Okay, for anyone who is not aware of this fact... I am a huge Jack fan. He is actually probably my favorite character from the series. <g> That said, I have never issued a fanfic challenge, so I figured what better way to start than with a challenge to write a fic with Jack in it? My only stipulation is that Jack would need to have a decent sized part (much like in his four L&C eps). Meaning, not just a cameo, as in When Pigs Fly, where I put him in charge of the Daily Planet, but he has no speaking role. He doesn't have to be the focal point, but he certainly can. That is all up to the writer. Confused yet? drool Never mind that in the pics he is a teenager. <g>)

"Don't you people have lives?!?" ~Joe on Wings

"An eternal, burning flame. Hope lives on and love remains." ~from Love Remains, by Collin Raye