Wendy, I liked this! And Happy Birthday, Kaeth!!!

I shuddered (with disgust, in case anyone was wondering) throughout the first half of this section because you did such a great job writing Lex as being smug, superior, autocratic, domineering, and completely nauseating! YUCK!!! mad

Lois, HELLO, you weren't thinking at all, were you? I very much doubt that Lex expected to have a marriage in name only! As others have already said, you did your usual fantastic job with both Lois's and Clark's introspection - I was fascinated by Lois's thought processes as she reviewed the whole progression of events, culminating in their becoming engaged, until she finally realized that she hadn't thought this through at all (and 10,000 square feet for the servants quarters?? What would I have to do? Never mind, not if it meant working for....but I digress). My absolute favorite part was how Lois kept reiterating (whether internally, very loudly to herself, or to Clark) "but I never meant to marry him!" laugh Too funny, and very much Lois!

And poor Clark. We could really feel his conflicted emotions. His disgust with himself for being unable to stay away from Lois or stay mad at her, his love, and his dismay and helplessness when faced with her tears.

And now we have to wait until Sunday for part 2 (although I shouldn't complain - I haven't exactly been a regular visitor here lately, unfortunately! peep )?? Looking forward to it. smile

Vicki (who really needed this respite of enjoyable sanity during her extremely crazy work day...)

The world is made up of three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.