*steps into view*

boring? Oooo! I can do boring! And tedious! And there's a good chance of bad!ficness(as you can tell in my butchering of grammar and spelling)!


Lois Lane, award-winning journalist, stood in line at the grocery store. It was currently the only one open, and it had taken her fifteen minutes to be next in line. Of course, the little old lady in front of her proved to resemble the stereotypes Lois tried to avoid with her hunched shoulders, glasses secured to her neck with a thin strand of beads, and purse clutched to her chest.

And oh yeah, the several dozen cans of animal food crowding the counter.

The cashier began to slide the cans over the scanner one at a time, the assembly too cluttered and assorted to simply count and divide.




There was a pause as the cashier couldn't get one of the bar codes to be read by the machine, so she had to manually type in the UPC code.

Finally it went through with a resounding beep.




Turning to the magazines that lined the endcap, Lois picked up one of the tabloid rags. The headlines SUPERMAN HAVING TORRIDAFFAIR WITH ELVIS' ALIEN DAUGHTER made her grimace. Last week he’d been having an affair with her. The week before that it was Bigfoot.

Placing the rag back in place she picked up the TV Guide.

Hmmm. What’s playing on tv this week? Thumbing through she found an ad for some new series about housewives. Peering close at the tall brunette in the picture promoting the show, she wondered how Clark would take it if she grew her hair out like that.

Paging through some more, she noticed that the SciFi channel was having a movie marathon. Reading through the titles she noticed they were mostly the poorly made ‘Mutated Spider Takes Over Hong Kong’ types of movies. They were entertaining enough to watch if one was bored. In fact, just the other day she had watched one about a snake in an Antarctic prison. Granted, she would normally have turned the channel after the first fifteen minutes, but there was something about the main character.

Sighing, Lois put the Guide back and checked on the status of the pet food. The cashier was almost done, and Lois set out her own soon-to-be purchases. Toothpaste, deodorant, a couple books, pens. More stuff followed by food. Junk food for Clark, healthy food for her, and a happy medium for them.

And cheese.

However, the little old lady was not done. Pulling out a jar of coins that had been hidden in the cart, she began to count out the amount of money needed.

Groaning, Lois removed her never-would-be purchases from the belt and handed the basket to the cashier. “I’m going to be late for work.”

Walking out of the store, she called her husband. Forty seconds later they were in their room.

After her little adventure, she needed to play hooky.


Outside the store, the little old lady cackled evilly.

Soo, did you drool from boredom? DO I need to try harder?

Was it too short? laugh

Mmm cheese.

I vid, therefor I am.

The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some, and so cruel to others. Even those who would be gods.

Anne Shirley: I'm glad you spell your name with a "K." Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Catherine with a "C." A "C" always looks so smug.
Me: *cries*