Thanks to all for your kind words and encouragement on my piece of fluff. It was fun to write, and if I ever get the unlikely combinaton of a decent idea, and time to write it out again, I will.

Melisma: nope, I don't hide under a rock. I was in my dungeon. (What else do you call a basement room with no windows that has walls that look like they're carved from rock - my wife does some amazing things with sponges and paint. Besides, if "A man's home is his castle, that makes the home office the dungeon".) Of course, the dungeon was a good place to be yesterday, with all of the tornados in the area.

Again, thanks to you all.

Frank (Who was amazed by some of the news footage from northern sections of the Kansas City area and was glad he lives to the south)

Monolithic biavicide ......... Killing two birds with one stone