor."

Cat grinned and bent down to clean up any evidance and noticed a folded paper sticking to the bloodied pocket of Luthor's custom-made silk jacket. "Well, what do we have here," she said as she took the paper out of the pocket. She unfolded it and met Asabi's eyes. "Darling, it's time to die..." she said, pointing the gun at the startled guru.

"Wait!" he cried. "What of our deal?"

Cat smiled sweetly at him. "Oh, my dear Asabi, it turned obsolete when I found how close you and Lex were. Do you really think I am going to forget that night when you were both outside in the grass and saw as you told him how badly you wanted to kiss him. I will never forget you, Asabi, but you know what they say... 'Hell hath no wrath like the Cat you tried declawing.'"


The shot startled both and Cat slowly sank to hear Asabi's dying words. "Clark Kent is---" but then he passed into the great beyond. But before he did he grabbed Cat's gun and pulled the trigger, BANG!

Cat fell startled, but unhit. Standing up, Cat decided that it was time to send Clark a box of chocolates. Who knew? Maybe he'd finally say yes.

Making up her mind, Cat first arranged Asabi's dead body then went to the balcony. Looking over the rail, she saw Superman speeding by the building, holding Lois Lane in one arm and Jimmy with the toes of his left foot (Jimmy's foot, not Superman's). Cat stared. "Why is Clark towing Jimmy by the toes?"

Then Cat saw that Jimmy was clutching a beat-up laptop. She was immediately suspicious that he was writing about her and her illicit affair with the President. She waved cheerfully at them, shouting, "Hey, Superman! Look over here! I need your gorgeously sculpted body to celebrate Luthor's death and clean off his blood from my ..."

She was interrupted by the the whoosh of Superman's cape as he flew away into the bay, freeing Jimmy from Lois's grip and letting him start massaging his toes. Superman laughed and drew Lois closer, losing his grip on Jimmy and letting him fall to the water below. Then Superman winced as Jimmy wailed, "My,ubuub, ubuub," and sank rapidly into the dark, deep depths.

Cat mused, "So Superman isn't lusting over Lois, Yeah Right! The man has no taste Jimmy sighed and began swimming ashore, while Superman and Lois started making out heavily in the clouds. A passing plane was ignored as their passion quickly started to rise.

Cat shouted, "Superman! Hey! I'm a more experienced and better lover." Superman scoffed and resumed kissing Lois but suddenly he stopped when he saw a policeman leading Cat away in handcuffs.

"Stop oogling Cat, we're falling" Lois told Superman as they hurled earthward and Lois hit his chest with her fist. "I wasn't oogling her Lois" Superman protested as he landed.

Suddenly a loud scream was heard as Cat kneed the kneed the officer but was quickly recaptured by Superman.

"You're touching her in a way no nice --" Lois's tirade was cut off when Lex's body began moving.

Lois distracted Superman, her hands moving beneath his cape towards [censored], "Clark" she moaned, eyes shining, "take me to bed"
Clark?" he stammered, flying upward. "Uh, Lois, I'm Superman, not -", "CLARK!!" Lois interupted, ice in her voice as she grabbed his chin and looked him directly in the eyes with an intensity that reached into his soul, causing his resolve to melt. "Lois,when,how do we get together for-." "Clark, love, Clinton St NOW!" Superman nodded and flew toward Clinton Street. This had been [sigh] truely an "interesting" day. the day Cat discovered CK=S, not gay! After being rejected by both Clark and Superman. "It must that Pheromone otherwise my female charms must be needing a little tune up.

Arriving at Clinton Street, Lois consoled herself with a huge tub of chocolate ice cream while she waited for Clark to stop apologizing and start doing some serious kissing and moved to action she stood and marched to the telephone,tossing it at Clark, shouting, "Quit stalling and start kissing"

"Huh,are you serious?" Lois plastered herself against him and gave him a soul-searing mind numbing heart wrenching kiss, making Clark reel. Oh, he thought, I'd better go before -" but all thought fled as Lois dragged him down to the couch, and stopped, wondering how to get the suit off. Fortunately, it proved to not matter. A knock at the door interupted her search.

No! What now! Lois thought, reluctantly pulling away from him. She started for the door but was stopped by Clark's hand. Wait, I hear something in your bedroom. We should investigate. Anyway, your bed is much softer than the couch.

But what about the door?

"It was probably our imagination..." But then Jimmy's muffled voice "Lois, are you home? I..."

Frustrated, Lois threw open the
"Home? 344 Clinton St."
