Since part 13 included the major WHAM of this story, I thought I should write something as a belated ‘author’s notes’, in order to explain a few things.

I got the idea for this story after reading Kathy Brown’s ‘Into Each Life…’, which is, BTW, a great story and I strongly recommend it. (If you haven’t read it, sorry for the spoilers.) In this story, Lois finds out she’s pregnant with Clark’s child, and they try to decide what to do with this child. The question that began bugging me a bit later was, ‘what if the child WASN’T Clark’s?’

At first, I was planning to write a short story about it. But then, I was faced with ‘technical’ difficulties.

First of all, if it weren’t Clark’s, whose would it be? If it was some colleague’s, why Clark would bother? Lois wouldn’t let him anyway. Besides, the dates wouldn’t match. Have sex with someone, break up with him, get involved with Clark, and all in a month’s length? Doesn’t sound so ‘Loisy’ to me. So, I decided that a rape was my best option.

Second problem. If it was a rape, wouldn’t have Superman saved her? So, it had to be before Superman was created, but before she found out she was pregnant she’d have to have met him and fallen in love with him.

Third problem. How to make all this a short story?

Answer: You don’t.

So, that’s why we’re at part 13 and I’m not planning to stop. (Sorry! But that’s the truth.) I spent so much time at the beginning, and now that I’ve reached my central point, I can’t give it just one or two parts. So, I still can’t give any answers as to how long will it be.

I hope the above made some sense.

Please feel free to leave comments of any kind on the story, my notes or both. I would be glad to receive them.

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile

What we've got here is failure to communicate...