So, I woke up this evening with a weird idea for a possible fic title. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a handle on what to do with it. Besides which, I've already got an active WIP and I've been too tired and blah to work on it for the last couple weeks. <sigh> Trying to sort this out and make something of it didn't really seem like a good idea.

Clearly, then, there was only one thing to do... foist it off on the rest of you!

Here's the challenge:

Write a story with the title "Ctrl-Alt-Delete" (or "Control Alt Delete" or some permutation thereof).

It can be about whatever you want. It can be about Alt-Clark. Or Alt-Lois. Or Jaxon "X" Xavier. Or Metallo. Or Vixen (no one ever writes about her. I wonder why...). Or Alt-Jaxon taking over Alt-Metallo's body in an attempt to destroy Alt-Clark and rule the Alt-Universe, except that he runs into Alt-Vixen, and then Alt-Lois shows up and... Like I said, whatever you want. Just make sure the title fits.

Also, if you have an idea for a random title that you think could maybe become a fun story, feel free to post here and add it. If you do, remember -- You're only allowed to specificy the title in this thread.

One last thing. This probably goes without saying, but just in case... There's no limit to the number of stories that use the same title. If you have more than one idea, or if someone else has already used the title... No Problem! Write it anyway!

That's it. Have fun.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.