To pop everything into place... use Courier 10 (or 10 characters per inch) set top margin at 0.5", bottom margin at 0.5" left margin at 1", right margin at .25 (due to my primitive printer, I had to tell my WP51 program that I was using legal paper) The use of (X) and asterisks probably means "this line/instruction changed" Notes: Cover: "Toy Story", Written by Brad Kern [and] Directed by Jim Pohl are all in large bolt print. The remainder of the text is in Courier 10 (10 characters per inch) Typos noted: "alright" used several times should be "all right" Page 17, at bottom, "Rintegrater" should be Reintegrator to match the other spelling of the device used throughout the script Page 19, scene 31, first line, "toe-headed" should be "towheaded" Page 24, last line, "Of Jimmy, agreeing:" maybe should be "Off Jimmy, agreeing:" Page 31, Lois's second set of lines, (to Kents') no reason for the apostrophe (') after Kents, but it is in the original; same thing on page 55, mid page Page 32, just below mid page, Ten the phone RINGS. Clark answers it: should probably be "Then the phone" etc. Is "Ten" in original --page break-- CASTING (14 copies) 140-139 [insert logo.bmp or logo.jpg] "Toy Story" EPISODE TWENTY-ONE Prod. #465221 Written by Brad Kern Directed by Jim Pohl _Production Draft_ March 24, 1997 FULL Blue 3/28/97 --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Toy Story_" FULL Blue 3/28/97 _CAST_ CLARK KENT/SUPERMAN LOIS LANE PERRY WHITE JIMMY OLSEN MARTHA KENT JONATHAN KENT ________________________________________________________________ THE TOYMAN (HAROLD KRIPSTLY) DR. KLEIN WENDY NANNY MS. BECKETT ALEX TURNER, SR. ALEX TURNER, JR. ALICE* WOMAN ANCHORMAN RYAN * BRITTANY * --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Toy Story_" FULL Blue 3/28/97 _LOCATIONS_ _INTERIORS_: _EXTERIORS_: Daily Planet Foundling House Newsroom Perry's Office Toy Store Lois & Clark's Townhouse Lois & Clark's Townhouse Living Room Street Patio Kids' World Kids' World Seedy Alley Lair Vaultlike Door Star Labs Mansion Dr. Klein's Lab Corridor Park Toy Store --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Toy Story_" FULL Blue 3/28/97 _CHRONOLOGY_ SC. 1 - 4 NIGHT #1 SC. 5 - 21 DAY #2 SC. 22 - 27 NIGHT #2 SC. 28 - 37 DAY #3 SC. 38 - 46 NIGHT #3 SC. 47 - 73 DAY #4 SC. 74 - 75 NIGHT #4 --page break-- _LOIS AND CLARK_ The New Adventures of Superman "Toy Story" _TEASE_ FADE IN: 1 INT. DAILY PLANET - NIGHT #1 1 PERRY, holding copy in his hand, approaches LOIS at her desk. CLARK'S on the phone next to her. PERRY Lois, this is a terrific piece you two wrote on those missing orphans. It's poignant, gut-wrenching, real touching stuff. Reminds me of The King's, 'In the Ghetto.' LOIS Thanks, I just wish we could write a happy ending to it, find the jerk who keeps kidnapping them. (X) PERRY The police still don't have any leads? LOIS That's the story. Twenty kids (X) have been taken from orphanages in the last couple of months without (X) a trace. And, since the police don't have worried parents screaming in their ears, they aren't exactly treating it as a top priority. PERRY Well, stay on it. If anybody can get to the bottom of it, it's you two. CLARK (into phone) ... Dad, I gotta go. But, you're staying at our place, okay? That's final... Okay, we'll see you guys tomorrow. Safe trip, love to Mom... He hangs up. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 2. 1 CONTINUED: 1 LOIS (overhearing) You know it is their anniversary weekend, Clark. Maybe they don't want to stay at our place. Maybe they want to be alone... CLARK Alone...? LOIS Yeah, you know, so they can be... together. Celebrate in private, (X) capiche? CLARK Lois, please, you're talking about (X) my parents.. (X) PERRY How many years are they on now? CLARK Thirty-five. PERRY Wow, that's terrific. That's even longer than Alice and me got. We only made it to thirty-two. And a half. (a little wistful) Almost thirty three. JIMMY sidles up holding a section of the Classifieds: JIMMY Oh, Chief, I got your personal ad in tomorrow's edition, no problem. CLARK Personal ad? PERRY Yeah, well, you know, I thought I'd give it a shot. Just for laughs. I mean, it's not like I've had a lot of success dating on my own, lately. CLARK Hey, go for it. LOIS Sure, why not? Let's see what you wrote. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 3. 1 CONTINUED: 2 1 Perry snatches it away from Jimmy before Lois can get it. PERRY Nah, it's nothing. Just boiler plate likes and dislikes, you know. Anyway... (glares at Jimmy) ... it was supposed to be _anonymous_. Perry smacks him with the paper, exits. Clark SUPERHEARS a woman SCREAMING: CLARK (on the move) I, uh.... LOIS (picking up on it) Sure, yeah, go! Clark gives her a quick kiss, exits. Jimmy marvels at that: JIMMY How do you guys do that? I mean, how'd you even know he had to go somewhere? LOIS Oh, that? Uh, well, it's... Sorry, can't tell you, it's a secret. Lois exits, leaving Jimmy wanting. 2 EXT. FOUNDLING HOUSE - NIGHT 2 A run-down building in a forgotten part of town, as we HEAR a WOMAN SCREAM: WOMAN (O.S.) Help! Somebody, call the police! Second story lights begin to flick ON as CAMERA TILTS DOWN to a rickety, old panel van where a shadowy FIGURE jumps in, slams the door and SCREECHES off. The thick night fog swallows up any trace of the car as the frantic WOMAN emerges from the house, searching in vain. WOMAN Ryan! _Ryan_!! (X) SUPERMAN capes up to her. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 4. 2 CONTINUED: 2 SUPERMAN What happened? WOMAN Superman! The man who steals the children! He struck again. He took Ryan! SUPERMAN Did you see which way he went? WOMAN No, but he just left. Please, you've gotta save him! Hurry! SUPERMAN Okay, I'll see if I can find him. (X) Superman capes out. Off the distraught Woman: CUT TO: 3 EXT. SEEDY ALLEY - NIGHT 3 Like out of a scene from "Batman," the panel van ghoulishly emerges from the dense fog and drives toward an "EAT 'EM UP (X) BURGER" billboard at the end of the alley. The billboard (X) suddenly parts open just long enough to allow the van to (X) drive inside and disappear. (X) 4 A VAULT-LIKE DOOR 4 is where the van pulls to a stop. The Driver, silhouetted (X) by the headlights, opens the van door for RYAN, a (X) six-year-old Dickensian boy. He leads Ryan over to the (X) vault-like doors, which then open and a wondrous, BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT emanates from inside. WE can't see what Ryan (X) sees but, by the look on his face, it's astonishing. The Driver takes his hand, leads him inside as the vault-like doors close behind them. FADE OUT _END OF TEASE_ --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 5. _ACT ONE_ FADE IN: 5 INT. TOWNHOUSE - DAY #2 5 Clark opens the door, greets MARTHA and JONATHAN. CLARK Hey, there you are. I was starting to get a little worried. MARTHA (hugs him) Sorry, honey, we got stuck in traffic coming from the airport. CLARK You should've let me, you know -- (flying motion) -- get you here, myself. JONATHAN We didn't want to bother you, Son. (X) That's why I thought we should (X) stay in a hotel. (X) CLARK (X) No way. (X) Lois emerges from the kitchen. LOIS Martha, Jonathan -- happy anniversary! MARTHA Well, not yet. Still two days away. LOIS Close enough. (hugs) Congratulations. We're only, what, thirty-four and a half years behind you? JONATHAN You'll get there. MARTHA (off TV) Oh, we heard about this. Isn't it awful...? --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 6. 6 ANGLE - TV 6 A photo of RYAN is superimposed behind the ANCHORMAN: ANCHORMAN ... Police still don't have any leads yet on that little boy who was taken from The Foundling House late last night. Although they're not ruling anything out, they do believe it to be connected to the other cases of missing children... 7 RESUME - GROUP 7 MARTHA Those poor kids... JONATHAN You don't have any idea what's happening to them? CLARK No, and what's weird is that, when they're taken, there's not even any signs of a struggle. It's almost as if they _want_ to go. LOIS I'd be a total wreck if that ever happened to my kid. JONATHAN (to Clark) Cab's still on the meter. Help me with our bags? CLARK Oh, yeah, sure. They exit. Martha watches Lois watch the TV. MARTHA Is... everything alright, honey? LOIS Me? Yeah, I'm fine... (off her look; admits) It's just... this whole story's got me thinking about having babies. MARTHA Lois -- are you trying to tell me something...? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 7. 7 CONTINUED: 7 LOIS What? (realizes) Oh, no! You think I'm -- No, no, I'm not. Really. Not that I wouldn't want to be. I mean, I _wouldn't_ want to be, not right this second, but... it's just that it has sorta crossed my mind lately. MARTHA I see. LOIS Actually, we're still waiting to hear from Dr. Klein to find out if we can even have kids... (takes a moment) Did you ever have any qualms about raising children when you first started trying? I mean, were you nervous at all that you might not be able to handle the responsibility? MARTHA No, not once I decided I was ready. I knew having babies meant being up all night feeding them, changing their diapers, constantly running (X) them to doctors, basically giving (X) up on life as I knew it... (X) LOIS (staring) Oh. I see. (beat) And I'll know I'm ready for that... _how_... exactly...? MARTHA (chuckles) Oh, you just will. When you are, you'll know it, believe me. Off Lois, not so sure: 8 INT. KIDS' WORLD - DAY 8 CLOSE ON RYAN now wearing fun, colorful clothes, as he giddily spins past CAMERA riding on a Merry-Go-Round. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 8. 8 CONTINUED: 8 CAMERA PULLS BACK to REVEAL lots of other joyous URCHINS playing on the Merry-Go-Round, and in the Candy Forest, at the video games, etc. It's Never Never Land, Toon Town and FAO Schwartz all rolled up into one big, happy setting. CAMERA FINDS the lone adult amongst them -- 9 REVEAL WENDY 9 Easy on the eyes and always smiling, WENDY, late 20's, hair- (X) in double pig-tails, is their loving den mother. She ties (X) a shoelace for one, offers a grilled cheese sandwich to another, and has a hug for them all -- anything they need. FOLLOW Wendy as she skips with the empty sandwich tray over to a candy cane striped bar gate, swipes a key card through a sensor, then happily pushes the gate open to enter: 10 INT. LAIR - CONTINUOUS 10 as Wendy enters and shuts the gate. (NOTE: on this side of the gate, a solid panel can be closed to block out Kids' World.) She sets the tray down and looks up at: 11 INSERT - VIDEO MONITOR 11 fed by the surveillance camera inside of Kids' World. WE SEE the kids playing and having the time of their lives. 12 RESUME SCENE 12 as Wendy opens the fridge, starts loading up cartons of juices on the tray, the vault-like doors open and the same silhouetted figure from the Tease enters. He steps into the light of this dungeon-like annex, and we finally meet THE TOYMAN, 30's, a child-like adult who much prefers the company of sweet, innocent children to that of evil, hypocritical adults. He greets Wendy with a bag of toys: THE TOYMAN Ah, Wendy, and how are the little tykes doing today? WENDY They're doing just fine, Dr. Kripstly, just like every day, thanks to you. He looks through the gate, always thrilled to see them. (X) THE TOYMAN And thanks to you, too. After all, look how happy you make them -- (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 9. 12 CONTINUED: 12 WENDY Well, I get as much out of it as they do, believe me. Plus, beats (X) working in the toy store. (X) THE TOYMAN (off bag) Here, I made them some toys. New ones, too, they're not even out in the stores yet. Make sure the new boy, Ryan, gets first pick. WENDY (gently scolding) You're spoiling them. THE TOYMAN (fondly at Monitor) (X) They deserve to be spoiled. They're all discarded and forgotten children... betrayed by the adults of the world who would deny them their fantasies, their childhood. WENDY Just like you deserved better when you were a child, I'll bet. THE TOYMAN (flares) That's none of your business! My (X) childhood is never to be discussed (X) here, do you understand me?! (X) WENDY Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't know... Wendy gets scared whenever his evil side rears its ugly head. Then, just as suddenly, he's smiling again: THE TOYMAN Remember, Wendy, this is a place for happy thoughts only. Now, why don't you go hand out those toys. She nods, takes the bag. He crosses to his workbench, which is a creative mess of toy parts and micro-electronics. It is his sanctuary. There, he notices an opened magazine: THE TOYMAN What's this? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 10. 12 CONTINUED: 2 12 WENDY (turns back) Oh, I thought you'd want to see that. It sounded like that idea you were telling me you had. THE TOYMAN (rapidly reading) 'Star Labs, a subsidiary of Dino (X) Corp International, is rumored to (X) be ready to unveil their latest (X) technological breakthrough, The Reintegrator, a device which will be able to disintegrate matter, transport it across space and then re-materialize it...' He looks up in stunned silence. WENDY What's wrong...? THE TOYMAN You see, this is _exactly_ why you can never trust adults, Wendy. They'll stab you in the back every time! WENDY I don't understand... With building fury, he crosses to the other side of the room and pulls a dusty tarp off of a high-tech looking device. THE TOYMAN This is the prototype for The (X) Reintegrator. I spent _years_ developing it. It's _my_ idea! WENDY You mean -- Dino Corp _stole_ it (X) from you? THE TOYMAN I pitched it to their Board of (X) Directors when I worked in their toy division. I had hoped to (X) finally be recognized as a (X) legitimate scientist. But, instead, they laughed at me, mocked me, called me a _quack_ -- then told me to get back to my toys. (MORE) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 11. 12 CONTINUED: 3 12 THE TOYMAN (CONT'D) (off magazine) Now, I find out they assigned a scientist from Star Labs to oversee its development without me. WENDY But, that's _your_ invention! You oughta sue 'em! THE TOYMAN No, no, that's the adult way of doing things. My way is more childish and juvenile and, therefore, more punitive -- which makes it more _fun_! (concocting plan) The Reintegrator was my baby and (X) they stole it from me. So, it's (X) only fair that I steal _their_ (X) babies from them! Probably rotten parents anyway. (X) WENDY Steal their _children_, Dr. Kripstly? You can't do that! THE TOYMAN Not without help I can't. (off magazine) And here's the man who'll help me. (tosses it on bench) Dr. Bernard Klein. 13 INSERT - MAGAZINE 13 ON an article trumpeting Dino Corp's invention. Pictured (X) is DR. KLEIN, beneath the heading: STAR LABS' DR. KLEIN, PROJECT MANAGER. As CAMERA PUSHES IN on the photo: MATCH CUT TO: 14 INT. STAR LABS - DAY 14 ON DR. KLEIN, as he emerges from another room focused on a (X) clipboard in hand. As he sits at his computer: (X) VOICE (O.C.) Dr. Klein...? DR. KLEIN Yes? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 12. 14 CONTINUED: 14 He spins in his chair, but doesn't see anyone there. VOICE (O.S.) Down here, you fool! Klein looks down and sees: 15 ANGLE - SEVERAL TOYS 15 which have surrounded him. The "voice" comes from a plastic military figure, which is standing astride a toy tank (whenever it "speaks," a fresnel light on the tank strobes). TANK TOY That's right, it's me! Klein, smiling, seems to enjoy this: DR. KLEIN Oh, look, how cute. Where'd you (X) come from? (X) He looks around expecting to see somebody controlling them. TANK TOY You're coming with us, Klein. DR. KLEIN Excuse me? TANK TOY Let's go! DR. KLEIN Alright, the joke's over. (calls) Come out wherever you are! Klein's ASSISTANT emerges from an adjoining room, then stops at this curious sight. DR. KLEIN (CONT'D) Hector, I should've known -- 16 THE TOY TANK 16(X) FIRES a toy arrow at: --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 13. 17 ANGLE - HECTOR 17 as the toy arrow hits him in the neck. Hector grimaces in pain, slapping at it like a bee sting, then his eyes roll white and he drops to the ground in an unconscious heap. DR. KLEIN Hector! Dr. Klein starts to move to him, then freezes when he spots: 18 ANOTHER TOY 18 as it aims its weapons directly at him. Then, the Tank Toy maneuvers INTO FRAME, facing Klein: TANK TOY (barks) I said move it, baldy! 19 INT. STAR LABS - CORRIDOR - DAY 19 LOW ANGLE as a nervous Dr. Klein walks out with his hands in the air. The mass of toys, lead by the Tank Toy, enter FRAME, following closely behind with their "weapons" pointed at his back. He braves a quick look over his shoulder, then a toy duck QUACKS causing him to pick up the pace. DISSOLVE TO: 20 A COMPUTER MONITOR 20(X) where WE see a HIGH ANGLE video replay (the security camera's POV) of Klein walking down the corridor, hands in the air. (PRODUCTION NOTE: The security camera is framed just above the floor, so the toys can't be seen.) REVEAL: 21 INT. STAR LABS - DAY 21 Lois and Clark look over the shoulder of a LAB TECH, who's (X) called up the security VIDEO on Klein's computer. Behind (X) them, DETECTIVES are checking for prints, taking crime scene photographs, etc. LOIS (off Monitor) Well, it's hard to call it a kidnapping, when you can't see a kidnapper. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 14. 21 CONTINUED: 21 CLARK Maybe it's some kind of mind control. Or a hallucination. Or an invisible man, even... LOIS Listen to us, Clark, what're we doing for a living? On the monitor, they HEAR the distant QUACK, but it's hard to really identify without seeing the toy. LOIS (CONT'D) What was that? He rewinds the tape, plays it forward again. CLARK I don't know, hard to tell. LOIS Well, I don't care how many other stories we're covering, Dr. Klein's more than just Superman's doctor. He's a friend. We've got to help find him. CLARK Agreed. Let's get Jimmy to run down his most recent projects, see what he's been working on. Maybe it'll give us a lead. LOIS I just hope he's alright. A CORONER wheels a gurney past them, with Hector's body wrapped in a body bag. CLARK (off that) So do I. (X) 22 INT. LAIR - NIGHT #2 22 ON a blindfolded Dr. Klein, manacled to a dentist's chair. (X) We can hear the SOUNDS of kids playing in the background. DR. KLEIN C'mon, where am I? Why am I here? (guilty conscience) (MORE) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 15. 22 CONTINUED: 22 DR. KLEIN (CONT'D) Look, if this is about me nuking Mr. Potato Head in that rocket test last year, I'm sorry, okay...? (listening) Hello? Is anybody there...? (soft cry) Help. Then, he's spun around in the chair and the blindfold is (X) ripped off by -- The Toyman. (X) THE TOYMAN Welcome, Dr. Klein. DR. KLEIN Oh, thank God, at least you're not another toy -- you're not, right? THE TOYMAN My name is Dr. Kripstly, does that ring any bells to you? DR. KLEIN Dr. Kripstly... _Harold_ Kripstly? The toy inventor? THE TOYMAN I'm flattered. DR. KLEIN Well, sure, I've heard of you. You're a legend in the toy division. I read about you all the time in the company newsletters. You were supposed to be (X) brilliant, a Wunderkind -- (X) whatever happened to you? THE TOYMAN I went mad. Dr. Klein looks around the dungeon, then over to: 23 KLEIN'S POV - AT MONITOR (KIDS' WORLD) 23(X) where he sees a screaming Wendy being chased by a horde of sugar-stimulated kids. 24 RESUME SCENE 24 as Klein looks back to The Toyman. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 16. 24 CONTINUED: 24 DR. KLEIN Oh. I never would've guessed. Are those, uh... your kids? THE TOYMAN They are now. And, you're going to help me get more. Specifically, all the sons and daughters of Dino (X) Corp's Board of Directors. DR. KLEIN What? I will not! THE TOYMAN Sure, you will. (points to machine) And, you'll do that by telling me exactly how to make my Reintegrator fully operational! DR. KLEIN (badly playing dumb) Reintegrator, what's a Reintegrator? THE TOYMAN Last chance, Dr. Klein. DR. KLEIN I will _never_ tell you! No matter what you do to me! THE TOYMAN Oh, no? (smiles; calls to it) Chico? Dr. Klein follows his look to see: 25 DR. KLEIN'S POV - A TOY MONKEY 25 sitting on a tabletop, as it comes to life and ratchets its way toward CAMERA with an oversized syringe perched between its cymbals. Then, as the syringe FILLS THE FRAME: 26 ANGLE - DR. KLEIN 26 He stares in horror as we: FADE OUT. _END OF ACT ONE_ 27 OMITTED 27 --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 17. _ACT TWO_ FADE IN: 28 INT. KIDS' WORLD - DAY #3 28 as little Ryan, blindfolded, swings a bat and connects with a hanging pinata. The other kids CHEER as it cracks open causing candy and toys to rain down upon them. They GIGGLE as they scoop the booty up. Wendy cheers them on: WENDY Whooo-eeee! Good swing, Ryan! Yay! Everyday's a birthday party here, isn't it?! She gathers them up for a big surprise: WENDY (CONT'D) Okay, okay, kids -- who wants _cake_?! ALL We do! WENDY Be back in a jiffy! 29 INT. LAIR - CONTINUOUS 29 as Wendy emerges though the candy-striped gate/door. Dr. Klein's still strapped to the chair, but feeling no pain. DR. KLEIN Hey, nice wheels, Toots, what's your name? WENDY Forget it, Doc, I'm not interested. Then, The Toyman enters through the vault-like doors carrying a microtransmitter. (NOTE: in the distant background, whenever someone enters, we HEAR a filtered "Welcome to Eat 'Em Up Burger, can I take your order?") (X) DR. KLEIN (announcing his arrival) Ladies and Gentlemen, Doctor Demento is in the house! (scoffs) Still think you can get me to tell you how to make the Reintegrater work? _Not_. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 18. 29 CONTINUED: 29 THE TOYMAN Actually, thanks to Chico's truth serum, you already did. (shows it to him) The part was right where you said it would be, too. The toy monkey celebrates by CLANGING its cymbals together. (X) DR. KLEIN (realizes) Bummer. WENDY So, what's that thing do, anyway? He crosses to his work bench, begins to conceal the device into a Superman Action Figure toy. THE TOYMAN It's quite ingenious, really. What I could never quite figure out is how to consistently re-materialize the transported matter into its original form. This transponder actually codes each separate molecule of the disintegrated (X) object, so that it can be _de_coded upon reintegration. WENDY (lost) Whatever. (X) THE TOYMAN (turns to him) My hat's off to you, Dr. Klein. DR. KLEIN Call me Bernie. THE TOYMAN Tell me, how exactly were you able to accurately calibrate the emitter beam? DR. KLEIN Pfft, easy. I simply implanted a ruby prism into the micro-circuitry, just like a laser. (catches himself) I can't believe I just told you that. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 19. 29 CONTINUED: 2 29 THE TOYMAN Wouldn't it be great if every adult were as truthful as you are, Dr. Klein? If they were, I wouldn't have to punish them. He stands the Superman Action Figure on his bench. As CAMERA PUSHES IN on it: 30 EXT. PARK - DAY 30 ON the same Superman Action Figure, then TILT UP to reveal The Toyman holding it. He's watching: 31 ANGLE - PARK BENCH 31 as a little toe-headed boy, ALEX, JR., 6, wearing a school (X) uniform, plays on the grass with one of several toys that are strewn all over the place. His British NANNY, 30's (X) sits on the nearby bench reading a tabloid. She checks her watch, then: NANNY Alright, Alex, time to pick up your toys. Don't want to be late for your piano lesson. Come on, chop chop. Alex completely ignores her as she opens a satchel and (X) begins to put the toys inside. As she turns her back on Alex for a second: 32 THE TOYMAN 32 walks up to the boy. He offers a smile -- and the Superman Action Figure. Alex can't believe his luck. He snatches the toy out of the man's hands and immediately starts to play with it. NANNY Alex, dear, gather your things... She turns to see Alex, but the Toyman is already gone. NANNY (CONT'D) (notices toy) Is that your toy? I don't remember that... (dismisses it) Well, put it away now. We have to go. She stands and turns to the bench to pack the food and (X) plates into the picnic basket. As she does: (X) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 20. 33 ANGLE - SUPERMAN ACTION FIGURE 33 begins to BRIGHTLY GLOW. ALEX, JR. (beaming) Pretty! Now, the GLOW begins to grow and surround the boy, then poof! Suddenly, they both vanish. NANNY (oblivious) There, that's everything. Alright, Alex, let's -- Then, she turns to him, panics: NANNY Alex...? (looks around; frantic) _Alex_?! 34 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 34 ALEX, SR. His name's Alex Junior. We're ON ALEX, SR., 40, in a thousand dollar suit and on a mission. He hands a photo to Lois: ALEX, SR. (CONT'D) He's my only son. LOIS (gives Clark photo) We're terribly sorry about what happened, Mr. Turner, but shouldn't you be talking to the police? ALEX, SR. I've _been_ to the police, and the FBI. I'm covering all my bases, that's why I'm here. I've read your articles about those other missing kids. I'm hoping maybe you know something the police don't. CLARK But, those other kids were parentless, Mr. Turner. Underprivileged. You're the CEO of a huge conglomerate. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 21. 34 CONTINUED: 34 LOIS Which means, chances are, it's an unrelated kidnapping. ALEX, SR. But, if it's just that, how come I haven't received a ransom demand? LOIS (considers that) Good question... (off Clark) Where exactly was Alex taken from? ALEX, SR. He was at the park, with the nanny. She said he was playing with one of his toys, then she turned away for like a second, and the next thing she knew he was gone! She never even saw what happened to him. Lois and Clark exchange an uncertain look. ALEX, SR. (CONT'D) Do you have kids? LOIS Uh, no. Not yet, anyway... ALEX, SR. They mean _everything_ to you, the world. You might die for your husband or wife, but you'd kill for your child, believe me. (pleads) I'm begging you, help me. Lois, clearly affected, looks down at her desk. Her eyes flick, noticing something. CLARK We'll do what we can, Mr. Turner... LOIS (off file) Wait -- Dino Corp owns Star Labs? (X) ALEX, SR. It's one of our subsidiaries. CLARK What made you ask that? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 22. 34 CONTINUED: 2 34 LOIS (shows him) Here, Jimmy's research on Dr. Klein's recent projects. I just noticed Dino Corp's name is on the (X) Star Labs letterhead. ALEX, SR. But, what does that mean? CLARK Well, Dr. Klein was also abducted. It could be related to your son. LOIS Or, it could just be a coincidence, but at least it's a place to start. We're going to need a list of people who might have a grudge against you or Dino Corp -- (X) competitors, ex-employees, anyone you can think of. ALEX, SR. I'll do it right away. Thank you, thank you very much. He gratefully shakes their hands, then exits. PICK UP Jimmy, who passes them holding the classifieds, then enters: 35 PERRY'S OFFICE 35 as Jimmy furtively closes the door. Perry's buried underneath ledgers and expense reports. JIMMY Hey, Chief, got a sec...? PERRY Not now, Jimmy. I'm hip deep in red ink, here. JIMMY Yeah, but -- you got a response to your... ad. PERRY What? I did?! (drops everything) Lemme see that! He snatches the paper away from Jimmy, who points out the ad: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 23. 35 CONTINUED: 35 JIMMY That one. PERRY (reads) 'You like to curl up by the fire, so do I; you're a hopeless romantic, so am I; you're a lonely guy, so am --' (stops; scowls) JIMMY Oh, uh, I meant the next one down... PERRY Yeah, yeah, okay... (reads) 'Dear Hound Dog'... (to Jimmy) That's me being anonymous. JIMMY Cute. PERRY (reads) 'I, too, love Elvis. And a good book, moonlight walks, pina coladas... Have you been looking for me as long as I've been looking for you...?' He reads the rest to himself, clearly affected by the words.. PERRY (CONT'D) Whoa... JIMMY Sounds like a match. You gonna respond to her in tomorrow's paper? PERRY I don't know. I guess, huh? I mean, why the hell not? I'd better have her meet me here though, you know, in case she turns out to be some axe murderer. Or 'The Crying Game.' Of Jimmy, agreeing: --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 24. 36 INT. KIDS' WORLD - DAY 36 A couple of kids bounce past on oversized bouncing balls as (X) Wendy tries to console Alex, Jr., who's crying for his mommy. WENDY You're gonna love it here, Alex, just give it time. You'll see, all the kids love it here But, he just keeps crying, which breaks her heart. She holds him: WENDY (CONT'D) It's okay, sweetie. I know, I know... Shhhh.... She calms him down by gently rocking him back and forth, then shoots a troubled look past the candy-striped bars. 37 INT. LAIR - CONTINUOUS 37 as The Toyman enters, none too happy. Dr. Klein, wincing from the constant cacophony of playtime, asks: DR. KLEIN Hey, yo, Toyguy, would it be too (X) much to ask for a set of ear plugs? I'm getting a headache here. THE TOYMAN I've got bigger problems to worry about. I just heard through the grapevine that Lois Lane and Clark Kent are starting to interview ex-employees of Dino Corp. (X) DR. KLEIN Hah! Then, you're done for, pal. Lois and Clark are like pit bulls, they're the best. Plus, talk about nice wheels, you oughta check out Lois's -- whoa! THE TOYMAN They always get their man, do they? DR. KLEIN Well, let's just say you'll be wanting to stay away from inmates named Bubba. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 25. 37 CONTINUED: 37 THE TOYMAN Thanks for the tip. Looks like I'm just going to have to kill them now. DR. KLEIN Wait, what?! (realizes) Oh, boy, don't tell me I'm still blurting out the truth? THE TOYMAN 'Fraid so. He sits at his workbench, finds a wind-up toy duck and begins to rig it with a plastic explosive. Then, Wendy storms in from Kid's World, fed up. She yanks off her pig-tailed wig: WENDY That's it, you've gone too far. I quit! THE TOYMAN Wendy -- what's the matter? WENDY You're _sick_, that's what's the matter! It's one thing to rescue orphans so we could take care of them. But, it's another thing to rip a perfectly happy child away from his parents! That's wrong. DR. KLEIN Well, to be honest, it's _all_ wrong... THE TOYMAN WENDY Shut up! Shut up! THE TOYMAN (to Wendy) Look, if this is about Little Alex, you just need to give him some time... WENDY He doesn't need time, he needs a mommy -- _his_ mommy! You took him for all the wrong reasons which, as far as I'm concerned, means you're no better than all the evil adults you denounce! I can't be a part of this anymore, I _won't_. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 26. 37 CONTINUED: 2 37 THE TOYMAN But -- who's going to take care of the other children? You can't just walk out on them? WENDY I'm not walking out on them -- (shoves wig at him) -- I'm walking out on you and (X) going straight to the police (X) unless you let them go! (X) She starts out, but: THE TOYMAN Wait, okay, look -- I don't want you here if you're not happy. It defeats the whole purpose. And (X) I don't want you to go away mad at (X) me, either. After all, you're (X) the only adult I've ever (X) trusted... (X) He gently closes the solid door over the candy-striped bars, and we see an evil look flare in his eyes for a split second before he looks back to Wendy: THE TOYMAN (CONT'D) You've been so good to the kids, at least take something of them with you -- as a token of our (X) appreciation. He reaches into a toy bin, pulls out a beautiful doll: THE TOYMAN (CONT'D) This is the first toy I ever made. It's the most precious thing I own, because it showed me that I wasn't worthless, that I could give the very joy I was denied. WENDY (reluctant) If this is some kind of a trick... THE TOYMAN No trick. Scout's honor. (offers it) Please. WENDY Well, okay. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 27. 37 CONTINUED: 3 37 She takes it, smiles. The Toyman smiles back, then turns to his control panel and flicks a switch. Suddenly, the doll begins to GLOW, as does Wendy and -- poof! They vanish. THE TOYMAN (petulant) There, that'll teach you to talk back to me! DR. KLEIN But you never set the controls to re-assemble her molecules! Without that, she's as good as... THE TOYMAN What? 'Dead?' Well, eventually that's what happens... When you grow up. And, he turns back to the deadly toy duck as CAMERA PUSHES IN on it and we go to: 38 INT. TOWNHOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT #3 38 Lois and Clark are going over their notes: LOIS I don't know, Clark, maybe the little boy's kidnapping isn't connected to Dr. Klein's. CLARK How many more names do we have on that Dino Corp list? (X) LOIS Seven. I just hope one of them pans out, or it's back to square one. Martha emerges from the kitchen with cheese and crackers: MARTHA Well, it's easier to think on a full tummy. This oughta tide you over until Jonathan gets back with the food. LOIS Thanks, Martha. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 28. 38 CONTINUED: 38 MARTHA You two work so hard. Listen, if you can't celebrate our anniversary tomorrow night, we absolutely understand. CLARK No way, Mom. We'll be there. LOIS We wouldn't miss it for the world. 39 EXT. TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS 39 CLOSE ON the toy duck as a GLOVED HAND sets it down on the foyer. As it waddles toward Lois and Clark's front door: 40 ANGLE - STREET 40 as the gloved hand (The Toyman, cloaked) hurries down the steps and into the rickety car, which then speeds off down the road. It passes a taxi, which pulls to a stop in front. Jonathan gets out with boxed Chinese food, pays the driver: JONATHAN Keep the change. He climbs the steps and enters the foyer, then spots the toy duck. He picks it up just before it bumps into the door. JONATHAN (chuckles) Well, where'd you come from? 41 INT. TOWNHOUSE - CONTINUOUS 41 Jonathan enters with the food. MARTHA It's about time. We're starved... She notices the toy duck following him in. (X) JONATHAN Look at this little guy. Found (X) him waddling up to your door. (X) He picks it up -- it's feet are still moving as the spring (X) load begins to wind down. MARTHA Well, isn't that the cutest thing? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 2. 9 41 CONTINUED: 41 JONATHAN Sure be great to have a grandkid to give this to. MARTHA (hits him) Jonathan! Then, the duck's feet stop moving and it QUACKS. Lois and Clark react to that, exchange a knowing look: LOIS Wait a minute, that's the sound! CLARK The one we heard when Dr. Klein was kidnapped... Clark, suspicious, uses his X-RAY VISION on: 42 ANGLE - THE DUCK 42 The X-Ray reveals the plastic explosive inside, as well as a miniature L.E.D. timer counting down -- :03, :02, :01... 43 RESUME SCENE 43 as WE SEE Clark, BLURRING toward Jonathan, change into Superman on the move. He snatches the toy duck out of Jonathan's hand, then BLURS out through the garden doors as (X) they fling open. 44 EXT. SKY - NIGHT 44 as Superman just barely blurs above the rooftops before -- KABOOM! -- the toy explodes in a terrific FIREBALL. 45 EXT. TOWNHOUSE - GARDEN PATIO - CONTINUOUS 45 as Lois, Jonathan and Martha shield their eyes-from the bright explosion. They let out a collective sigh of relief: JONATHAN Did someone forget to say duck? FADE OUT _END OF ACT TWO_ --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 30. _ACT THREE_ FADE IN: 46 INT. TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT 46 an O.S. WHOOSH and Superman lands outside on the patio, meets Lois, Jonathan and Martha: (X) SUPERMAN Everybody alright? LOIS Yeah, but that was close. SUPERMAN Too close... As Superman follows them into the dining room, he SPINS (X) into Clark as he closes the patio doors. (X) CLARK (CONT'D) Which means, obviously, somebody thinks we're getting too close to _them_. LOIS I just wish we knew what we're supposedly getting too close to, because I don't have a clue. CLARK We've pushed somebody's button, alright, so at least we're on the right track. LOIS (realizes) Toys. JONATHAN What? LOIS That's it, that's the common denominator -- everything's connected to toys! Dino Corp has (X) a toy division, a toy had something to do with Dr. Klein's abduction... CLARK ... And Alex, Jr., was playing with a toy when he disappeared; that, plus the explosion... (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 31. 46 CONTINUED: 46 LOIS Where's that list? Clark finds it in his coat pocket, holds it open for both of them to look at. CLARK (points) Harold Kripstly, toymaker. (X) Fired six months ago. (X) LOIS Looks like he just moved up the list. (to Kents') I think we should put you two up in a hotel until this thing's over. It's too dangerous here. MARTHA (X) That's really not necessary... (X) CLARK Yes, it is, Mom. Lois is right. (X) JONATHAN (X) Come on, Martha, let's let them do (X) their jobs. As he leads her to their bedroom: (X) JONATHAN (CONT'D) (sotto; to Martha) Now, maybe we can do a little (X) celebrating in private finally. She playfully smacks him. After they exit, Clark notices Lois looking at the boarded up doors. CLARK Lois...? You alright? LOIS Remember what we were talking about last week, about how dangerous our jobs can be sometimes? CLARK Yeah... LOIS Well, we just got yet another (X) reminder, as if we needed one. (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 32. 46 CONTINUED: 2 46 CLARK Honey, people take pot shots at us all the time, it's never bothered you before. LOIS Yeah, but I don't like it when (X) they take pot shots at our home, Clark. Especially when I think (X) about raising kids here. (X) CLARK Seems like you've been thinking (X) about that alot lately. (X) They share an intimate look. (X) LOIS (X) I've also been thinking about what (X) to do if it turns out we... can't (X) have our own. Maybe we should (X) start meeting with an adoption (X) agency, just in case. (X) CLARK (X) Aren't we jumping the gun here a (X) little? I mean, are you sure (X) you're even ready to have kids? (X) LOIS (X) I... don't know. I just thought (X) we should check out our options, (X) that's all. (X) Ten the phone RINGS. Clark answers it: CLARK (into phone) Hello...? Yeah, hi, Jimmy, what's up...? (sober) Okay, thanks (hangs up) Two more Dino Corp Board Member's (X) kids have just disappeared. Off Lois' reaction: DISSOLVE TO: 47 INT. TOY STORE - DAY #4 47 Quaint, packed to the gills with cool toys as bright music PLAYS in the background. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 33. 47 CONTINUED: 47 Lois and Clark enter FRAME, taking it all in: LOIS Wow, look at this place. Suddenly, a projectile FLIES THROUGH THE AIR, headed right for Lois. Clark snatches it in SUPERSPEED just before it hits her in the forehead. He looks at it, sees it's a harmless suction cup arrow. REVEAL: 48 ANGLE TO INCLUDE THE TOYMAN 48 as he slowly rises from behind the counter, holding the toy gun that fired the thing. THE TOYMAN Whoops. Sorry about that. Just foolin' around. CLARK (approaches) Are you Harold Kripstly? THE TOYMAN Yes... LOIS Lois Lane and Clark Kent. We're reporters for The Daily Planet. THE TOYMAN (surprised they're alive) But -- (quickly covers) I thought you two worked for The Chronicle? CLARK Nope. We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind? THE TOYMAN No, no, not at all. CLARK Mr. Kripstly, you -- THE TOYMAN (corrects) Actually, that's _Doctor_ Kripstly. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 34. 48 CONTINUED: 48 CLARK Dr. Kripstly -- you used to work in Dino Corp's toy division, isn't (X) that correct? THE TOYMAN Yes, I was one of their inventors. (proudly shows them) I came up with the Hovering MorphCar. It was all the rage two Christmases ago. LOIS I remember, it was a big hit. So, why did Dino Corp fire you? (X) THE TOYMAN Oh, well, you know... I guess they didn't like my attitude. I mean, I was just an overgrown kid in a world of suits and ties. I didn't really fit in. Too many rules and regulations, you know. LOIS Still, you were pretty upset when it happened, though, weren't you. THE TOYMAN Sure, yeah. I mean, I'm only human. But, it worked out for the best. I'm so much happier here running my little toy store, inventing a new toy now and again. I like being my own boss, making up my own rules and regulations. CLARK Do you know who Alex Turner is? THE TOYMAN Well, yeah, duh. He's like the big cheese at Dino Corp. (X) CLARK Actually, I meant his son, Alex, Junior. LOIS He was kidnapped yesterday. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 35. 48 CONTINUED: 2 48 THE TOYMAN (shocked) What, kidnapped?! Oh my God! (realizes) Wait, you don't think that _I_... Hey, look, I'd _never_ do something like that to a child, ever! I love kids! LOIS We're not saying you would. We're just investigating every possible lead, that's all. THE TOYMAN Well, I don't know anything about it, cross my heart and hope to die. Lois and Clark exchange a look, then: CLARK Thanks for the time. THE TOYMAN Okay. Hey, I sure hope you find that little tyke. As they leave and EXIT FRAME, The Toyman's sweet, innocent (X) face turns cold and deadly. 49 EXT. TOY STORE - DAY - CONTINUOUS 49 as Lois and Clark emerge from the upscale store. The sign, THE TOYMAN hangs over the entry. LOIS Hard to believe he's the evil villain behind the curtain, isn't it? CLARK He's still one of the only names on the list connected to toys. Let's have Jimmy run a background check on him, anyway. See if there're any exploding ducks in his closet. LOIS Good idea. We'd better split up the rest of the list before any other kids disappear. (MORE) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 36. 49 CONTINUED: 49 LOIS (CONT'D) (off list) I'll take the lawyer and the Board Member who were fired, you take the other two. CLARK First one back to the Planet wins. LOIS You're on. He hands her the car keys, gives her a kiss, and exits. LOIS (calls to him) Hey, and no fair fly -- (glances around) -- You know what... She hops into the Jeep: 50 INT. KIDS' WORLD - DAY 50 The Toyman enters, surprised to find the children sitting around sad and sulking. He tries to rally them with enthusiasm: THE TOYMAN Hey, kids -- why the long faces? Why isn't anybody playing? ALEX, JR. We want to go home. THE TOYMAN Home? But this is better than home! This is a kids' world, (X) where the only rule is -- (cheers it) -- kids rule! He waits for them to respond, but they don't. THE TOYMAN (CONT'D) Come on, kids, who wants to play video games -- Yay! I hear there're some new toys hidden in Sherwood Forest -- who wants to go on a treasure hunt?! (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 37. 50 CONTINUED: 50 VARIOUS (O.S.) I want to play outside... I'm scared.... I miss my mommy... Where's Wendy...? Frowning in disbelief, The Toyman exits through the candy-striped gate (the solid door is open), and into: 51 INT. LAIR - CONTINUOUS 51 as The Toyman crosses past Dr. Klein, who's still a bit loopy. DR. KLEIN The truth is it was a bad idea to kill off Wendy. THE TOYMAN (dials phone) Yeah, well, who asked you? God, when will that truth serum wear off? (into phone) Eat 'Em Up Burger? Yeah, I need (X) thirty cheeseburgers, thirty large fries, and thirty chocolate shakes right away... DR. KLEIN Can you make mine vanilla? THE TOYMAN Shut up. (into phone) Yeah, I'll be right over. Thanks. He hangs up, agitated. He crosses to his workbench: THE TOYMAN I've just gotta get that last Board Member kid, then I'm done! Those pesky reporters are mucking everything up! He begins to rig up another Superman Action Figure with a transponder. DR. KLEIN I told you they were good! THE TOYMAN Look, do you want to vanish like Wendy did? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 38. 51 CONTINUED: 51 DR. KLEIN The truth is, you _need_ me. I understand the machine. You don't. I'm a scientist. You're a... toyman. Dr. Klein starts whistling 'Taps,' until The Toyman snaps: THE TOYMAN Dammit, Klein! I said shut the hell up!! Or, you're dead! Do you understand me?! _Dead_!! Klein shuts up, but his eyes shift over to the gate. The Toyman follows his look and finds Alex, Jr, standing there looking in with some of the other kids. ALEX, JR. You're a _bad_ man! The Toyman walks over and SLAMS the solid door shut on him and returns to his work bench. 52 EXT. MANSION - DAY 52 ON a little girl, BRITTANY, 5, as she BAWLS. Lois, bending down in front of her, is struggling to console her: LOIS Uh, no, no... don't cry, little girl... I'm not going to hurt you... The little girl bawls louder. LOIS (CONT'D) It's okay... Come on, now, please...? Stop crying... Here -- (reaches into purse) -- I'll give you a dollar, how (X) 'bout that, huh? Okay, ten...? (X) (at wit's end) ... Fifty bucks, and that's my (X) final offer! 53 ANGLE - MS. BECKETT 53 the little girl's uniformed nanny, storms out of the (X) mansion, bee-lining it for the little girl: MS. BECKETT Hey! What'd you do to her?! (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 39. 53 CONTINUED: 53 LOIS Me? I didn't do a thing, really... All I did was say hello... The Nanny glares at Lois, then picks Brittany up, calming her. MS. BECKETT (to Lois) What do you want? LOIS I was just looking for Mr. Steele. MS. BECKETT And, who are you? LOIS I'm a reporter. I'm doing a story on Dino Corp, and I know Mr. (X) Steele used to be on the Board of Directors. MS. BECKETT Well, he's on vacation, won't be back until Tuesday. The Nanny sets Brittany on the porch and notices a brown-wrapped package next to the front door: MS. BECKETT What's this? (reads label) Oh, look, Brittany, it's addressed to you. Let's see what it is. As she opens it: LOIS Is there any way I can get in touch with him? It's very important. MS. BECKETT I can let him know you stopped by, that's the best I can do. The Nanny pulls a Superman Action Figure out of the box. MS. BECKETT (shows girl) Ohhh, look, a Superman toy! You like that, don't you? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 40. 53 CONTINUED: 2 53 LOIS (registering that) Wait -- where'd that toy come from? MS. BECKETT (ignores; starts to hand toy to girl) Here, you go... But, Lois quickly snatches it out of the surprised Nanny's hand. Brittany starts BAWLING again. MS. BECKETT (CONT'D) Hey, what's the matter with you?! The Nanny snatches it back from Lois. LOIS But you don't understand -- Lois snatches it back. LOIS (CONT'D) -- It might be dangerous! MS. BECKETT Look, lady -- The Nanny grabs it, but this time Lois won't let it go. They both grapple with it, back and forth. MS. BECKETT (CONT'D) -- Get your own damn doll! Lois finally yanks it free, stumbling backwards. Then, the Action Figure begins to GLOW, followed by Lois, followed by -- poof! Lois and the toy disappear! Brittany, reacting, stops crying as the Nanny's eyes roll white and she faints out of FRAME. CUT TO: 54 INT. LAIR - DAY 54 as Lois and the Action Figure materialize, much to the chagrin of The Toyman. DR. KLEIN Lois! THE TOYMAN What are _you_ doing here?! (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 41. 54 CONTINUED: 54 LOIS (getting her bearings) Dr. Klein...? Are you alright? DR. KLEIN Yes, I'm fine, thank you. But, the truth is, Lois -- (off Toyman) -- you're a goner. FADE OUT _END OF ACT THREE_ --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 42. _ACT FOUR_ FADE IN: 55 INT. LAIR - DAY - CONTINUOUS 55 as The Toyman, throwing a tantrum, backs Lois up: THE TOYMAN You're not supposed to be here, _Brittany_ is! Why can't I ever get my way? Why must adults like you always screw things up?! LOIS Sorry, it's what I do. He rips the Superman Action Figure from her, tosses it onto his work bench. THE TOYMAN I thought I'd gotten rid of you once before, but I won't make that mistake again, Ms. Lane. (grabs her) Time to say 'night, 'night. LOIS Wait -- not in front of the children. The Toyman looks over at two kids in Kids' World, up against the gate, staring on in horror. THE TOYMAN Go to bed! He shuts the solid door barrier. DR. KLEIN (thinking fast) You know what your problem is, Kripstly? You don't think ahead. THE TOYMAN What's that supposed to mean? DR. KLEIN It means first Wendy, now Lois -- you keep getting rid of mother figures, you're never going to make those kids happy again. THE TOYMAN What're you talking about? She's not a mother. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 43. 55 CONTINUED: 55 LOIS (off Klein; plays along) Hey, well, maybe not, but that doesn't mean I'm not qualified. I was the most popular babysitter in my neighborhood when I was a teenager. Plus, 'Sound of Music' is like my favorite movie of all time -- next to 'Toy Story,' of course. THE TOYMAN I _loved_ 'Toy Story.' LOIS There you go. THE TOYMAN (thinking it over) Still, I don't know.... But, I guess it's worth a try. If it doesn't work out, I can always kill you anyway, right? LOIS It's a win-win situation. He takes her over to the gate. THE TOYMAN In the meantime, I've gotta cover my tracks so that husband of yours doesn't follow. I think I'll arrange to meet him at the store, then blow it up! Cool, huh? He opens the gate and shoves her inside. THE TOYMAN (CONT'D) And don't bother yelling for that (X) Super Grown-up, either! This (X) kiddie place is soundproofed! (X) 56 INT. KIDS' WORLD - CONTINUOUS 56 as the gate shuts, Lois pounds on the door panel: LOIS Hey, wait a minute! Open up! Then, she turns, slowly taking in the fantastic atmosphere, until she finds herself face to face with -- the horde of sad little eyes staring at her. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 44. 56 CONTINUED: 56 LOIS (CONT'D) Oh, hello, there... Hi... Um, how's it going...? They just continue to stare at her. Off Lois, letting out a nervous sigh: 57 EXT. MANSION DAY 57 ON the Nanny, still rattled, talking to Clark: MS. BECKETT I don't exactly know what happened. She just suddenly -- disappeared before my very eyes. CLARK Lois wasn't holding a toy at the time, by any chance, was she? MS. BECKETT A toy -- Why, yes, she was. Was that what caused it? (realizes) She must've known -- that's why she didn't want Brittany to have it! CLARK Known what? What did she say? MS. BECKETT She said it could be dangerous. She saved Brittany, Mr. Kent. Ohmygod, I hope she's alright... Clark's cell phone RINGS: CLARK Excuse me... (into phone) Lois...? INTERCUT: 58 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY - CONTINUOUS 58 Jimmy at his desk, referring to a file: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 45. 58 CONTINUED: 58 JIMMY (into phone) No, C.K., it's Jimmy. I found out why Kripstly got fired, (X) Apparently, he tried to sell the Board on some crazy invention of his, then went ballistic when they turned him down. CLARK What was the invention? JIMMY (off file) Something called 'The Reintegrator.' From what I gather, it's supposed to make things vanish in one place, then reappear somewhere else. Sounds like 'Beam me up, Scottie' to me. CLARK (to himself) (X) Or, Lois... (X) Jimmy's distracted for a second as Perry walks past wearing (X) a nice suit and carrying a bouquet of flowers. (X) JIMMY (back to phone) (X) Oh, one more thing. Kripstly just (X) called for you here. He said if you want to meet him, you know where to find him. Does that make any sense to you...? (listens) C.K...? You still there...? Outside the mansion, the Nanny, reacting to an O.S. WHOOSH, turns to where Clark was just standing: MS. BECKETT Mr. Kent...? (looks around for him) Oh, no, not again... And, as her eyes roll white and she faints out of FRAME: 59 INT. KIDS' WORLD - DAY 59 Lois is trying to cheer the kids up with a hand puppet: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 46. 59 CONTINUED: 59 LOIS (like a ventriloquist) Hi, kids, I'm Franky the Frog, (X) what're all your names...? Nothing. The kids are getting sadder by the second. Lois picks up another toy: LOIS Wow-wee -- look at this! (stares at it) A beast with... poison fangs and red eyes and visible intestines. Who wouldn't want to play with this? VARIOUS (O.S.) I miss my mommy... I miss my doggy... I want to go home... CAMERA PANS their sad little faces, and ends up on Alex, Jr., who looks up at her with teary doe-eyes: ALEX, JR. I'm scared... Lois, visibly affected, sets down the toys and sits on the floor in front of them. LOIS Okay, wait, I've got something for you, a story... Once upon a time, there was a little boy, who had to leave his home because the whole planet he was living on was about to explode! And, his mommy and daddy didn't have time to build a big space ship for the whole family, so they could only make one for him, so he could escape before it was too late... Some of the kids begin to perk up a little, listening: LOIS (CONT'D) ... Then, he flew into space for millions and millions of miles before he landed here, on Earth. He was really, really scared, like you guys are now, because he missed his home, and his mommy and daddy, too. Do you know who this little boy turned out to be? They're all listening now. They all shake their heads. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 47. 59 CONTINUED: 2 59 LOIS (CONT'D) That little boy turned out to be Superman. The kids go 'whoa, really?' ALEX, JR Superman was scared, too? LOIS Oh, yeah. Really scared. But he reached deep down inside and found that he was also really really brave, too, which helped him not be scared anymore. And, look at him today, right? ALL Yeah! Superman! LOIS So, when you're the most sad, or the most scared, remember that even Superman was sad and scared once, and if you just keep believing in yourself, and in Truth, Justice and the American Way, everything will always work out for the best... (not quite sure how to end it) The End. The kids grin and CLAP. PAN their smiling faces, ending on Lois's reaction: 60 INT. LAIR - DAY 60 as the solid panel on the gate is kicked open by -- Lois in Kids' World. She looks at Dr. Klein, who's looking up at the monitor at all the kids, who are happily playing again. LOIS Dr. Klein... DR. KLEIN Lois, that was amazing. I'm impressed, how'd you know what to do? LOIS Oh, I don't know... Maybe I saw it on some old movie, or something. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 48. 60 CONTINUED: 60 DR. KLEIN Maybe it's just maternal instinct. LOIS Nah... (then) You think...? (ponders that for a beat) Listen, I've got an idea how to let Clark know where we are... DR. KLEIN Kripstly just left word for him to go to the toy store. LOIS What? Then we've got to get to Clark before Kripstly does. Do you think you can reach The Reintegrator controls? Dr. Klein strains through the manacles, then gives up. The (X) controls are too high. (X) DR. KLEIN Can't. LOIS You have to try. DR. KLEIN I'm telling you, I can't. LOIS Look, once there was this little boy who -- DR. KLEIN Yes, Lois, I _heard_ the story. Klein bends his foot down as far as he can reach, points (X) his toes trying desperately to reach the hydraulic lever. (X) As he struggles: (X) 61 INT. TOY STORE - CONTINUOUS 61 as Clark bursts in, looking for: CLARK (calls) Lois? Lois...?! He checks the store, then scans the walls, floor, etc. with X-RAY VISION. --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 49. 62 INT. LAIR - CONTINUOUS 62 As Klein kicks off a shoe and tries to reach the lever with (X) his big toe. LOIS (guiding) (X) A little farther... Keep going... (X) Finally, he makes contact and the chair jumps up a couple (X) of feet. He uses his hands to spin the chair so his feet (X) are at the controls. (X) DR. KLEIN I did it, I don't believe it! Now, what? (X) Lois finishes drawing something with a crayon: LOIS We're going to send Clark a message. I have to write it in (X) code in case Kripstly sees it (X) first. (X) (off drawing) There. What do you think? She holds it the drawing, which looks like a fifth grader drew it. It has a female stick figure yelling "Help" out a window. Across the street is a crude building with a Jack-In-The-Box styled drive-through figure saying, "Hi, welcome to Eat 'Em Up Burger." (X) DR. KLEIN The truth? It sucks. (X) LOIS Nevermind, just set the controls to the toy store. Hurry! DR. KLEIN Okay, but how're you going to get the drawing over to the transponder? Lois looks across the room toward the work bench, where the Superman Action Figure sits a good twenty feet away. 63 INT. TOY STORE- DAY - CONTINUOUS 63 as Clark finishes X-RAYING the store, coming up empty. 64 EXT. TOY STORE - DAY - CONTINUOUS 64 as The Toyman winds up the toy duck and sends it waddling toward the front door. He smiles, then hurries off. --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 50. 65 ON A HOVERING MORPHCAR 65 flying erratically with Lois's drawing attached. REVEAL: 66 INT. LAIR - CONTINUOUS 66 as Lois, working the remote control, uses every ounce of body English imaginable. DR. KLEIN Easy, easy... A little to the left... Careful, not so fast! Watch out, you're going to -- The MorphCar lands on top of the Superman Action Figure. DR. KLEIN (CONT'D) -- Nicely done! LOIS Okay, _now_! Dr. Klein reaches through the manacles and fires The Reintegrator up. He watches as the Superman Action Figure begins to GLOW, then -- poof! -- both it and the MorphCar (with the drawing) disappear. 67 INT. TOY STORE - CONTINUOUS 67 Just as Clark passes by, the Superman Action Figure/MorphCar/Drawing materializes on the counter, blending in amongst the clutter of other toys. 68 INT. TOY STORE - CONTINUOUS 68 Clark gives one last look around, then spots the drawing. He crosses to it and, just as he picks it up: 69 ANGLE - TOY DUCK 69 as enters the store, winds to a stop, QUACKS, then: 70 EXT. TOY STORE - CONTINUOUS 70 the place EXPLODES, BLASTING OUT the windows. After a (X) beat, Superman emerges, then CAPES OUT: (X) 71 INT. LAIR - LATER 71 as Dr. Klein struggles to hop back to his original position, but The Toyman, entering, busts him: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 51. 71 CONTINUED: 71 THE TOYMAN Hey! What're you doing?! The Toyman notices the blinking lights on the Reintegrator, then sees Lois at the open gate: THE TOYMAN (CONT'D) (realizes) What're you two doing? I knew I shouldn't've trusted you -- you _adults_! I'm going to do what I should've done right off the bat -- starting with you, Klein! He places a transponder on Klein's lap, then moves to the controls. THE TOYMAN (CONT'D) I forget, which is it, Bernie, do you implode in deep space, or explode? QUICK CUTS as the Reintegrator reaches full power: Lois, horrified; Klein, panicked; blinking lights, etc., then: 72 ANGLE TO INCLUDE SUPERMAN 72 as he CRASHES through the vault-like doors: THE TOYMAN _You_?! Superman snatches up the transponder, crushes it. SUPERMAN Playtime's over, Kripstly. (X) The kids run up around Lois to see what's up. The Toyman, thinking fast, throws another transponder their way, sliding it into Kids' World amongst them. THE TOYMAN (finger on button) Ah-ah, Superman -- if you so much as twitch one of those over-sized pecs of yours, those kids become space debris, understand? Standoff. Everyone holds their collective breath, wondering what Superman's going to do: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 52. 72 CONTINUED: 72 SUPERMAN I don't believe you'd do that. I believe you care too much about them to hurt them. DR. KLEIN Superman, I don't mean to be critical, but what the hell do you think you're doing?! SUPERMAN He could never hurt a child. Not intentionally, anyway. It's against everything he's about. LOIS Let them go, Dr. Kripstly. They don't want to be here in this (X) place, not forever. Just because you don't want to live with rules and regulations, doesn't mean that's what they want. They need rules, they need structure in their lives -- that's what makes them feel secure. THE TOYMAN You're wrong, that's exactly what an adult would say. That's why I oughta push this button, to spare them a life of being betrayed and abused by lying, hypocritical, (X) two-faced, evil adults. What do (X) you think about that? SUPERMAN I think that would be a big mistake. The Toyman looks like a cornered, wounded animal. He can't decide, then he does -- he pushes the button! DR. KLEIN No! The Reintegrator amps up. Superman BENDS the candy-striped (X) gate, then BLURS in to get the transponder, then back out to the machine. He places the transponder on it, then BLURS (X) over to Klein, frees him, BLURS to the Toyman, leaving him (X) tied up in the manacled chair. The Reintegrator reaches FULL POWER, the transponder GLOWS, then poof! -- it and The Reintegrator disappear, forever. --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 53. 73 ANGLE - KIDS 73 as they break out into CHEERS. Superman feels a tug on his cape, looks down: ALEX, JR. Did you really used to be scared? Superman's not sure what to say, glances over at Lois, who smiles: SUPERMAN (to Alex, Jr.) Sure. The little boy looks happy. Superman and Lois exchange a warm look. DISSOLVE TO: 74 INT. DAILY PLANET - NIGHT #4 74 Late. Jimmy's pretending to work at his desk, but he's more concerned about Perry, who's pacing back and forth in his office, constantly checking his watch. JIMMY (to himself) Poor guy... Then, Perry grabs the bouquet on his desk and emerges from his office. Jimmy turns to his computer as if he's really doing something. PERRY Look... I appreciate you hanging around for me and all, but -- (resigned to it) -- Let's face it, the old Hound Dog got stood up. JIMMY Aw, come on, Chief, don't give up yet. She's only -- (off watch) -- two and a half hours late. Maybe she got lost, or stuck in traffic, or -- (off his look) -- not... Yeah. Hey, I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, Chief. PERRY Ah, well, things that seem too good to be true, usually are. Now, go on, get out of here. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 54. 74 CONTINUED: 74 JIMMY Okay. 'Night. Jimmy grabs his coat and crosses to the elevators, leaving Perry to take a whiff of his flowers. After a beat: FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) Flowers, for me? Perry looks up, surprised to find -- a lovely WOMAN standing there in an attractive dress. PERRY _Alice_? What're you doing here? ALICE Responding to your ad, 'Hound Dog.' PERRY Wait, you're -- Moonlight walks, pina coladas...? ALICE Weird, huh? Here, we haven't spoken since the divorce, and now we find each other through the personals. PERRY I... I don't know what to say. ALICE Look, I didn't realize it was you until I found out where you wanted to meet. Then, I wasn't sure if I even wanted to go through with it. That's why I'm so late. PERRY Well, jeez, Alice... ALICE You're right, I should go... PERRY No, wait, don't... ALICE Really? PERRY (thinks it over) Yeah, really. Perry offers her the bouquet. She accepts. --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 55. 75 INT. TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT 75 as Martha, Jonathan, Lois and Clark enter, all smiles, and stop at the doorway. CLARK You sure you don't want to come in for a night cap? (X) JONATHAN (off Martha) No, thanks, Son. We're just gonna (X) head on back to the hotel... CLARK (X) You know you can stay here if you (X) want now. It's safe, I promise. (X) MARTHA (X) That's okay. (X) CLARK (X) You sure? (X) LOIS Honey, they're sure. (X) (to Kents') (X) Happy Anniversary you guys. (X) MARTHA Thanks for a wonderful dinner. (X) And the beautiful present, too. (X) (hugs Clark) Good night. (X) LOIS 'Night. Oh, uh, by the way... (pulls her aside) ... That thing we were talking about before? Knowing when you're ready? I think I know. Martha returns her smile, then off that: MARTHA Jonathan, we have to go. Now. (X) JONATHAN Bye! (X) They leave. Clark closes the door, looks to Lois: CLARK What was that about? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "TOY STORY" (#21) Full Blue 3/28/97 56. 75 CONTINUED: 75 LOIS Oh, just girl talk, you know (X) I'll tell you about it upstairs. CLARK Why upstairs? She kisses him suggestively. LOIS Guess. She tugs on his tie. He returns her look, picks her up, they BLUR up the stairs. HOLD on the empty FRAME, then: LOIS (O.S.) Oh, you guessed! FADE OUT _THE END_