Thank you all for the feedback. I'm glad to know this story was well received. It was my first attempt at a holiday fic, so I was a bit nervous. I just wanted to respond to a few specific comments... smile

Karen, I'm glad you enjoyed this. Hope your birthday was great!

A sweetly poignant letter from Lois
Beautiful letter, Jana
I like the idea of Perry asking his writers for such a list and I really like what you have Lois ultimately write. Very poignant and insightful.
Thank you, Wendy, Jose and Kathy. As either of my BR's on this could tell you, I was very nervous about writing anything supposedly written by Lois. I really debated with myself on whether or not to even attempt the letter part of this fic. I'm so happy to know you liked it!

Nicely done. Sweet and waffy.

I need to go and take more meds.
Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, Tank. Hope you didn't suffer too much from the sugary parts. wink

Jana, this was great! Sweet, waffy, and nicely done. Fantastic job, and the perfect pick-me-up

Sara [who fears she'll have to start liking Christmas, after all...]
Thank you, Sara. smile As for liking Christmas, I think that is a perfectly nice idea, don't you? goofy

I like your taste in music.

A Grown Up Christmas List

You captured Lois well.
<g> Thank you, Marilyn. I like your taste in music as well. wink It's a great song, isn't it?

Thank you Karen, Wendy, Jose, Tank, Laura, Sara, Loriel, Anna, Tricia, Kathy, Marilyn, and Merry. I appreciate each of you reading this little fic and taking the time to comment on it. smile Hope y'all had nice holidays. Thanks again!

Jana (who is preparing to disappear into oblivion again when classes start next Monday)

"Don't you people have lives?!?" ~Joe on Wings

"An eternal, burning flame. Hope lives on and love remains." ~from Love Remains, by Collin Raye