I'm not sure how I missed this one, but I just noticed your story a few minutes ago and read it.

The introspection is really nice. Lois is confused over two men instead of three this time. For once, Superman isn't actually in the picture.

She would get married to Lex Luthor, that was for sure. She was not intending to deny his proposal.
This is a new take on the story. At this point in the normal arc, she's holding out for Superman leaving Luthor as a backup. Here, Luthor is the primary and Clark becomes the competitor.

Did she love Lex? No.

Did she love Clark?

She wasn’t sure. She liked to spend time with him, of course. He was interesting, funny, caring, sweet… everything she wanted from a friend.

In fact, anything she’d ask from a boyfriend.

On a second thought, maybe the prospect of being Clark’s girlfriend was not that terrifying. In fact, it sounded good, very good.
I like the way she thinks here.
Lois blinked, and took a deep breath. “I’m in love with you,” she said.

Clark just kept looking at her, speechless. His jaw had almost dropped.

A few moments of awkward silence.

And then, Lois leaned towards him and they kissed.
Clark clearly isn't expecting a positive response. I guess stunned is the right word here. And we get our WAFFs!

Nice vignette! thumbsup

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin