Originally posted by VirginiaR:
I find it funny that Herb thinks of Andres as the troublemaker as Herb has caused as many, if not more, problems by his own interference in the Prime timeline.

clap Love the M*A*S*H reference. Hilarious. He would have to use a younger version of Andres though. wink
I always liked William Christopher.

It seems that perhaps the freight train, which blocked the Sheriff from making it on time to the Kent farm was due to Herb's meddling with the earlier one to give Lois the memories necessary to fall for Clark and thus knocking the trains in general off schedule.
That is not what happened. As Rachel said, this was the regular run.

I'm glad to hear that Tempus isn't around in all dimensions as he's quite a troublemaker.

BTW, in current time, they have an instant boiling water faucet available for tea, as my mother has one at her house and has for some time. Perhaps Herb should invest in one of those heat-pads for mugs to keep his tea from going cold while he thinks.
Actually, he was thinking of the convenience of the tea bags. The tea bag started out as a silk or cloth pouch, but that wasn’t until about 1903. The paper tea bag didn’t really come on the scene until around 1944, shortly before Herb passed. In his time they steeped loose leaves.

I still find it interesting that Lois was angry at Herb for messing with her mind, but not from changing the timeline so Clark didn't get shot or exposed to Kryptonite at all. I also wonder if those memories included some of Herb visiting the other Lois and Clark couple, which would explain her someone laid back attitude to him.
Herb’s object was to disrupt the time line as little as possible. His only overt actions were – sabotaging Trask’s agents car, freeing Lois and providing her with transportation and her phone and releasing the Kents.

Why is allowable for Herb to tell them some things about their future after-the-fact, (that they'll have children, etc.) but not warn them that it is Trask causing all the trouble in Smallville so that Clark could be forewarned and take precautions? He could have easily brushed aside the dream about the baby as a just a dream without revealing so much of the truth.
Actually, he didn’t mean to. It was a mistake on his part that the memories he implanted were of a later period than intended. He would have preferred to not tell them, however, once the cat was out of the bag, it was hard to put it back in.

In regards to auras and sharing them, because Lois and Clark were work partners for 2-3 years prior to marriage in Prime, did that mean that their aura sharing happened more quickly than, say, this couple's would, since they've only been partners for a few months? Or do they have to be all-the-way intimate for the bond to start?
Normal, everyday interactions are not sufficient. It is the prolonged exposure, sleeping together on a consistent basis and of course intimacy that causes the change to the physiology.

Most of the time, [b]tt was important for the TTEMPO agents to interact with the subjects they were studying as little as possible and still complete their mission. [/b]
I believe you wanted "it" here instead.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

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