At last the main interest of the story shows her beautiful head. Now that Lois is about, things can really get interesting.

I found the fact that Lois was infatuated with this new hero Bolt somewhat disturbing. This would indicate that her attraction to Superman really was a shallow interest in the power that he possessed and not the unconscious recognition that he was her soulmate. I say this only because you never indicated that Kevin would possess any natural attraction for women. I got the impression that he was a sort of geek-like fellow who barely knew which end of a woman was which. We know from Resplendant Man that the physical body doesn't change with the aquisition of powers, and even if, for the sake of the story, you had him gain some musclature that wasn't originally there, I still was never given the impression that Kevin was a good looking guy that might appeal to a woman's 'lust', as you put it.

Her connection to Clark was obvious and provides a good imperitive for Lois to track down her mysterious benefactor.

Tank (who was on the verge of setting aside this story when it didn't look like there would be any Lois in it)