Oooh, Pam, very nice indeed! Although I wouldn't have been averse to Lois popping Dan one in the nose, as was mentioned in the challenge thread itself, it's too bad that it wouldn't have worked in this story. :rolleyes: Maybe another one...

I really liked your "trickle down" theory with just the word "unspool", that the memories came gradually as opposed to what might have been a flood if she'd heard the whole phrase. Very ingenious. The fact that the memories didn't come rushing at her in the space of a minute or two probably eased the "trauma" of it all for Lois. And since she was needing to pull on the loose threads of the jumble of memories in her mind, that forced her to use her investigative skills to figure it out, rather than just remember...

And since she also remembers Clark's regret over having lied to her as well, at least she can let go of her anger pretty easily, so we can have this lovely moment...
She smiled and looped her arms around his neck, a move that clearly surprised him. She reached up to kiss him, and after a moment's startlement, his arms came around her and he began responding to the kiss.
And then it just kept getting better and better. Declarations of love... [Linked Image] and then the zinger...
"It's okay, Clark. But for pete's sake, the next time you have to run off to be Superman, just say so!"
I can just picture the smile on Lois' face...and the stunned expression on Clark's!


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5