Well, we still have some things to figure out (the biggie--bringing 'Clark' back hyper

And then there was a burst of color exploding before his hue-starved eyes, and Lois pushed her way through the mass of white until she stood in the middle of his cell, planted on the thin strip of floor that was all that stood between him and the intent, eager eyes of his audience, her expression fixed on him to the exclusion of all else. A lion-tamer, he found himself thinking, and felt only relief, because with her there, with her blue, blood-stained sweater, her grime-torn jeans, her dark, *dark* hair and eyes, the vitality sparking outward from her in every direction as if she carried her own personal storm with her wherever she went…well, with her there to dilute the white behind her, he didn’t feel quite so alien, so set apart, so hopeless.
Agree with Virginia completely here smile ...I really loved how Lois forges his connection--helps him to feel like he can relate. It speaks so much of their bond to each other.

“Superman,” she said, suddenly still, motionless…but her eyes still full of so much he was sure he was interpreting incorrectly because if she’d looked at him like *this* before, then he wouldn’t have delayed nearly so long in telling her he loved her.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~