
Just getting this started. Off to read.

--> And I'm back.

Things I loved: The group of superheroes. It's the comic book reader in me, I know. But loved how from Uma's perspective there was wind, then Benson was gone, then they were surrounded by caped family members. So cool!

Also, the telepathic thing! Good to use during emergencies. A nice touch, makes perfect sense, but I hadn't thought of it. Atleast Uma gets that. I liked how you put it...her heritage from Clark Kent. (loosely paraphrasing, of course)

And speaking of your Clark Kent, he's over 100 years old and I like him better and better. If age has taught him anything, it's to speak to the heart of the subject. Enjoyed his sweet conversation with Uma. That he loves her, but "the bond" is what makes it different with Lori.

Just one more part left- and we have Benson behind bars, so what's next? Can't wait to see, but am sorry it's over, too. Though I am all caught up on 'The Hottest Team...' (hint, hint)


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
