To pop everything into place... use Courier 10 (or 10 characters per inch) set top margin at 0.5", bottom margin at 0.5" (or minimums) (I had to tell the program that my primitive printer was using legal-size paper) left margin at 1" & right margin at 1" for pages---BEFORE TEASE Page For TEASE Page and after, left margin at 0.8 and right margin at .25 (or minimum) * and (X) used in script probably mean "this line changed from previous version" Notes: Cover: "Meet John Doe", Written by Tim Minear [and] Directed by Jim Pohl are all in large bolt print. The remainder of the text is in Courier 10 (10 characters per inch) Typos noted: "all right" misspelled as "alright" in several places Page 31: mid ANCHOR's part, "white house" is not capitalized; it is capitalized on page 44 Page 35: "constitution" not capitalized Page 36: "social security" --page break-- (graphic - insert logo.bmp or logo.jpg) "Meet John Doe" EPISODE FOURTEEN Prod. #465214 Written by Tim Minear Directed by Jim Pohl _Production Draft_ December 16, 1996 FULL Blue 12/19/96 Pink Rev. 12/20/96 Yellow R. 1/3/97 Green R. 1/7/97 Gold Rev. 1/30/ 97 --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Meet John Doe_" FULL Blue 12/19/96 _CAST_ CLARK KENT/SUPERMAN LOIS LANE JIMMY OLSEN PERRY WHITE ___________________________________________________ TEMPUS/FAUX TEMPUS ANDRUS PRESIDENT GARNER BARRETT DOCTOR DUSSEL RANDOLPH HOMELESS MAN ANCHOR GUARD COP #1 COP #2 SUIT #1 SUIT #2 SUIT #3 --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Meet John Doe_" FULL Blue 12/19/96 _LOCATIONS_ _INTERIORS_: _EXTERIORS_: Daily Planet Daily Planet Townhouse Red Light District Living Room Bedroom Sid's Bail Bonds * Regent Hotel Suite Regent Hotel Asylum Asylum Spacious Room (Dream) Satellite Station Building Satellite Station Basement Roof Seedy Bar Road --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Meet John Doe_" FULL Blue 12/19/96 _CHRONOLOGY_ SC. 1 DREAM SC. 2 - 3 NIGHT #1 SC. 4 - 26 DAY #2 SC. 27 NIGHT #2 SC. 28 DREAM SC. 29 NIGHT #2 SC. 30 - 45 DAY #3 SC. 46 - 57B NIGHT #3 --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ _The New Adventures of Superman_ "Meet John Doe" _TEASE_ FADE IN: 1 INT. SPACIOUS ROOM - DREAM 1 A spotlighted statue of a RAISED FIST is the centerpiece of the minimally decorated room, like an art exhibit with only one piece. CLARK enters, moves to the statue, looks at it then at his watch. It's eerily quiet here. A DOOR SHAPED PORTION of the wall swings open, revealing LOIS. LOIS Clark... CLARK Lois -- I got your message. What's going on? Why are we here? LOIS I needed to see you. I wanted the chance to say goodbye. CLARK 'Goodbye?' Lois, what -- Suddenly, the room STRETCHES. She gets further away. CLARK (CONT'D) Lois! Now he's trying desperately to reach her. As he moves forward, pushing against all this, he BECOMES SUPERMAN. He reaches out to her -- their fingertips touch ... now the AIR SHIMMERS, THICKENS with an electrical force ... LOIS I'll always love you... WE SEE a SHADOWY FIGURE behind Lois, reaching out toward her, wrenching her away from Superman's grasp. SUPERMAN Lois, no! Don't go! Lois! She's pulled into the SHIMMERING, SWIRLING AIR until she's gone. And now the door SLAMS shut and we are... --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 2. 2 INT. TOWNHOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT #1 2 Clark wakes in bed, startled. He turns to Lois -- she's not there. 3 INT. TOWNHOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 3 Clark comes down the stairs, relieved to find Lois in the living room, going over some paperwork. CLARK Honey -- you know what time it is? LOIS I couldn't sleep. CLARK What's all this? (X) LOIS Paperwork. Insurance forms. Bank (X) signature cards. I thought all (X) these triplicate forms would put me right back to sleep... but you know what? I kind of like it. It's a kick to check the 'married' box. Plus, I've never had an actual beneficiary before (off his look) You know, 'in the event of death.' CLARK You can do this later. (X) LOIS Just thinking about the future ... CLARK The future can wait... Come on... (X) I'll help you get to sleep... or (X) not... (X) As he persuades her with little kisses, she succumbs... LOIS Yeah... Probably right. The future's over-rated, anyway. I mean, I've only ever met one guy from there... and _he_ turned out to be a homicidal sociopath... for instance. 4 EXT. ASYLUM - MORNING - DAY #2 4 A sign reads: "Metropolis Home For the Criminally Insane." (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 3. 4 CONTINUED: 4 BARRETT (V.O.) Let's go over it one more time 5 INT. ASYLUM - CONTINUOUS 5 CROSS CUTTING CLOSE SHOTS between TEMPUS reclining in his cell and BARRETT, seated, seems to be a doctor... TEMPUS Hurry it along... I'm breaking out this morning, you know. BARRETT (refers to notes) Yes... You believe that a Peace Keeper from the future will be arriving on this date to... TEMPUS ... extradite me back to the future, to face punishment for crimes I've committed in various time zones. BARRETT So I gather you still believe _you're_ from the future? TEMPUS _Duh_. BARRETT ... and that you were first brought to this century by the science fiction writer H.G. Wells in a time machine of his own invention? TEMPUS A real brain twist, isn't it? BARRETT And using this... time machine, you tried to kill the infant Superman? TEMPUS In the early sixties, yes. BARRETT I see. And your assertion that Superman has a secret identity... ? TEMPUS I stand by it. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 4. 5 CONTINUED: 5 BARRETT And that secret identity is? TEMPUS I'd tell you -- but you'd think I was nuts. BARRETT Mr. Tempus... assuming this is all true... why would you admit it to me? TEMPUS Because you are, in a word, looney tunes. WE CUT WIDER and now WE SEE that Barrett is simply another INMATE in the adjoining cell. BARRETT Looney tunes is two words. TEMPUS Not if you say it fast. Barrett moves to the cross hatch screen that separates the cells, presses his face against it. BARRETT So how can you be so sure this peace keeper guy is gonna show? TEMPUS Because -- I'm from the future. I know what's going to happen. Kind of how I knew this -- WHAM! Tempus slams the bars, knocking Barrett backward. TEMPUS (CONT'D) -- was going to happen. (eyes his cell) Soon I'll have everything I want: World conquest, and as a bonus -- the destruction of Superman... Tempus reacts to a SHIMMERING SOUND... (X) TEMPUS (CONT'D) Ahh... right on time. A GLOWING TIME WINDOW appears in Tempus' cell; physical frame, swirling time vortex stuff in the middle. ANDRUS, a benevolent analytical from the future, emerges from the vortex. (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 5. 5 CONTINUED: 2 5 ANDRUS Citizen Tempus? I am Andrus. Utopian Peace Keeper. TEMPUS No? _Really_? ANDRUS I have a warrant for your extradition. I will recite from (X) the list of charges: Citizen Tempus, for crimes against humanity, vicious deeds TEMPUS ... blatant disregard for human life. Blah, blah, blah. Can we _go_? Andrus raises something that look like a TV remote, zaps it and now a FAUX TEMPUS materializes -- a perfect double for Tempus. ANDRUS I leave in your place this replicant... a synthetic Tempus, who shall keep the people of this primitive time from asking questions better left unanswered. TEMPUS Oh, god -- it's all starting to come back to me ... they all talk like you in the future, don't they? Well -- let's get it over with. The Faux Tempus takes Tempus' place. Tempus and Andrus step into the Time Window. They both stand there, regarding each other... and just before the window disappears, Tempus seems to spot something behind Andrus -- TEMPUS (CONT'D) Oh, look -- what's that? Andrus turns his head and -- BAM!, Tempus clubs him on the back of the head. Andrus drops to Tempus' feet -- just as the WINDOW COLLAPSES and both Tempus and Andrus disappear along with the window. Off the slack-jawed Barrett ... FADE OUT _END OF TEASE_ --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Green Rev. 1/7/97 6. _ACT ONE_ FADE IN: 6 EXT. METROPOLIS RED LIGHT DISTRICT - DAY 6 CLOSE ON WALL which is, adorned with a "Re-Elect President Garner" poster, replete with large, grinning photo of the INCUMBENT. A HOMELESS MAN watches, stunned, as the TIME WINDOW appears and Tempus emerges, cackling, clutching a futuristic looking DEVICE (the Subliminator) and with several rolled-up POSTERS under his arm. Tempus collapses the hovering window to convenient pocket size then moves to the wall and slaps a poster over the Garner poster. The new poster reads: "John Doe for President." The graphic is merely a faceless silhouette drawing. Tempus admires his handiwork, then strides off free ... 7 EXT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 7 SECRET SERVICE AGENTS stand humorlessly outside the Planet. one of the Agents speaks into his radio. In a wordless dance, the agents signal each other, move position, as... PRESIDENT GARNER, flanked by the usual ENTOURAGE, emerges from the Planet with PERRY, Lois and Clark. FLASH PHOTOS are snapped as they do a walk and talk toward the President's LIMO, Garner-managing to sense each photo in advance and flashing the appropriate smile or wave. PRESIDENT GARNER Really appreciate The Daily Planet's endorsement, Perry. it'll go a long way for us at the polls. (X) PERRY Like you need it -- your approval ratings're higher'n taxes, Mr. President. You're a shoe in. PRESIDENT GARNER Never say 'shoe in.' (a FLASH BULB pops) No chance Superman might be around, is there, White? I know he's a friend of The Planet. I'd love to get a photo with him -- LOIS I think it's a safe bet Superman would prefer to stay out of partisan politics, Mr. President. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Green Rev. 1/7/97 7. 7 CONTINUED: 7 PRESIDENT GARNER A wise policy, Lois. CLARK Mr. President -- what are your thoughts on this third party write in candidate -- John Doe? Clark indicates a nearby "John Doe For President" with the faceless silhouette. PRESIDENT GARNER John Doe? Some ad.-man's idea of a joke. Election's tomorrow and (X) _still_ nobody's seen the guy? No, the mysterious John Doe doesn't worry me, Mr. Kent. An Aide whispers to Garner. Garner nods. PRESIDENT GARNER (CONT'D) Well, we're off to dedicate a mini-mall. But tell you what; Lois, Clark -- I'll give you two an exclusive. You can sit with us election night, watch the returns come in. We'll order a pizza. CLARK Sounds great. LOIS No anchovies. PRESIDENT GARNER (raises a solemn hand) I promise. He grins brightly, climbs into his limo and it rolls out. LOIS This has got to be the most uneventful election year in memory. If things don't pick up, we'll be doing restaurant reviews. Clark looks from the retreating limo to the "John Doe for President" poster. CLARK Still can't help but wonder who John Doe is ... LOIS I think Garner had it right -- I think John Doe's a joke --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 8. 8 EXT. SATELLITE RELAY STATION - DAY - (STOCK) 8 To establish a row of high-powered satellite dishes, as... 9 INT. SATELLITE RELAY STATION - DAY 9(X) A SECURITY GUARD emerges from a stairwell, leading with his gun, peering into the dusky bowels of the relay station. He reacts as he sees -- TEMPUS hunched over the workings of the station, fiddling with the futuristic device we saw him bring through the time window. GUARD Hey -- this area's restricted TEMPUS As well it should be! Do you realize this satellite relay station is uplinked to every major long distance phone carrier in the country? GUARD (notices the device) What is that thing? A bomb? TEMPUS Oh, no. It's a Subliminator -- GUARD A what -- ? TEMPUS A device that will be invented in the late 25th century -- and subsequently outlawed. I borrowed mine from a museum in the 26th century -- well, alright... stole it, then. GUARD What are you talking about? TEMPUS What I'm _talking_ about is power. With this device, I can implant subliminal message into the feeble minds of the masses, thereby controlling the collective will -- is that enough exposition for you, or shall I go on? GUARD I'm calling the police...Don't (X) move (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 9. 9 CONTINUED: 9 The guard, his gun on Tempus, backs up to a wall phone. Tempus doesn't look the least bit concerned. The guard picks up the receiver, puts it to his ear. CAMERA MOVES in on the man's nametag: "Malcolm." WE HEAR a DIAL TONE... Tempus lifts a mini-mic, the size of a cigarette lighter, to his lips: TEMPUS (whispering into mic) This is for Malcolm, the security guard... the security alert was triggered by a rodent... Upon investigation, you found nothing disturbed... A beat as the guard's eyes seem to glaze. Then, almost hypnotically: GUARD (into phone) Yeah, Carl? Malcolm. No, no -- nothing up here. Musta been (X) another rat... We're all clear. TEMPUS (whispering into mic) Malcolm... you will go to the window. At exactly... (X) (checks watch) ... twelve noon, you will be (X) overcome with an irresistible urge to take a flying leap out that window... GUARD (into phone) Gotta go. Gonna jump to my death soon. Buh-bye. The guard hangs up the phone, wanders over to the window, just stands there, waiting. Tempus delights in the success of the device. 10 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 10 JIMMY, carrying an envelope, approaches Lois and Clark. JIMMY Hey, guys. I just heard. That's totally cool -- you getting to be with The President on election night. (MORE) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 9A. 10 CONTINUED: 10 JIMMY (CONT'D) I guess that means you'll be invited to the big victory party afterwards. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 10. 10 CONTINUED: 10 LOIS CLARK Probably -- I imagine so, yeah. JIMMY Supposed to be the hottest ticket in town. A beat as Jimmy just looks at them expectantly. Finally: JIMMY (CONT'D) You know, I've always been a big supporter of the President's... LOIS His daughter's cute, isn't she? JIMMY Total Betty. CLARK You want us to see if we can get you an invitation? JIMMY I'd even vote if I had to CLARK We'll see what we can do. JIMMY Cool. Thanks. (then) Women raised around politics are just so... earnest. Jimmy starts to go, remembers something, turns back, hands the envelope to Lois. JIMMY (CONT'D) Oh, Lois -- here's that book you asked for -- LOIS Thanks, Jimmy Jimmy moves off. She slides the book out of the envelope. CLARK (reading) 'Do It Yourself Last Will and Testament?' (trying to be light) Honey -- is there something you'd like to share with me? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 11. 10 CONTINUED: 2 10 LOIS (laughs) No. It's just, after redoing my insurance papers the other night, I realized I didn't have a will made out. CLARK Yeah, but... you don't need a _will_. LOIS Clark -- This year alone I've been shot at, strapped to explosive devices and electrocuted. If _anyone_ should have a will made out, it's me. CLOSE - CLARK as he shuts his eyes for a split second and WE SEE a -- 10A FLASH 10A from his dream -- Lois being wrenched away. (X) 10B CLARK 10B tries to shake it off, notices that Lois is looking at him. (X) LOIS This really bothers you, doesn't it? He doesn't deny it. LOIS (CONT'D) Clark -- I know it's unpleasant... but it's just one of those things you _do_. Like taxes. It doesn't mean... He looks off as he SUPER HEARS an emergency call. LOIS (CONT'D) What? CLARK Someone's about to jump off a satellite station... 10C INT. SATELLITE RELAY STATION - DAY 10C The Security Guard stands in a large open window. Teeters there on the edge. Looks down to see -- --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 12. 10D GUARD'S POV 10D of a SMALL CROWD gathering on the ground far below. (X) 10E THE GUARD 10E lifts a foot over the window ledge, lets it dangle there (X) for a moment. Those on the ground CALL UP to him, various SHOUTS of "No!", "Don't do it!", etc. He jumps! 11 EXT. SATELLITE RELAY STATION - CONTINUOUS 11 The people on the ground wince, cover their eyes, fully (X) expecting puree of security guard on the pavement -- but now an O.S. WHOOSH!, and two figures land: SUPERMAN gently (X) sets the dazed Guard on his feet. APPLAUSE from the (X) bystanders. (X) The event seems to have shaken the Guard from his spell, he blinks at Superman. (X) GUARD Superman! What happened? (X) SUPERMAN You jumped -- GUARD (reflecting on that) Yeah... yeah, I did -- didn't I? Wow. That is so unlike me. SUPERMAN Sir -- are you on any kind of medication? GUARD What? Oh, no. Unh-uh. SUPERMAN But you're saying you didn't mean to jump? GUARD No, no, actually -- I guess I did. SUPERMAN Why? GUARD Well it, uh, it just seemed like the thing to do. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 13. 11 CONTINUED: 11 Superman cocks his head as he SUPERHEARS a TRAIN CRASH. Superman looks to the guard. SUPERMAN (to himself) Train derailment (to guard) You'll use the stairs from now on? (X) GUARD I swear. Oh, Superman? Thanks. (X) Superman nods, CAPES out of there. 12 REVEAL TEMPUS 12 lurking nearby. He watches Superman fly off with satisfaction, then he strolls away, speaking into the mini-mic: TEMPUS Attention all registered voters: (X) John Doe is a darn nice guy. John Doe is a darn nice guy 13 SATELLITE DISHES 13 We SEE an ARC of POWER briefly flashing across the huge satellite dishes...WE HEAR Tempus' mantra of "John Doe is (X) a darn nice guy" blended underneath the arcing. (X) 14 EXT. METROPOLIS RED LIGHT DISTRICT - DAY 14 The Homeless Man stands on a soapbox in front of a "John Doe For President Poster," ranting and raving to PASSERSBY. HOMELESS MAN Listen to me! Listen! Don't pass me by! The devil is here! He walks among us! I saw him myself. He entered through a porthole from hell! Why won't you listen to me?? No one does, as WE HEAR the SOUND of a TIME WINDOW (X) materializing ...LIGHT REFLECTS on the Homeless man. The (X) Homeless man can't speak, points, but nobody's around to see it now. ANDRUS, the Peace Keeper, collapses his Time Window, then (X) moves off, passing the phumphering Homeless Man. --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 14. 15 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 15 The PHONES are ringing off their hooks. A noticeable increase in the activity around here as Clark enters, straightening his tie. He moves to Lois, who is on the phone. CLARK Sorry that took so long. There was a train derailment, then... (X) Perry emerges from his office, in a state. PERRY Is _anyone_ on this story? LOIS I'm working on it, Chief -- PERRY Well work faster. I want an exclusive! Find out what makes the man tick, what he stands for. And most of all, what makes him such a... darn nice guy! Perry retreats. Clark looks to Lois. CLARK What's he talking about? LOIS (distracted) John Doe -- (into phone) Benny -- what've you got for me? CLARK John Doe? Clark glances around the room -- everyone's feverishly fielding phones. LOIS (into phone) There is no number for his campaign headquarters. You gotta do better than that -- (to Clark as she passes him a printout) Doe's polls shot up several points while you were gone -- (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 15. 15 CONTINUED: 15 CLARK While I was _gone_? What? (X) (looks from polls to room) This morning everyone thought John (X) Doe was a joke... several dirty looks from those who overheard that. Jimmy, nearby at his desk, phone to his ear, shoots Clark a look. JIMMY You shouldn't say that about John Doe, Clark. I mean, he's just such a darn nice guy. Lois starts scribbling. LOIS (into phone) Thanks, Benny. I knew you'd come through. She tears off the note, grabs her coat and Clark. LOIS (CONT'D) Let's go -- I got a tip that he's staying at the Metropolis Regent Hotel. But before Clark can protest, she's dragging him out of there. 16 EXT. METROPOLIS REGENT HOTEL - DAY 16 A GROWING CROWD of John Doe supporters on the scene, carrying homemade placards and posters. Lois and Clark appear, pushing into the fray. LOIS Exciting, isn't it? CLARK I don't get it -- LOIS What's not to get? John Doe's campaign is catching fire. His message is resonating with people. It cuts across all barriers... Clark finally reaches out to her, turns her to him... CLARK Message? What message? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 16. 16 CONTINUED: 16 A beat as Lois considers that -- for some reason she can't quite remember just what message... Having to search for that clearly disturbs her. LOIS Well, you know... CLARK No. I don't. Lois -- no one's seen this guy. Let alone heard any 'message.' Why are you -- why is everybody -- suddenly taken with a candidate they don't know anything about? LOIS I'm not 'taken,' Clark. I'm still a Garner supporter. But you have to admit... John Doe really is... CLARK a darn nice guy? LOIS (a little bothered) Yeah... Suddenly, A COMMOTION. Various CRIES of "It's him!" Ohmygod!" etc. Lois turns from Clark, strains to see "him." Through THE CROWD we catch various glimpses of a FIGURE moving to a LIMO, waving to his faithful supporters. Lois is trying desperately to get a good look. THE FIGURE climbs into the limo. Lois' face shines to be in the presence of such an individual... LOIS (CONT'D) Look at him, Clark! He really is... 17 THE CROWD PARTS 17 enough for us to see THE MAN in the limo, waving as the tinted window rises... yep, it's... LOIS (O.S.) ... _Tempus_? 18 BACK TO SCENE 18 Clark's expression is grave as we... FADE OUT _END OF ACT ONE_ --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 17. _ACT TWO_ FADE IN: 19 INT. ASYLUM - DAY 19 Lois and Clark walk with DOCTOR DUSSEL. They move down a corridor with cells on either side. DOCTOR DUSSEL Yes. Tempus. Fascinating case. Sociopath. Totally. Thinks he's from the future. Arrested for bank robbery. Brought here ranting about Superman. Claims the Man of Steel has a secret identity... and that he knows what it is ... Lois and Clark react to that. LOIS Did he happen to get -- specific? DOCTOR DUSSEL No. He'll say the most outrageous things -- but that one piece of information he refuses to divulge. Don't ask me why. The mind of the paranoid delusional is a complex thing indeed. CLARK When did you first notice he was missing, Doctor? DOCTOR DUSSEL Missing? But... he's not missing. Lois and Clark react to that, surprised to say the least. LOIS He's not? DOCTOR DUSSEL No. He's here -- LOIS He's here? DOCTOR DUSSEL Yes. As a matter of fact, we just finished a session about an hour ago. I have great hope. He's finally responding to therapy... (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 18. 19 CONTINUED: 19 They have arrived at TEMPUS' CELL. The Faux Tempus sits there, looking rather placid. DOCTOR DUSSEL (CONT'D) Tempus? You have visitors ... Faux Tempus looks up at them, his face an expressionless mask. DOCTOR DUSSEL (CONT'D) Tempus, this is... FAUX TEMPUS (cutting him off) Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Star reporters for The Daily Planet... Clark stares hard at Faux Tempus. Faux Tempus looks right back at him, his face revealing nothing. CLARK Tempus... do you know why you're here? FAUX TEMPUS I do. Doctor Dussel explained it all to me. I'm deeply disturbed. I've lost my identity. The result of some traumatic event. I've fashioned a romantic alter ego for myself. Assuming this role allows me to avoid dealing with painful childhood issues. CLARK And do you believe that? FAUX TEMPUS Doctor Dussel assures me I can trust him. (X) CLARK And what about Superman? FAUX TEMPUS Superman? Clearly I've projected my own identity issues onto Superman. I'm learning that now. Clark and Faux Tempus hold the look for a beat. The moment is broken as... a couple of ORDERLIES come down the corridor with Barrett, the inmate we saw earlier. He struggles against them. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "MEET JOHN DOE" (#14) Gold Rev. 1/30/97 19. 19 CONTINUED: 2 19 BARRETT No! Please! Put me in solitary! Put me anywhere! Just don't make me go back in _there_! As Barrett and the orderlies approach Faux Tempus' cell, Barrett struggles all the harder, clearly spooked bigtime by Faux Tempus. BARRETT (CONT'D) You have to listen to me! They went out the window! I saw them! DOCTOR DUSSEL Now, Mr. Barrett -- you know there're no windows in here (to Lois and Clark) You win some, you lose some. Excuse me. Dussel follows the Orderlies into Barrett's cell, takes some pills from a medication tray and force feeds him as the orderlies hold Barrett down. Clark looks from this back to the blank expression of Faux Tempus. 20 EXT. ASYLUM - LATER 20 Lois and Clark walk back to their parked Jeep. LOIS I suppose John Doe could be a present day ancestor of Tempus' -- that could account for the likeness. CLARK Lois -- forget John Doe for a minute -- (re the. asylum) Whoever that was in there -- it was _not_ Tempus. LOIS How can you be so sure? (X) CLARK He didn't have it in the eyes. (X) LOIS Have what? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "MEET JOHN DOE" (#14) Gold Rev. 1/30/97 20. 20 CONTINUED: 20 CLARK Evil. LOIS Okay. So that wasn't Tempus -- but you're sure John Doe is? CLARK Just put me in a room with him I'll know. Lois considers that: 21 INT. METROPOLIS HOTEL - DAY 21 A lavish suite. The best. Creature comforts everywhere. Tempus looks over the latest polls. A KNOCK at the door as AN AIDE, RANDOLPH, enters. TEMPUS Randolph! I'm rising in the polls everywhere except these small pocket communities. Why? RANDOLPH Well, Mr. Doe -- those would be Amish communities. TEMPUS So? Have you done your get-out-the-vote phone drive? RANDOLPH Sir -- the Amish don't have telephones. TEMPUS No telephones? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 21. 21 CONTINUED: 21 RANDOLPH No, sir. Sir, there're reporters outside -- TEMPUS Of course there are, Randolph. RANDOLPH Yes, sir -- but there're a couple of _particular_ reporters TEMPUS Lane and Kent? RANDOLPH (nods) You said to let you know if they showed up. TEMPUS Yes. Good. Bring them in. Randolph nods, withdraws. Tempus speaks into his mini-mic. TEMPUS (CONT'D) The Amish are not your friends. They are anti-John Doe. Boycott (X) their quilts. They're overpriced (X) and the workmanship is shoddy, (X) anyway. Oh, and John Doe is a (X) darn nice guy... Now Randolph reappears with Lois and Clark in tow. Clark and Tempus square off. Make eye contact. Clark glances to Lois, his jaw set. Tempus extends a hand. TEMPUS (CONT'D) Welcome -- I'm John Doe. Clark regards his hand for a beat. Doesn't take it. A beat, then Tempus moves to an overstuffed chair, motions for Lois and Clark to sit. TEMPUS (CONT'D) You won't mind if my aide sits in. Tempus reclines magnificently. Randolph stands. Lois and Clark sit across him for the interview. Clark is just staring, his eyes dark. Lois can feel the tension... LOIS We were a little surprised when you agreed to see us, Mr. Doe -- (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 22. 21 CONTINUED: 2 21 TEMPUS Oh? And why's that? Lois glances at Clark; he doesn't offer anything. Looks like she'll be doing this interview on her own. LOIS Well -- there _has_ been a complete media black-out from your campaign. This is actually the (X) first interview you've given, isn't it? TEMPUS Well, I've just been waiting for the right journalists. Someone who wouldn't misquote or misrepresent me. I've read your work. I think we stand for the same things -- LOIS Yes -- we're a little unclear about what it is you do stand for, exactly -- TEMPUS Oh, you know. The usual. LOIS Uh-huh... Maybe you could give us a little background, Mr. Doe. Where are you from? Have you ever held public office before? We've looked, and we can't seem to find anything. TEMPUS No skeletons in the closet, you mean? LOIS No closet. TEMPUS I've kept a low profile. LOIS So even you must be amazed at your sudden surge in popularity -- I mean, given that nobody knows a thing about you -- (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 22A. 21 CONTINUED: 3 21 TEMPUS Ain't America great? Just tell your readers that when John Doe becomes complete and absolute... democratically elected public servant.. their lives will improve vastly. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 23. 21 CONTINUED: 3 21 Clark finally speaks -- CLARK Mr. Doe... has anyone ever told you that you bare a striking resemblance to... someone else? TEMPUS What an odd question... next you'll be asking me what kind of tree I'd like to be... who else would I look like, Mr. Kent? CLARK (bluntly) A nihilistic sociopath from the future who'll stop at nothing to quench his bitter thirst for power. LOIS (trying to cover) For example. Tempus laughs; Clark doesn't. Now Tempus leans forward, (X) looks Clark dead in the eye. TEMPUS It _is_ said we all have a twin someplace in this world -- Why, Mr. Kent, without those glasses I'd say you'd look exactly like... well, duh. I'm sure you get my meaning. Clark doesn't look away. CLARK Oh, Yeah. I get your meaning. Tempus and Clark hold the look for a long beat. TEMPUS Good. Then we're clear. (standing) Now if you'll excuse me -- I have babies to kiss. 22 EXT. METROPOLIS REGENT HOTEL - DAY 22 Lois and Clark exit the hotel; Lois looks a little stunned; Clark just looks intense. In the background, John Doe supporters. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 24. 22 CONTINUED: 22 LOIS My god, Clark -- it is him. I mean... he practically came right out and admitted it -- CLARK Not practically. That's exactly what he did. We have to figure out how he's doing this -- how he's swaying public opinion. LOIS Clark -- he's not just swaying public opinion... he's getting into people's heads. He looks at her. LOIS (CONT'D) I know two things for sure: Tempus is evil and must be stopped... and John Doe is a darn nice guy. CLARK You still believe that? LOIS It's still in my head. But somehow he put it there. Just like he's put it into everyone else's head. The difference is... I know who Tempus is... what he's capable of. CLARK And he knows who I am -- LOIS He must've suspected you wouldn't be affected. That's why he allowed us to speak to him. It was a warning. CLARK No, Lois. It was a challenge. LOIS What are we going to do? CLARK Stop him... --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 25. 23 INT. HOTEL SUITE - DAY 23 Tempus looks at sketches of various political symbols: shovels and hoes, eagles and stars, etc. He rails at (X) Randolph. TEMPUS No, no, no! None of these are right! I want something simple but powerful. An elegant yet (X) unmistakable symbol of our (X) regime... I mean, _administration_ (X) He tosses the renderings aside. Randolph gathers them up, exits. Tempus sits in his chair, pulls out his mini-mic. TEMPUS (CONT'D) Just hearing the name 'John Doe' gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling... A SOUND behind Tempus. He turns -- TEMPUS (CONT'D) Now what is it, Randolph... ? But it's not Randolph -- Andrus stands there, looking appropriately humorless. TEMPUS (CONT'D) Andrus... what a surprise. How'd you get past my secret service detail? ANDRUS The minds of these primitives are easily manipulated... but I see you've already discovered that -- and on a much larger scale. TEMPUS Oh, well it was fun while it lasted -- catch me if you can! (X) Whip quick, Tempus produces his Time Window, expands it. It hovers there in the hotel suite. He jumps into it -- but simply comes out on the other side, still in the hotel suite. He looks back through the window at Andrus as it collapses and the pocket version falls to the floor. (X) ANDRUS After your escape, the Peace Keepers erased the code on that window you stole. It's worthless. You won't be fleeing into anymore (X) time periods... (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 26. 23 CONTINUED: 23 Tempus' gaze falls to the folded up Time Window in Andrus' pocket. He approaches Andrus, who doesn't flinch. TEMPUS Oh, no? I rather doubt you got back here by subway, Andrus... ANDRUS It won't work, Tempus. We've taken precautions this time. The window I carry has been coded so only I may operate it. In truth, if you were to even touch it while in operation, it would break apart, spinning you into eternity. Which is probably where you belong, anyway. TEMPUS And you wonder why you never get asked out -- ANDRUS Come. We return for your trial -- TEMPUS Hmmm I don't think so. Tempus hits a button and suddenly the room is swarming with SECRET SERVICE MEN, guns trained on the intruder. ANDRUS Tempus, I speak to you as a fellow Utopian. Return with me now and make amends for your crimes -- and save what is left of your soul. TEMPUS Funny, no matter how you pretty it up, it still sounds like prison to me. (to Secret Service) Send in my photographer! Tempus moves to Andrus, takes the Time Window from his pocket, holding it between thumb and forefinger like a snake that might bite him, drops it into a drawer. The Secret Service guys start to hustle Andrus out -- A PHOTOGRAPHER with camera around his neck enters. The (X) Secret Service guys hold Andrus steady as Tempus poses with (X) Andrus -- FLASH! A picture is snapped. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Yellow Rev. 1/3/97 27. 23 CONTINUED: 2 23 TEMPUS (CONT'D) Congratulations, Andrus -- you've just become my running mate. Wonder what the folks back home think of you now? The right hand man in the most ruthless, barbaric and oppressive regime that history has known -- or will know. (then) Lock him up And Andrus is hustled out of there. 24 INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY 24(X) Lois is on the phone; Clark is speed reading technical manuals at the far end of the table. (X) LOIS I don't know, Dr. Klein... could something in the water be making people susceptible to John Doe's charms... ? You think so... Oh. You think John Doe's _charming_... Thanks. (hangs up) (X) Well, he was no help. (X) CLARK Neither are these scientific journals... while there is plenty of evidence to suggest that subliminal suggestion works and is used to some extent, there's nothing along the lines of what we're seeing with John Doe. Lois smiles, SIGHS happily. CLARK (CONT'D) What? LOIS It's just when you said that name ... John Doe ... I got this warm and fuzzy feeling. That's probably not good, is it? (then, a mantra) It's Tempus, it's Tempus ... (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Yellow Rev. 1/3/97 28. 24 CONTINUED: 24 CLARK Better? LOIS Yeah -- (then) Clark, I've been thinking... somehow he got out of that asylum. What if he didn't go out the door? CLARK What do you mean? LOIS He's a time traveller, Clark. Maybe he escaped using time. Went forwards or backwards -- whatever, but then reappeared here in Metropolis. CLARK I suppose anything's possible. So maybe the thing he's using to manipulate the public hasn't even have been invented yet... Clark considers that, doesn't like the sound of it. Jimmy comes in, hands Clark a note. (X) JIMMY Message for you, C.K. Clark looks at it, then calls after the retreating Jimmy: CLARK Jimmy! I got you into the Garner victory party tomorrow night -- good news, huh? JIMMY (winces) Oooh, uh, actually I'm going to the John Doe Rave at Club L7 -- CLARK But I thought -- JIMMY Come on, C.K. -- a 'victory' party for President Garner? Like he's gonna win. Pfft. Jimmy moves off. Lois and Clark share a grave look. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 29. 24 CONTINUED: 2 24(X) LOIS He's right, you know. John Doe's polls are still rising... CLARK And we're no closer to proving fraud. Or anything else -- Now Perry appears, carrying a mock-up of the front page. It reads: "Daily Planet Endorses John Doe!" PERRY Well? What do you think? We'll just get it in under the wire -- LOIS Chief -- the paper's already given its endorsement to President Garner. PERRY We took it back. We're not so big around here we can't admit when we're wrong. Perry moves off. Off Lois and Clark's reaction... 25 EXT. METROPOLIS RED LIGHT DISTRICT - DAY 25 The Homeless Man stands on a soap box, ranting to PASSERSBY. HOMELESS MAN John Doe is the devil! He and his minion came into this sphere through a porthole from hell! I saw it myself! They came in through the devil's window! Through the window! 26 A LIMO 26(X) rolls up across the street. The WINDOW slides down and WE SEE Tempus. He watches the homeless man railing. He's attaching a SILENCER to the nose of a gun. Raises it... and fires. The O.S. ranting stops. TEMPUS Well -- finally a workable solution to the homeless problem. (to driver) Drive -- The Limo pulls away. --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 30. 27 INT. SEEDY BAR - NIGHT #2 27 President Garner's victory headquarters. A few dour SECRET SERVICE guys hover in the background, sunglasses on. Garner sits alone at the bar watching the election returns come in on a large TV set. Lois and Clark enter, dressed for a ball. They take note of the ... er... turn out. LOIS Mr. President ... PRESIDENT GARNER Lois, Clark! Come on in. You got the message that the victory celebration moved, I take it? CLARK There was a sign on the ballroom door. PRESIDENT GARNER Lot of last minute cancellations. Didn't see the point in renting that huge hall if it was just going to be us die-hards. LOIS Where're your wife and daughter? PRESIDENT GARNER At the John Doe bash at Club L7. CLARK Mr. President, we need to talk -- on the TV, an ANCHOR reports election returns: ANCHOR With eighty percent of precincts reporting -- it looks as if John Doe is going to take Manhattan -- PRESIDENT GARNER Damn! I can't believe it! He took Manhattan! ANCHOR (being handed bulletin) The Bronx. And Staten Island, too. LOIS Mr. President, we have reason to believe that John Doe is... PRESIDENT GARNER A darn nice guy. I can't disagree. Hell. Even I voted for him. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Green Rev. 1/7/97 31. 27 CONTINUED: 27 CLARK What? PRESIDENT GARNER Well, I was in the voting booth this morning... I _meant_ to vote for myself... but I thought about (X) John Doe... and, well -- I just... (X) felt like I _had_ to vote for him... ANCHOR (ON TV) ...this is unprecedented in our time, ladies and gentlemen. Never before, in the history of our country has a write-in candidate taken the white house! But LNN is now predicting... the projected winner, and the next President of the United States -- John Doe! Garner pumps his fist in joy. In the background, the Secret Service guys embrace. PRESIDENT GARNER Yeah! Way to go! (then) Wait a minute that... means I lost... Off Lois and Clark, just watching... FADE OUT _END OF ACT TWO_ --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 32. _ACT THREE_ FADE IN: 28 INT. SPACIOUS ROOM - DREAM 28 A REPRISE of Clark's dream ... quick cuts... the FIST statue... Lois at the door ... the room stretching... Clark becoming Superman as he tries to get to her... their fingertips touch... LOIS I'll always love you... And now, as the AIR SHIMMERS, THICKENS with that electrical force... WE SEE THE FIGURE rising up behind her... and now WE SEE that it's TEMPUS -- he's the one who's wrenching Lois away from him into the SHIMMERING, SWIRLING AIR until she's gone, and now... 29 INT. TOWNHOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT 29 Clark awakes in bed, rattled by the dream. He turns to Lois... she's there this time, sleeping soundly. He kisses her cheek, quietly climbs out of the bed, moves to a chair, sits... and just watches her as she sleeps ... DISSOLVE TO: 30 EXT. TOWNHOUSE - DAY #3 - TO ESTABLISH 30 WE HEAR the SOUND of the TV inside, as... 31 INT. TOWNHOUSE - MORNING - CLARK 31 sits in the living room, watching Tempus on TV, giving a press conference. Lois appears, dressed in one of Clark's oversized shirts. She moves to Clark, puts her hand on his shoulder. He takes her hand, but doesn't look away from the TV set. TEMPUS (ON TV) Though the Doe administration doesn't officially take power for a few months, I wanted to let the people know that the transition will be as painless as possible. I'm already working with President Garner on that score -- Now WE SEE Garner behind Tempus, nodding. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 33. 31 CONTINUED: 31 LOIS My god, Clark -- it's already starting... TEMPUS (ON TV) My greatest hope is that former supporters of President Garner will join me in making this country great again -- CLARK 'Again?' LOIS Like when there was slavery, no doubt. TEMPUS (ON TV) -- in particular, Superman... (as the camera tightens on Tempus) Superman, if you're listening... I hope we can find a place for you in the Doe administration. Once all citizens are working through the proper channels -- especially well-meaning but lawless vigilantes such as yourself -- the world will be a safer, more ordered place. I hope you can understand that ... and if you, Kent... I mean can't ... Well. We'll just have to figure out something else. (then) That's all for today, thank you! Tempus backs away from the podium amongst much noisy questioning. Clark clicks off the TV. LOIS Clark, he said your name. CLARK I know. Lois sits on the arm of the chair, looks at him. LOIS Clark, I know this isn't our usual approach -- but I say you go kick his skinny butt right now. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 34. 31 CONTINUED: 2 31 CLARK Honey -- you know Superman can't just go beat up the President Elect. LOIS Why not? CLARK Lois -- LOIS He's dangerous, Clark... CLARK I know he is. But he's also the most popular man in the country right now. Elected by a landslide. We have to be very smart about this. LOIS Tempus -- President of the United States. This is a nightmare... He looks at her, clearly visions of his own nightmare haunting his waking hours. CLARK Lois... I've been having But now he SUPER HEARS GUNSHOTS and CRIES FOR HELP. CLARK (CONT'D) There's a robbery going down at Sid's Bail Bonds -- (he stands) Do me a favor -- stay here. And keep the door locked. LOIS Clark... CLARK Just... do it. I've got a funny feeling... They hold the look for a beat, then he's gone. (X) 32 EXT. SID'S BAIL BONDS - DAY 32 Heist in progress. ALARM blaring. (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 35. 32 CONTINUED: 32 SKI-MASKED ROBBERS coming out the front door with guns and jewels. Superman CAPES into the scene, rounds the robbers up in short order. SIRENS. Now POLICE UNITS roll up to the scene. UNIFORMED COPS emerge, move in as usual. COP #1 moves to Superman, as he instructs COP #2: COP #1 (indicating robbers) Take care of them -- SUPERMAN They're all yours, officer -- Superman reacts as Cop #2 releases the Robbers and they just stroll by Superman, grinning. Cop #1 and Cop #2 WHISPER about something. (X) SUPERMAN (CONT'D) What's going on? COP #1 (approaching) You didn't read them their Miranda Rights, did you, Superman? SUPERMAN Well... no. But I never do. You guys do that. Hey! You can't just let them go -- I caught them in the act -- COP #1 Your word against theirs, I'm afraid, Superman. SUPERMAN What? They're wearing ski masks -- and have guns. COP #1 The constitution allows them the right to bear arms. And last I heard, skiing was still legal. Now another OFFICIAL CAR pulls up. A SUIT alights, moves into the scene... SUIT #1 (flashing ID) Excuse me, Superman -- I'm Smithers. I'm with the FAA. Was that you flying overhead a few minutes ago? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 36. 32 CONTINUED: 2 32 SUPERMAN What? Well... yeah. SUIT #1 I need to see your license SUPERMAN My what? SUIT #1 Your license. To fly. You do have one? SUPERMAN Well, no... SUIT #1 tsk-tsks, starts scribbling notes as ANOTHER SUIT appears. SUIT #2 Superman! Agent Bower. IRS. We've been trying to contact you. We need your social security number. SUPERMAN I don't have a social security (X) number. SUIT #2 _Everyone_ has a social security number. SUPERMAN I don't. SUIT #2 I guess that explains why we can't locate any of your tax returns. it doesn't appear you've actually ever filed -- that can't be right, can it? Superman, a tax dodger? Should we be looking under 's' for 'Super' or 'M' for 'Man?' Now a third SUIT, a WOMAN in a tailored outfit approaches SUIT #3 Superman, Emily Stevens with Immigration and Naturalization... just need a quick look at your green card -- SUPERMAN Green card? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 37. 32 CONTINUED: 3 32 SUIT #3 You are an alien, are you not? Suit #1 tears a ticket off, hands it to Superman. SUIT #1 Superman, I'm afraid until we get this cleared up -- I'm going to have to ground you... And as Superman is drowned in all this red tape Tempus' Limo rolls by. Tempus sits in the back, smiles and waves to Superman as the limo passes. (X) 33 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 33 Clark talks with Lois at her desk. She's going over some research. CLARK Tempus set the whole thing up. (X) LOIS Less than twenty-four hours after the election, and he's already insinuated himself this deeply into the system... CLARK We have to bring him down before (X) the inauguration... once he has access to the highest levels of government... LOIS (off research) I may have something... CLARK What? LOIS Last night, a homeless man was shot and killed... CLARK How does that tie in? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 38. 33 CONTINUED: 33 LOIS His name was Terrence Rutherford. But here's what's interesting... in the last couple of days there were several complaints made against him. For disturbing the peace. Clark -- he was on the streets ranting against John Doe... Clark registers the significance of that. CLARK So Tempus hasn't gotten to everyone LOIS Exactly. But it's not just that -- witnesses claim he was saying John (X) Doe 'came in through the window.' CLARK Why does that sound familiar? LOIS Remember that inmate at the asylum, the one who was ranting? CLARK He was saying 'they went out the. window!' LOIS Could be a connection. I think we should have a talk with that inmate. Find out exactly what he saw. (X) 34 INT. HOTEL SUITE - DAY 34 Tempus goes over another rendering. It's a RAISED FIST. (X) Tempus nods his approval. Hands it Randolph. (X) TEMPUS Good. This one. Randolph nods, looks uncomfortably to something o.s., then exits. Now WE SEE what he was looking at... Andrus is tied up in a chair in Tempus' suite. Tempus paces before him, waving a newspaper with the "John Doe Wins By Landslide!" headline. The photo of Tempus and Andrus is the centerpiece. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 39. 34 CONTINUED: 34 TEMPUS (CONT'D) They're starting to ask about you, Andrus. Everyone wants to meet the new Vice President Elect. I don't know how long I can cover for you. You might want to consider giving (X) me the code to that window -- so (X) we can end all this unpleasantness. ANDRUS You are a true force for evil, Tempus. TEMPUS Oh, you're only saying that because I've got you tied to a chair and am about to plunge the world into a thousand years of darkness. or words to that effect. ANDRUS You won't get away with this. Men of greater character will conspire to stop you. TEMPUS Or not. Tempus folds the paper to a certain story, drops it in Andrus' lap. 35 INSERT - NEWSPAPER 35 WE SEE an article headlined: "Superman Grounded." With accompanying photograph of Superman surrounded by the federal representatives. 36 ANDRUS 36 looks back to Tempus. ANDRUS If you don't allow Superman to do his good work -- Utopia will never come about. TEMPUS But I'm creating a new Utopia, Andrus. one that suits my own unique sensibilities. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 40. 36 CONTINUED: 36 ANDRUS You're an even bigger fool than I first suspected if you think simple government bureaucracy will keep Superman down for long. TEMPUS You've obviously never stood in line at the DMV. ANDRUS Great men aren't so easily neutralized, Tempus. TEMPUS Hmmm. You know, you're right. if history has taught us nothing else, it's taught us this: never invade Russia, and don't underestimate the power of Superman's disgusting goodness. Tempus digs in his pocket, comes up with his mini-mic. TEMPUS (CONT'D) He'll need a little more convincing before he cooperates fully -- and I know just where to hit the hardest for maximum effect ... He lifts the mini-mic to his mouth ... TEMPUS (CONT'D) This one goes out to Lois Lane... (X) Off Andrus' concerned look... 37 INT. ASYLUM - DAY 37 Lois and Clark interview Barrett, the inmate we saw earlier. Faux Tempus sits contentedly in the next cell. BARRETT (re Faux Tempus) He doesn't sleep... just sits there all night with his eyes open. Watching me... CLARK How long has he been doing that? BARRETT Ever since they made the switch (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 41. 37 CONTINUED: 37 CLARK Switch? BARRETT Yeah. One's a fake. I don't think he's even human LOIS How do you know? BARRETT I saw the whole thing -- the window appeared right there. Just like he said it would. LOIS Who said it would? BARRETT Tempus. And that other guy, that peace keeper, he's the one that made the switch. CLARK (to Lois) Someone came back for Tempus -- LOIS -- and Tempus busted loose. BARRETT But no one believes me. They think I'm nuts. But I'm not nuts. (confidentially) I'm Superman. Lois and Clark just look at the guy. Her cell phone RINGS. She answers it. LOIS Lois Lane -- what? No, I can't hear you. Bad connection. I can't... (to Clark) I'll meet you outside. Clark nods. Lois exits. Clark continues with the interview. CLARK Do you remember anything else? What did this peace keeper look like? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 42. 37 CONTINUED: 2 37 BARRETT Oh, that's easy -- he's right there... Clark looks to where Barrett is indicating... a copy of the newspaper with the 'John Doe Wins' headline. And the photo of Tempus and Andrus -- CLARK The Vice President Elect? That's who came for Tempus? Barrett nods. Clark turns -- Lois isn't there. He starts to go -- CLARK Thanks -- BARRETT You know, I could break out of here anytime I wanted... but then they'd know I was Superman. So I just stay locked up. Clever, huh? CLARK (conspiratorially) (X) Very. (X) Clark and Barrett hold the look for a beat, then Clark exits. (X) 38 EXT. ASYLUM - DAY 38 Clark emerges from the building; no sign of Lois. CLARK Lois -- ? He tilts his head as he SUPERHEARS TIRES SQUEALING, reacts to that, as... 39 EXT. ROAD TO ASYLUM - DAY 39 Lois drives in a trance-like state, not unlike the security guard from act one. The Jeep is headed for a cliff and Lois' certain doom as we... FADE OUT. _END OF ACT THREE_ --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 43. _ACT FOUR_ FADE IN: 40 EXT. ROAD TO ASYLUM - CONTINUOUS 40 Lois, still in a state of near-hypnosis, hits the accelerator. The Jeep careens toward the cliff -- 41 THE JEEP 41 is about to go over the cliff...but suddenly, a BLUE BLUR (X) and Superman is there, pushing it back from the edge. (X) Superman pulls open the driver's door and retrieves Lois, (X) who just blinks at the situation as she takes it in LOIS Superman... what happened? SUPERMAN You drove off the cliff -- LOIS I did? (then, realizing) I _did_. SUPERMAN Lois -- why? LOIS I'm... I'm not sure... it just... SUPERMAN Seemed like the thing to do... ? LOIS Exactly... Suddenly: several marked and unmarked cars fishtail into the scene. Out of them pour government representatives, waving (X) official looking documents. (X) SUPERMAN Okay now? (X) LOIS Yes. Get out of here. (X) Superman CAPES out of there. --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 44. 42 INT. HOTEL SUITE - DAY 42 Tempus paces the room, munching grapes. Randolph, his aide, stands, taking dictation. TEMPUS and see about hiring some painters for The White House despise the color... Randolph reacts to something o.s., gulps. Tempus turns, sees what Randolph is reacting to -- 43 SUPERMAN 43 stands in the open suite window, his arms folded, cape fluttering. 44 TEMPUS 44 pops a grape in his mouth, nothing if not cool. TEMPUS Superman. You patriotic thing, you. come in -- Superman does just that, steps into the room and walks right up to Tempus, his hand going for Tempus' throat, clamping around it. The grape rockets out. RANDOLPH Shall I call for the Secret Service, Mr. President Elect? TEMPUS (choked up) No, Randolph. He won't harm me. SUPERMAN Don't bet on it -- Superman wants like mad to snap Tempus' neck like a twig we can see him fighting the urge. He releases Tempus; Tempus staggers back a few steps, coughs. TEMPUS You see, Randolph? That's something you must learn about superheroes -- no matter which way they turn, they're constantly bumping into their own ethics -- SUPERMAN I'm going to bring you down, Tempus (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Yellow Rev. 1/3/97 45. 44 CONTINUED: 44 TEMPUS Who's 'Tempus?' SUPERMAN You've gone too far this time TEMPUS What are you gonna do -- impeach me? SUPERMAN I'll do what's necessary. TEMPUS And as you've already witnessed so will I. You may want to reconsider cooperating with the new administration, Superman ... Tempus gets into Superman's face. TEMPUS (CONT'D) (softly, intensely) One never knows when one's wife will drive her car off a cliff, (X) does one? (X) They hold the look for a beat. SUPERMAN This is a warning -- stay away from her. Superman turns and -- WHOOSH!, he's gone. Randolph steps up beside Tempus. RANDOLPH That's outrageous! That man is history, sir. TEMPUS Actually, not for long, Randolph. Soon _I'll_ be history -- and Superman will be nothing more than a freakish footnote. Randolph blinks, unsure exactly what that meant -- RANDOLPH I don't think he'll ever agree to cooperate with you, sir ... TEMPUS I know that, you imbecile. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 46. 44 CONTINUED: 2 44 Tempus opens a drawer -- removes Andrus' Time Window, sets it conspicuously on the counter. TEMPUS (CONT'D) I'm going out for a while. Unlock the Vice President Elect's door... and when he tries to escape -- let him. Tempus exits, rubbing his throat. 45 INT. TOWNHOUSE - DAY 45 Clark paces; Lois tries to calm him down. CLARK I can't believe I did that LOIS Clark, it's totally understandable -- he tried to kill your wife. And considering I'm your wife... I'm not sorry you (X) did. CLARK No -- that's not what I mean. I let him see my anger my fear. LOIS Your fear? CLARK Lois... when I came outside and you weren't there... I thought... (X) He's just looking at her. She moves to him. (X) LOIS Clark, what is it? CLARK Lois... I've been having these dreams. Nightmares. Of losing you... LOIS Just dreams, Clark... CLARK Tempus is in them. And I started having them before all this started... (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 47. 45 CONTINUED: 45 LOIS You were dreaming about Tempus before John Doe turned up? CLARK I didn't realize it was Tempus until recently... but he's always (X) been there. In the shadows. LOIS Clark, the figure in your dream turned into Tempus when Tempus reemerged... that's all. CLARK No it was always him. (X) (then) Lois if I ever lost you I'd be losing myself. They are drawn into each other's eyes for a long moment, then -- LOIS Clark I'm right here. CLARK I know. She senses something, the immediacy of the moment. LOIS Make love to me, Clark -- He takes her in his arms... and as the passion builds... DISSOLVE TO: 46 EXT. TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT #3 46 Someone's RINGING the DOORBELL, just laying on it... 47 INT. TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT 47 Clark comes down the stairs, slipping on his glasses. He moves to the door, opens it, revealing a disheveled Andrus. ANDRUS Clark Kent -- ? Clark registers recognition. Lois appears on the stairs, looks at Andrus. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 48. 47 CONTINUED: 47 LOIS Ohmygod... you're... ANDRUS My name is Andrus. I'm from the future. And I need your help... 48 INT. TOWNHOUSE - LATER 48 Lois and Clark sit with Andrus. ANDRUS I can't tell you what an honor it is to meet you. You two.... You (X) don't know how many people your lives have touched. If it weren't for you two, there would be no Utopia. Whole generations would never have had a chance. Men of (X) peace such as myself wouldn't (X) exist as leaders. Yes my world is extraordinary. A true Utopia. (X) The world your love made possible. (X) Lois takes Clark's hand. ANDRUS (CONT'D) But now both our worlds are in danger. Yours and mine. I've been naive, I'm afraid. Thinking that since Tempus is a Utopian held see reason... but Tempus sees nothing but himself. CLARK I'll do whatever I can to help. ANDRUS Good. Andrus produces his Time Window... ANDRUS (CONT'D) I have the means to take Tempus back -- but not the strength. That much is clear. Will you come with me to the future, Superman? Help return Tempus to justice? Lois reacts to that, squeezes Clark's hand -- LOIS Clark -- (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 49. 48 CONTINUED: 48 Andrus looks at Lois, sees her concern. ANDRUS Once Tempus is delivered to justice, your husband will return here, of course. And it will be, for you, as if not a moment had passed. Lois looks to Clark. LOIS I'll be waiting. (X) Clark looks at her, really takes her in. Kisses her. CLARK I love you, Lois. (X) LOIS I love you. (X) They hold the look. (X) 49 EXT. METROPOLIS REGENT HOTEL - NIGHT 49 We're watching from the distance as Tempus' limo rolls up. A Secret Service Agent opens the back door. Tempus climbs out, walks toward the hotel, as -- REVEAL - Clark and Andrus, watching from the shadows. ANDRUS Best not to do this out in the open... CLARK (eyeing the hotel) I don't think we'll have any trouble getting inside... 50 INT. TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT 50 Lois sits at the table, looking over her will. She is about to put pen to paper, but it gives her the creeps. She starts as the PHONE RINGS... she picks it up -- LOIS Hello -- ? DOCTOR DUSSEL (V.O.) Miss Lane -- ? INTERCUT WITH: --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 50. 51 INT. ASYLUM - NIGHT 51 The place is a shambles; Doctor Dussel looks like hell, he's clearly been roughed up -- UNIFORMED POLICE are in evidence, examining the scene. DOCTOR DUSSEL This is Doctor Dussel... at the asylum. You asked me to call if there was any change in Tempus' condition? Well, there has been. He's escaped... LOIS Escaped? DOCTOR DUSSEL Yes. He was here... LOIS What? Who was there? Dussel turns away from the police in the b.g., whispers: DOCTOR DUSSEL President Elect Doe -- LOIS What? DOCTOR DUSSEL Yes -- he broke in here. He was armed, Miss Lane! He took Tempus with him... And to think I voted for the man. You know, it's odd, but he does look strikingly like Tempus. I'm amazed I didn't notice it before... Off Lois' concerned reaction -- (X) 52 INT. HOTEL SUITE - NIGHT 52 Tempus sits in his overstuffed chair before a draped object. He hardly flinches, as... SUPERMAN (O.S.) It's over, Tempus. TEMPUS Is it? Superman and Andrus appear in the room. Tempus just looks at them. Andrus produces the Time Window, inflates it. The SWIRLING VORTEX glows in the center. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 51. 52 CONTINUED: 52 SUPERMAN Walk through or be carried through. Makes no difference to me. Either way, you're going back. Tempus doesn't budge, and now... 53 EXT. METROPOLIS REGENT HOTEL - NIGHT 53 Lois' Jeep pulls up to the hotel. She flies out of the driver's side, makes a beeline for the hotel, as ... 54 INT. HOTEL SUITE - NIGHT 54 Tempus slowly rises from the chair, his face an expressionless mask. ANDRUS Have you nothing to say? No remorse? TEMPUS What would you have me say? ANDRUS It's just as well -- Superman? Superman takes Tempus by the arm. Tempus offers no resistance. Superman steps with him into the SWIRLING TIME VORTEX...Andrus is about to follow....but reacts as the (X) Tempus with Superman DISAPPEARS, like a TV being shut off. (X) And in that split second -- the door bursts open and (X) there's Lois, pushing past Secret Service men -- (X) ANDRUS What? No! That was the replicant! (X) LOIS Superman! The DRAFT from the door blows the draped cover from the object where Tempus was sitting ... it's the statue of the RAISED FIST from Clark's dream ... and the symbol of Tempus' reign. Superman sees that. He tries to break free of the (X) window, but can't as -- (X) SUPERMAN Lois! Get out! Get out now! --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) Pink Rev. 12/20/96 52. 55 THE REAL TEMPUS 55 emerges from an adjoining room. (X) TEMPUS No. Let her through -- she should see this. Lois stumbles into the room. The Secret Service guys pull the door shut. Tempus shoves Andrus aside. (X) 56 TEMPUS 56 raises his hands, reaching for the frame of the Time Window... 57 ANDRUS 57 lifts his head, reacts in horror. ANDRUS No! If he touches the window Superman is doomed! LOIS Clark! Tempus lays his hands on the frame of the Time Window -- it (X) begins to break apart, the VORTEX no longer being contained. SUPERMAN Lois! Superman, caught in the time vortex, reaches out to Lois -- their hands touch. It's the dream, alright, but now it's really happening ... Now the AIR SHIMMERS, THICKENS with an electrical force as the energy from the Time Window starts to implode on itself. 57A SUPERMAN'S POV 57A of Lois disappearing from Superman's view as... (X) LOIS Clark --page break-- "Meet John Doe" (#14) FULL Blue 12/19/96 53. 57B TIME WINDOW 57B as it implodes, sucking everything in the room forward for an instant, then blowing it all back. Everyone and everything is flung against the four corners of the room. Absolute stillness. Superman is gone. Tempus shakes his head, sits up. He stands, brushes himself off. TEMPUS Time to get on with the country's work. He exits, cackling. Lois crawls over to Andrus, shakes him. He opens his eyes, looks at her. LOIS Where is he? Where is he?! ANDRUS Gone. LOIS What do you mean gone? ANDRUS He travelled into time without the window... he's in eternity, now. LOIS You have to help me get him back -- But he's suddenly wincing, then a look of utter peace comes over him. ANDRUS I feel... strange... it's not unpleasant... (he looks at her) Everything's changing. I... I no longer... exist... And now he VANISHES. Lois just stares, then looks to the room, devastated as the awful reality sinks in... LOIS Clark... And as we leave her in the shattered room, suddenly alone... FADE OUT. To be continued...