Thanks everyone! I'm glad you liked it.

I want to know what happens next
Is there a possibility of "sequels"?
Boy, you guys don't ask for much do you? LOL!! blush Would it help to know that I'm working on that right now? wink

Thanks for letting me work with you a little bit on this, Caryn! It's been great fun
No, Pam--thank you! I'm so glad that you *wanted* to work on it with me!!

Replying with the majority here, you've gotta do a FIC based on tattoo hunting. You'll probably have to use the other folder though
Okay I think I've got the hint here. Several of you probably won't let me live if I *don't* write a story to where exactly Lois's tattoo is at. Hmmmm....this could be a lot of fun. I just bet you all would love if I did use the "other" folder. smile1

Thanks for letting me share the fic with all of you. And Tricia thanks for pointing the way here so I can be part of this fun group!
Caryn smile

"With words one can escape reality..."