To pop everything into place... use Courier 10 (or a 10-characters-per-inch, nonproportional, san serif font) set top margin at 0.5", bottom margin at 0.5" left margin at 0.8", right margin at .25 (or minimum) (I had to tell the program I was using legal paper) Notes: Cover: "The People V. Lois Lane", Written by Grant Rosenberg [and] Directed by Robert Ginty are all in large bolt print. The remainder of the text is in Courier 10 (10 characters per inch) Typos noted: "all right" misspelled as "alright" in several places Page 2, first descriptive paragraph, "the the secret compartment" has two "the" in original Page 52, just above scene 66, Wolcot says "It's hard enough enough", two "enough" in original @@ --page break-- CASTING (14 copies) 140-139 [insert logo.bmp or logo.jpg] "The People V. Lois Lane" EPISODE SIX Prod. #465206 Written by Grant Rosenberg Directed by Robert Ginty _Production Draft_ Sept. 9, 1996 FULL Blue 9/13/96 Pink Rev. 9/18/96 Yellow R. 9/19/96 Green R. 9/23/96 Gold Rev. 9/25/96 White Rev. 9/27/96 --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_The People V. Lois Lane_" Yellow Rev. 9/19/96 _CAST_ CLARK KENT/SUPERMAN LOIS LANE JIMMY OLSEN PERRY WHITE MARTHA KENT JONATHAN KENT ________________________________________________________________ PROFESSOR JEFFERSON COLE D.A. CLEMMONS VERONICA STEWART * WOLCOTT ANGELA WINTERS * SHEILA DANKO * JUDGE SAMUELSON DETECTIVE MATRON WANDA ELROY SYKES REPORTER BAILIFF BOBBY --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_The People V. Lois Lane_" FULL Blue Rev. 9/13/96 _LOCATIONS_ _INTERIORS_: _EXTERIORS_: Daily Planet Daily Planet Street Newsroom Elevator Metropolis Street Lois & Clark's Townhouse Alley Jail Cell Park Courtroom Police Station Towncar Restaurant * Police Station * Hotel Buckingham Palace * --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_The People V. Lois Lane_" FULL Blue Rev. 9/13/96 _CHRONOLOGY_ SC. 1 - 11 DAY #1 SC. 12 NIGHT #1 SC. 13 - 34 DAY #2 SC. 35 - 41 DAY #3 SC. 42 - 45 NIGHT #3 SC. 46 - 53 DAY #4 * SC. 54 NIGHT IN LONDON * SC. 55 - 58 DAY #4 (continued) * SC. 59 - 63 NIGHT IN LONDON (continued) * SC. 64 - 70 DAY #4 (continued) * --page break-- _LOIS AND CLARK_ _The New Adventures of Superman_ "The People V. Lois Lane" _TEASE_ FADE IN: 1 INT. TOWN HOUSE - DAY #1 1 Easy jazz source MUSIC plays under the scene. The CAMERA (X) MOVES through the sea of half-opened moving boxes to FIND LOIS, in grubby clothes, digging through a box. She finds a toaster, adds it next to another one already on the counter. There are duplicates of other appliances as well. There are also two radios, side by side. One is tuned to an easy jazz station. (X) LOIS So far, between your stuff and my stuff we've got two toasters, two blenders and two crock pots. (then) I don't even know what a crock pot does. CLARK It takes up room and collects dust. CLARK, similarly dressed, stands on a step stool, hanging wallpaper on the living room wall. One strip is up, and he is having a little trouble lining up the second sheet. CLARK (CONT'D) (off wall paper) You know... I could have this whole room papered in about three seconds, if I... (makes spinning motion) LOIS No. Just do it the old fashioned way. According to _Newlywed_ _Magazine_, these kinds of projects are important to the bonding process. CLARK Somehow, _wallpaper_ isn't the first thing that comes to mind when I think about newlyweds bonding. Ignoring that, she finds a Superman suit in one of the boxes and feels joy. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 2. 1 CONTINUED: 1 LOIS I still can't believe it, Clark -- our first place! It's so exciting. Maybe this'll help us to finally settle down, start acting like a normal couple for once. She says as she incongruously hangs the suit up and SHUTS the the secret compartment. A muffled RING leads Lois to dig through piles of paper and boxes in search of the phone. LOIS (CONT'D) (into the phone) Hello? INTERCUT: 2 EXT. PARK - DAY 2 CLOSE ON a shifty, high-strung character named ELROY SYKES, talking on a public phone. SYKES Lois Lane, Elroy Sykes, howya doin'? Heard ya got hitched. LOIS Sykes... I thought you were in -- SYKES Prison? Just got paroled. But, hey, don't worry, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. LOIS Thanks, have a nice life. SYKES Wait, whoa -- I know who dusted Big Mo Zabrinski, plus I know how it went down. Got it from a bunk mate on the inside. LOIS (beat) I'm listening... SYKES You want more, meet me in Centennial Park, half an hour. (X) And don't forget my lunch money. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 3. 2 CONTINUED: 2 After he hangs up, REVEAL JEFFERSON COLE, better known as THE PROFESSOR, brilliant, steely eyed, with an ever present, ominous smile. SYKES (CONT'D) She's coming, Professor. PROFESSOR Of course she is. The great Lois Lane could never pass up a scoop like this. He pulls a 9mm Baretta automatic out of a Ziploc bag, hands the gun to Sykes. PROFESSOR (CONT'D) You know what to do, right? SYKES Yeah, sure -- get Lane to threaten me so we can blackmail her. Piece of cake. PROFESSOR Very good... (raises recorder to lips) Memo to self, cut Sykes in for a bigger piece of the... cake. Off Sykes, holding the gun, thrilled. 3 INT. TOWN HOUSE - SAME TIME 3 Lois, in motion, grabs her bag. CLARK I'm going with you. LOIS I'll be fine. Sykes has been a source for years, but he's kinda squirrelly. If he sees anyone else, he'll bolt. CLARK So, I'll hide in the bushes. I don't want you going alone. LOIS Clark, honey -- you're not suggesting I stop following my own leads just because we're married now, are you? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Gold Rev. 9/25/96 4. 3 CONTINUED: 3 CLARK Well... no, but -- LOIS Good. (kisses him) Be back soon. She exits. Clark turns off one radio and turns on the (X) second radio, which is tuned to a football game. (X) ANNOUNCER (ADR) ... third and twelve with the ball (X) resting on the twenty-seven yard (X) line. (X) Clark takes a look at the partially papered wall and a (X) moment later, there's a BLUR. A beat, and the wall is completely papered. ANNOUNCER (ADR) ... back to pass. He has Thompson (X) open in the end zone. (X) Clark turns his attention to the radio. (X) ANNOUNCER (ADR) He makes a diving catch. (X) Touchdown! (X) 4 EXT. PARK - DAY 4 sparsely populated as, ON THE CUT, a TEENAGED KID LEAPS onto a park bench on his skateboard, slides along the edge, then helicopters onto the sidewalk in front of a young woman, SHEILA DANKO, who videotapes his every trick. 5 ANGLE - SECLUDED SPOT 5 as Lois-steps out from the trees. SYKES (O.S.) Glad you made it. Lois turns to see Sykes standing there, the Baretta in hand. LOIS Hey, wait a minute, Sykes -- (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Gold Rev. 9/25/96 4A. 5 CONTINUED: 5 SYKES Relax, Lois... (pops clip out) Not loaded, see? It's for demonstration purposes only. Here, you take it. LOIS No, thanks. I don't do guns. SYKES What, afraid you'll break a nail? You wanna know how Big Mo got offed, or don't you? He tosses it to her. She reflexively catches it. 6 REVERSE ANGLE 6 to reveal The Professor across the street in a shadowy doorway, watching with intense interest. He holds a small, remote control device in his hands. --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 5. 7 BACK TO SCENE 7 Lois, awkwardly holding the gun. SYKES Okay, okay, now imagine I'm Big Mo. Six feet, five inches of repressed anger and body odor, right? And you're the guy whose facial features I'm gonna rearrange for rattin' on me -- or so I think... Sykes reaches out to her, lifts the barrel up so the gun's pointing right at his chest. SYKES (CONT'D) You wanna. hold that up a little higher, thanks, you're a sport. (hands up) Surprise, surprise, all of a sudden Zabrinski ain't so brave anymore. He starts pleading with the guy, 'No, don't shoot, I got a wife and kids at home...' 8 ANGLE - PROFESSOR 8 as he raises the recorder to his lips. PROFESSOR (into recorder) Memo to self, cancel previous memo. He pockets the recorder, then hovers his finger over the button on the remote device. 9 RESUME SCENE 9 SYKES ... And, then, BAM, that's it -- hasta la vista, baby! Then, BAM, the gun in Lois's hand FIRES, BLASTING Sykes point blank in the chest. He stumbles backward and the last thing his eyes show is shock as he keels over, dead. Off Lois, stunned, holding the smoking gun: FADE OUT _END OF TEASE_ --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Yellow Rev 9/19/96 6. _ACT ONE_ FADE IN: 10 EXT. POLICE STATION - DAY 10 COPS hold back the MEDIA CIRCUS as a police car, lights flashing, pulls up. A DETECTIVE opens the door for Lois, in handcuffs, as she emerges to a strobe of FLASHES from photographers. REPORTERS YELL out questions ('Why'd you do it, Lois?,' 'Was it self-defense?'; etc.), as she's led up the steps. Clark arrives, pushes through to her. CLARK Lois! LOIS Oh, Clark, thank God! DETECTIVE (to a cop) It's alright, he's her husband. LOIS (rapid fire) It was awful -- one moment, Sykes is re-enacting Zabrinski's murder, and then all of a sudden, I don't know what happened, the gun just went off. I mean, all by itself. I never even _touched_ the trigger... CLARK It's okay, honey, don't worry. We'll figure this thing out. REPORTER (O.C.) (calls out) Mr. District Attorney, care to make a statement? All react as DISTRICT ATTORNEY CLEMMONS, 40's, a mediocre prosecutor who gets by on his TV anchor good looks, emerges from the Station House, followed by his ruthless political handler, VERONICA STEWART. As Clemmons waves to the (X) photographers: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 7. 10 CONTINUED: 10 CLARK (suspicious; to Det.) What's the D.A. doing here? CLEMMONS (pausing en route) The D.A's here because he takes murder very seriously, Mr. Kent. LOIS Murder?! No way. There wasn't even a clip in the gun. (X) CLARK This is ridiculous! Lois is innocent, and you know it. CLEMMONS Do I? She's got gun powder burns on her hand and a dubious history with the victim. That's enough to hold her over for questioning. Now, if you'll excuse me... Clemmons starts past, but Clark blocks him. CLARK That's my wife, Clemmons. I'm warning you, don't try and turn this into a campaign stunt. CLEMMONS I suggest you keep your emotions in check, Mr. Kent. You obviously have no idea who you're dealing with here. CLARK (in his face) Neither do you. Clark holds his look for an intense beat, then: CLEMMONS (to Detective) Book her. Stewart ushers Clemmons over to the press as Lois tries to calm Clark. (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 8. 10 CONTINUED: 2 10 LOIS Clark, it's okay, really. I'll be okay. It's all going to work out, I know it. CLARK Yeah, but... LOIS We've been in worse jams than this before. I think I can handle a night or two on the 'inside' until I'm cleared. (off his look) Have a little faith in the system, isn't that what you always tell me? CLEMMONS (O.S.) Every murder in this city deserves (X) our full attention. It doesn't (X) matter who the victim is, or who (X) the suspected perpetrator is... (X) Then, the Detective takes her away into the station, leaving Clark to suffer through Clemmons, who's flashing his thousand watt smile to the press: CLEMMONS (CONT'D) ... Nobody is above the law in Metropolis, not even a well respected figure like Ms. Lane. That is why I will personally be overseeing this investigation. REPORTER Does this have anything to do with the fact that you're trailing by twelve points in the Governor's race? Clemmons is about to respond when Stewart steps forward. STEWART The DA is taking on this case because it's important, not because it's political. Thank you, no more questions at this time. Off Clark, setting his jaw: 11 EXT. ALLEY - ACROSS THE STREET - DAY 11 The Professor watches with satisfaction. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 9. 11 CONTINUED: 11 PROFESSOR This is almost too easy. Kill Sykes, frame Lois, maneuver the D.A. into prosecuting her... I'm bored. (into recorder) Memo to self, find hobby. He turns into the alley where his rumpled lab assistant, the wispy, pony-tailed WOLCOTT, is busily working on a palm-sized satellite dish. PROFESSOR (CONT'D) Alright, Wolcott, time for phase two. Is it ready? WOLCOTT See for yourself. Wolcott punches a few buttons on the device and it starts to HUM. Then, amazingly -- a dozen BUTTERFLIES appear out of thin air, dancing in front of The Professor. PROFESSOR Fantastic! Do you see them, too? WOLCOTT (excited) Well, yeah, the image targets the cerebral cortex directly. Anybody in the vicinity would think they're seeing butterflies -- or anything else we want them to see. One of the butterflies lands on the Professor's (X) outstretched hand. (X) PROFESSOR I feel like a proud father. WOLCOTT Gee, Professor, thanks. PROFESSOR Not _you_, Wolcott -- the hallucinator. I spent years in prison developing it. Finally, it's ready to be implemented. The Professor reaches out to touch the butterfly. As he (X) does, the image begins to dematerialize. (X) PROFESSOR (CONT'D) (growing anger) What's wrong? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 10. 11 CONTINUED: 2 11 Wolcott taps a few of the buttons on the device. WOLCOTT I don't know. Must be some kind of glitch. PROFESSOR You were my assistant for years. (X) You must've learned something. Check the frequency modulator. WOLCOTT That's not the problem... PROFESSOR (pulls him close) Then _find_ the problem. (grim) (X) I don't just want Lois Lane behind bars. I want that cocky little reporter to rot in a hellhole prison the rest of her miserable, worthless life. (cheery) Okie-dokie? 11A INT. POLICE STATION - QUICK CUTS OF 11A Lois up against a white wall, having her mug shot taken. 11B CLOSE UP OF LOIS BEING FINGER PRINTED 11B Tight on fingers being rolled in ink. 11C LOIS 11C handing over her personal belongings. Tight on slipping off her wedding ring and handing it over. 12 INT. LOIS'S JAIL CELL - NIGHT #1 12 Lois is alone in her small cell, pacing. The jail MATRON, a grim, disinterested women in her 40's, walks up to her cell. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Yellow Rev 9/19/96 11. 12 CONTINUED: 12 MATRON So, Lane, how'd you like check-in? LOIS It was everything I expected; humiliating, embarrassing, degrading. MATRON (satisfied) I told them to go easy on you. LOIS If you, or the indifferent system you serve, think I'll crack, don't hold your breath. I'm an investigative reporter. I'm used to tough jams. I thrive on society's tawdry underbelly. Could I get a hypo-allergenic pillow? MATRON No. As we go WIDE we see WANDA, a tough babe, watching this (X) from the adjoining cell. LOIS The human spirit is stronger than... (X) MATRON (pulling her close through the bars) (X) Than what? (X) LOIS (somewhat cowed) (X) You'd expect. I just thought that (X) would be something you'd like to (X) know. About the human spirit. (X) MATRON I'm a social worker. I don't care (X) about the human spirit. (X) And she leaves. Lois tries to recover. WANDA I wouldn't mess with her if I was you. LOIS She abuses the prisoners? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Green Rev 9/23/96 12. 12 CONTINUED: 2 12 WANDA (pointing to scar on her chin) See this? LOIS She did that? WANDA Nah. My late husband. LOIS He's dead. WANDA No. He was due here two hours ago. (X) LOIS Sorry. I guess I'm not following. See, I'm an investigative reporter... WANDA Who thrives on underbellies. I know. LOIS And I'm using this brief time in... 'stir' to explore it from the accused's perspective. Do you mind telling me what an average day's like inside? WANDA Average. Same as every other day. Of every month. In every year. This is my tenth appeal in ten years. You'll see. Lois reacts to the gloomy sound of that, but presses on. LOIS Well, uh, actually, probably not. See, I'm innocent. WANDA And...? LOIS And what? I'm innocent. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 13. 12 CONTINUED: 3 12 WANDA (a patronizing smile) Oh. Well, that's great. Hope it works for you. (leans in close) But if it doesn't, Miss, maybe it's time you got real here. 'Cause this place is as real and mean and forever as it gets. Suddenly there's a WHOOSH and SUPERMAN appears. (X) WANDA (CONT'D) The caped crusader! SUPERMAN That's Batman. (to Lois) You alright? LOIS (false bravery) You know me. The glass is always half full. SUPERMAN I'm being serious. LOIS So am I. This is an opportunity very few journalists get. I'll be fine. Other than the fact that... I miss my husband. SUPERMAN (dying to hold her) He misses you too. LOIS (dying to be held) We're newlyweds you know. SUPERMAN (aching) I know. Wanda is getting caught up in this powerful subtext herself. LOIS (aching) I miss his arms. His neck. His lips. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 14. 12 CONTINUED: 4 12 SUPERMAN (caught up in this) So does he. Miss those things. Of yours. WANDA (dazed) Wow. SUPERMAN (getting hold of himself) He's working on getting you a first class attorney so you can get out of here. WANDA I've heard that before. LOIS (uneasy) An attorney? I guess that means they don't have any other suspects. SUPERMAN You can see why your husband's worried you may be in too tough a situation here. Because if it _is_ too tough say the word and he can (X) 'lift' your spirits. (X) LOIS He already has. She surreptitiously reaches over and touches Superman's hand. There is an awkward silence between them as the desire to kiss becomes unbearable. SUPERMAN I, uh, better go. LOIS Thanks for stopping by. He CAPES out, leaving Lois and Wanda staring up and after him. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 15. 12 CONTINUED: 5 12 WANDA You really do have friends in high places. Lois just looks out the bars, wishing she were out of there. CUT TO: 13 EXT. STREETS - DAY #2 13 Clemmons and Stewart are walking down the street. We see a different side of Clemmons here, insecure, cowardly. CLEMMONS I'm still losing, aren't I? STEWART (off printout) Not as bad as you were before putting Lois Lane behind bars. CLEMMONS Really? STEWART Hey, the only profession voters hate more than politicians is reporters. Get a conviction on her, and they'll forget all about the last three high profile cases you blew. CLEMMONS But what if she's innocent? STEWART We can't afford her to be. Just as they scale the steps to the police station, Superman BLURS up right in front of them. CLEMMONS Superman -- what a surprise... SUPERMAN Mr. District Attorney. Oh, I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of inviting the press. Just as he says that, a NEWS VAN screeches up and a knot of REPORTERS close in from all sides. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 16. 13 CONTINUED: 13 CLEMMONS (doesn't get it) I'm afraid I don't... STEWART (gets it; sotto) Smile, dammit. Straighten your tie. You want to look good for the six o'clock news. Clemmons turns on his luminous smile as the reporters surround them. SUPERMAN (to reporters) Folks, thanks for coming on such short notice. I wanted to announce that I've decided to help Mr. Clemmons with his investigation into the Sykes case. CLEMMONS (all smiles) That's great, Super... (realizes) _What_? Why...? SUPERMAN Because I want to get to the truth as badly as you do. (X) Clemmons, hesitates. SUPERMAN (CONT'D) You do want to get to the truth, don't you? CLEMMONS ... Of course, Superman. Absolutely. (recovers; for cameras) After all, just like you, I stand for truth, justice, and the American way! Whatever you need, big fella. Just name it. SUPERMAN I need Lois Lane. CLEMMONS You got it -- (catches himself) Huh? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 17. 13 CONTINUED: 2 13 SUPERMAN You want the truth and she's the best I know at uncovering it. Plus, in this case, she's got a little added incentive. I'd consider it a personal favor if you released her on her own recognizance. CLEMMONS (stammering) But... Ms. Lane's a murder suspect. I mean, we can't very well have her just walking around free as a jaybird. SUPERMAN I'll give you my personal guarantee she won't skip town. How's that? CLEMMONS (sweating) Yeah, but... SUPERMAN You _do_ trust me, don't you, Mr. Clemmons? The VIDEO CAMERAS suddenly whip over as one to cover Clemmons who's caught between a rock and a hard place. Clemmons looks to Stewart, who gives him a quick, urgent nod. Clemmons breaks into a broad, phony smile. CLEMMONS She's all yours! (puts out his hand) Welcome to my team, Superman! Superman, smiling to himself, shakes Clemmons' hand as photographers FLASH photos of them. 14 ANGLE - ALLEY - DAY 14 The Professor, seething, watches and listens with Wolcott. PROFESSOR (face contorting) Spineless _fool_! (quickly, deep breaths, into recorder) Memo to self! Resist despair! Turn lemons into lemonade! (X) (MORE) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 18. 14 CONTINUED: 14 PROFESSOR (CONT'D) (calm now) This is good. Let Miss Lane have a taste of freedom. Give her the cruelest of all emotions; hope. (to Wolcott) Then we'll dash that hope as quickly as it came, and tighten the noose around her lovely neck a little tighter. FADE OUT _END OF ACT ONE_ --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 19. _ACT TWO_ FADE IN: 15 EXT. PARK - DAY 15 Lois and Clark are at the scene of the shooting. LOIS (too eager) Okay. Let's get down to work. Clark interrupts her and pulls her into a deep embrace. CLARK I don't know about you, but last night was hell for me. So, if you can't take this... (X) ON LOIS over his shoulder. Her face reveals how hard "taking it" was last night. LOIS I'm okay, honey. CLARK (looking in her eyes) You _would_ tell me wouldn't you? Because you know I'd never put up with anything hurting you. LOIS I completely know that. So let's just figure out this mess, clear me and get me home with you. CLARK Okay. So, you were standing here. Sykes was right there. LOIS He handed me the gun... CLARK Which you thought wasn't loaded. LOIS I saw him take the clip out. Obviously there was a bullet in the chamber. CLARK So you pointed the gun at him and it went off all by itself? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 20. 15 CONTINUED: 15 LOIS When you say it like that, it sounds so lame. What on earth was I thinking? My mother spanked me for pointing a _water_ pistol at my sister, and I do _this_?... CLARK Lois... LOIS Getting the story. That's what I was thinking. That's all I'm ever thinking. She notices Clark, glasses tilted, using his X-RAY VISION to scan the area. LOIS (CONT'D) What're you doing? CLARK The police never recovered the bullet shell. Since the bullet fired by itself, maybe the answer's in the missing shell. After a beat, he looks down a storm drain. Using his TELESCOPIC VISION, he sees a tiny glint of metal at the (X) bottom. CLARK (CONT'D) Aha. He surreptitiously lifts the heavy cover off and BLURS down the drain. A second later he's back just as the cover (X) falls back into place. Clark holds the casing in his (X) hand. (X) CLARK (CONT'D) I'm gonna drop this off at the crime lab for analysis. He's interrupted by the arrival of the Detective. DETECTIVE Miss Lane. Mr. Kent. Lois tries to appear spunky, but her hand is beginning to uncontrollably twitch. LOIS Yes detective. That's us. Mr. and Mrs. Lane. Kent. Lane and Kent. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 21. 15 CONTINUED: 2 15 DETECTIVE How are you? LOIS (grabbing her hand) Fine! Just fine. DETECTIVE The District Attorney and I both hope you enjoyed your apricot muffin and cappuccino this morning. CLARK You followed us! DETECTIVE Accompanied you. From behind. You two are fast walkers. Took us a (X) minute to catch up. (X) CLARK (sarcastic) (X) Sorry. (X) DETECTIVE That's okay. The D.A.'s office (X) felt it might reassure you, Miss Lane, to feel our presence. Everywhere. LOIS (trying to force her hand from shaking and maintain poise) Why thank you. I hope it isn't a burden. DETECTIVE It isn't. _See_ you. Constantly. He leaves. Lois is still doing her nervous shake with her hand as she courteously struggles to wave "bye". Clark finally grabs her hand and tries to hold her still. CLARK It's okay Lois. LOIS So that's how it's gonna be. I may be out, but they'll never leave me alone. (beat) Once you're marked as a criminal, they treat you like a criminal forever. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 22. 15 CONTINUED: 15 CLARK You're no criminal. You're my wife. CUT TO: 16 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 16 CLOSE ON Clemmons, with the ever-present Stewart standing over his shoulder. CLEMMONS ... I won't comment on an ongoing investigation other than to say that we're gathering new evidence all the time and that Lois Lane remains the prime suspect in this case... PULL BACK to see that Clemmons is speaking on a TV monitor in the Planet bullpen. Lois watches in disgust. CLEMMONS (CONT'D) (in the background) (X) We hope to have additional (X) evidence and further corroboration (X) of certain facts in the very near (X) future. (X) LOIS Tell me I didn't vote for that guy... CLARK (into the phone) Okay, thanks... (to Lois; disappointed) The police did a scan on the bullet casing. They didn't find anything suspicious. LOIS Great... (nodding at the TV) Meanwhile, Clemmons is using me as a stepping stone to the Governor's mansion. CLARK (turns her face to his) Over my dead body. She draws from his love as JIMMY approaches with a printout. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 22A. 16 CONTINUED: 16 JIMMY Guys, I got hold of Sykes' bank records. (MORE) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Yellow Rev 9/19/96 23. 16 CONTINUED: 2 16 JIMMY (CONT'D) Turns out he deposited five thousand in cash the day before you shot h -- (catches himself) -- before that gun somehow shot him. LOIS (to Clark) A pay off? To set me up? CLARK Could be -- except that, if Sykes was in on it, why'd he end up dead? LOIS Maybe he wasn't in on _everything_. Maybe someone wanted to frame me and kill Sykes at the same time. (galvanized) Jimmy, go through all my old case notes involving Sykes. I want a list of everyone he helped me put away. JIMMY You got it. Jimmy exits, passing PERRY, who enters along with an African-American woman in a business suit, ANGELA WINTERS, (X) 30's, attractive. PERRY Lois, I want you to meet a good friend of mine... LOIS Angela Winters. It's a real (X) pleasure. Lois and Angela shake. ANGELA It's a pleasure to meet you, too. I only wish it was under better circumstances. (turns to Clark) And you must be -- CLARK (extends hand) Clark Kent. I covered the Venturi trial last month. I thought your defense strategy was brilliant. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Yellow Rev 9/19/96 24. 16 CONTINUED: 3 16 ANGELA Thank you. Of course, it helped that Mr. Venturi was innocent. PERRY So is Lois. ANGELA That's what I'm here to prove. LOIS Forgive me, I'm a little confused -- aren't we jumping the gun a little? I mean, I haven't even been charged with anything yet. ANGELA 'Yet' being the operative word. The D.A.'s trying to convene a Grand Jury now. Apparently they've uncovered some new evidence. CLARK What new evidence? ANGELA I heard something about some woman named Danko and a videotape. LOIS Videotape! Boy, I'd like to get my hands on her. ANGELA In the meantime, I've got alot of catching up to do. I need you to tell me everything you know about Elroy Sykes. Angela pulls a notepad out of her briefcase, and makes herself comfortable. Off Lois, worried: 17 INT. TOWN HOUSE - DAY 17 Lois paces back and forth between the boxes, talking on the cordless phone. Clark watches her. LOIS (into phone) ... Just keep digging, Jimmy. Oh, and don't forget to check the archives. (MORE) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) White Rev 9/27/96 25. 17 CONTINUED: 17 LOIS (CONT'D) I upgraded my computer a coupla years ago and put the old files on disk... Thanks. Call me. She clicks off, thinks of something else, starts to redial. Clark takes her in his arms. CLARK Lois... LOIS Clark, I'm fine. Really. CLARK Okay, okay. But, maybe you should give yourself a rest for a minute. Thirty seconds, even. Look! I (X) did the wallpaper. You could yell (X) at me for a while... (X) LOIS (distracted) Yell? You? Love the wallpaper. (X) Wait, I packed a box of office (X) files, didn't I...? And she spins out of his arms and disappears into the bedroom. Clark just sighs as the doorbell RINGS. He opens the door to find: 18 MARTHA AND JONATHAN 18 as they enter. CLARK Mom, Dad... MARTHA Clark, dear, are you alright? JONATHAN We took the first flight out the moment we heard. How's Lois? CLARK She's... okay. MARTHA Well, we're here for you two, for as long as it takes to get this mess straightened out. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) White Rev 9/27/96 25A. 18 CONTINUED: 18 Unbeknownst to Martha and Jonathan, Lois emerges from the bedroom behind them. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 26. 18 CONTINUED: 18 MARTHA (CONT'D) How awful, the moment you move into your first home, at last able to put down roots, the love of your life, Lois is wrenched away from you like a common criminal... CLARK (trying to alert her) Uh, Mom... MARTHA ... Of course, we must _never_ show our fears to -- (turns, spots) _Lois_! Uh... Awkward looks all around. Then, Martha and Lois meet in a hug. MARTHA (CONT'D) Oh, Lois, I'm so sorry... LOIS It's okay, Martha. Really. JONATHAN Do your folks know? LOIS Well, we tried calling them, but it seems they're on safari. Leave it to them to attempt a reconciliation by going to a country in the middle of a civil war. MARTHA (to Jonathan) Well, we're going to go check into a hotel. You just call us whenever you need us, and we're there, okay? LOIS You're sweet, thanks. Clark, why don't you give them a ride? CLARK Well... are you sure you'll be okay here...? LOIS I keep telling you, I'm _fine_. (kisses him) Besides, I've got plenty to do (X) here. (X) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 27. 19 SUBJECTIVE POV (BINOCULAR MATTE) - THROUGH WINDOW 19 spying on Clark, as he exits the interior front door of the (X) apartment with the Kents, leaving Lois alone. (X) 20 EXT. TOWN HOUSE - ALLEY - DAY 20 Wolcott hides in the shadows, lowers the binoculars, flips open the cell phone. WOLCOTT (into phone) She's alone. 21 EXT. RESTAURANT - DOORWAY ACROSS THE STREET - DAY 21(X) PROFESSOR (into cel phone) Excellent. (X) The Professor smiles as he closes up the phone. (X) CUT TO: 22 22 THRU OMITTED THRU 23 23 24 EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - DAY 24 CLOSE ON a woman's legs as they stride down the street. Her hand drops into frame. She is carrying a large gun. 25 EXT. RESTAURANT - SAME TIME 25(X) Sheila and another WOMAN emerge from the restaurant. They (X) turn to walk down the populated street, when Sheila suddenly reacts to something she sees. SHEILA Oh my God... 26 REVERSE ANGLE 26 to see that the woman with the gun is in fact Lois. She has a maniacal look on her face as she points the gun at: --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 28. 27 RESUME - SHEILA 27 SHEILA It's Lois Lane! She's gonna kill me! Help, someone call the police! Sheila bolts as people on the street turn to see Lois pointing the gun and they start SCREAMING. (X) 28 EXT. HOTEL - CONTINUOUS 28 as Clark emerges and crosses to the Jeep, he SUPERHEARS the SCREAMS. He dashes out of frame, reaching for his necktie. (X) 29 EXT. ALLEY - CONTINUOUS 29(X) as Superman lands directly in front of Lois, gun still poised: SUPERMAN Lois! What are you doing? Lois doesn't respond at all to Superman and starts walking (X) toward him. Superman hears a HIGH PITCHED TONE, but shakes (X) his head and puts out his hands to stop Lois. (X) SUPERMAN (CONT'D) Lois. Hold it. Where are you (X) going? (X) Lois keeps walking toward Superman, then her image actually (X) passes RIGHT THROUGH HIS BODY. Superman is completely (X) flabbergasted. (X) 30 30 THRU OMITTED THRU 31 31 32 EXT. DOORWAY ACROSS THE STREET - CONTINUOUS 32 where The Professor and Wolcott stand watching. Wolcott has the hallucinator in his hand. WOLCOTT It works -- the hallucination didn't fluctuate! PROFESSOR It might've fooled the dullards on the street, but it obviously (X) didn't fool Superman. (MORE) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 39. 32 CONTINUED: 32 PROFESSOR (CONT'D) If we're to succeed in putting the final nail in Lois' coffin, we're gonna have to get Mr. Super Pain-in-the-Butt out of the way. WOLCOTT (scoffs) Good luck. PROFESSOR (sick grin) Luck has nothing to do with it, Wolcott. Preparation is the key. And I've had _years_ of preparation. Years and years in a nine-by-seven cell, courtesy of Lois Lane. And, now it's time to return the favor. With interest. 33 INT. TOWN HOUSE - DAY 33 as Superman flies through the window and finds Lois exactly where WE last saw her, by the phone going over files. SUPERMAN Lois...? LOIS Clark -- what's the matter? The doorbell RINGS before he can answer. Superman crosses behind a stack of boxes, and emerges on the-other side as Clark. He opens the door to find -- the Detective flanked by TWO UNIFORMED COPS. DETECTIVE (steps in; to Lois) Ms. Lane, I think you'd better come with us... 34 INT. JAIL - DAY 34 ON THE CUT, the Matron SLAMS the cell door shut with Lois (X) back in her cell. The Matron moves off, leaving Clark, (X) Martha and Jonathan standing outside the bars. (X) LOIS This is ludicrous, I never left the house! (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Yellow Rev 9/19/96 30. 34 CONTINUED: 34 CLARK Yeah, but even I thought it was you at first, Lois, until you walked right through me. Must've been some kind of hologram, but it wasn't like anything I've ever seen before. MARTHA (to Lois), Are you sure nobody can vouch for you? The mailman, anybody? LOIS No one. I was all by myself. So, here I am, back in jail, waiting for the Grand Jury to decide my fate. JONATHAN Do you have _any_ idea who might be out to get you, honey? LOIS (shakes her head) All I know is, whoever it is sure has gone to an awful lot of trouble. MARTHA But it's all just circumstantial evidence, right? I mean, Lois _is_ innocent. Isn't that all that really matters? CLARK (not so sure) It should be. Lois reaches through the bars and touches Clark on the arm tenderly. LOIS It will be. Just then, Angela Winters enters the cell block. (X) CLARK The hearing's over? Already? ANGELA Yes... (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 31. 34 CONTINUED: 2 34 LOIS That was fast. Was it too fast, or is that a positive sign? ANGELA Sometimes, but not today. I'm afraid you're being bound over for trial, Lois. On one count of harassment with deadly intent and (X) one count of murder in the first (X) degree. FADE OUT _END OF ACT TWO_ --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Green Rev 9/23/96 32. _ACT THREE_ FADE IN: 35 A GAVEL - DAY #3 35 as it HITS the judge's bench. JUDGE SAMUELSON (O.S.) Order in the court... REVEAL: 36 INT. COURTROOM - DAY 36 where JUDGE SAMUELSON, a stern-faced disciplinarian in his 60's, raps the gavel. Lois and Angela sit at the defense table; Clemmons and a few LAWYERS from his office at the prosecution. Clark, Martha and Jonathan are in the row behind Lois, as is Jimmy and Perry. JUDGE SAMUELSON CONT'D ... The case of The People versus Lois Lane is now in session. Mr. Clemmons, call your first witness. CLEMMONS (stands) Prosecution calls Sheila Danko to the stand. 37 CLOSE ON TV MONITOR 37 as the image of the Skateboarder (from the Tease) doing his tricks plays. SHEILA (O.S.) I was taping Bobby's skateboard tricks. Check it out, that's his ollie... (X) in the background on the VIDEO, Lois can be seen arguing with Sykes. SHEILA (O.S.) ... Then, I heard people arguing and, being naturally inquisitive, I sorta turned the camera on them... The VIDEO moves off the boy and shakily focuses on Lois pointing the gun at Sykes, who's hands are raised. (NOTE: angle is over Sykes's shoulder at Lois.) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Yellow Rev 9/19/96 33. 37 CONTINUED: 37 SHEILA (O.S.) ... Then, like, all of a sudden -- _boom_!... Lois' gun FIRES, the REPORT ECHOING through the courtroom. Sykes drops in a heap. The VIDEO catches Lois holding the smoking gun, then the image becomes real shaky, then BLACK. 38 INT. COURTROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS 38 Sheila, on the witness stand, looks off of the monitor. SHEILA ... I totally freaked. I mean, I've never seen anybody get killed before. Well, except on TV, I mean. (points at Lois) Then, I'm walking out of a restaurant and there she is trying to gun me down, too! ANGELA (leaps to her feet) Objection, your Honor. Move to strike. JUDGE SAMUELSON Overruled. CLEMMONS, Thank you, Miss Danko. No further (X) questions. Clemmons sits, shoots Stewart a confident look. LOIS (turns to Clark) Well, I think we're off to a good start, don't you? 39 EXT. COURTHOUSE - DAY 39 Clemmons and Stewart are on the steps, working their way to his Towncar. Reporters see them and rush in their direction. REPORTERS Mister DA! Mister DA! Who's your (X) next witness? Tell us about the (X) videotape! (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Yellow Rev 9/19/96 34. 39 CONTINUED: 39 CLEMMONS This is going better than I (X) thought. And, I'm climbing in the polls. STEWART Don't get cocky. 40 INT. TOWNCAR - CONTINUOUS 40 as Clemmons and Stewart get in back, REPORTERS converge upon the car. Stewart's cell phone RINGS. STEWART (into phone) Yeah... (hands it to Clemmons) It's _him_. Clemmons gathers himself, takes the phone. CLEMMONS (false front) All right, who is this? INTERCUT: --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 35. 41 EXT. NEARBY ALLEY - CONTINUOUS - INTERCUT 41 The Professor and Wolcott are across the street from the (X) courthouse. It's a carnival atmosphere, with one vendor (X) selling "FREE LOIS LANE" t-shirts, and a second vendor (X) selling "FRY LOIS LANE" t-shirts. The Professor is (X) watching Clemmons in the Towncar down the street. (X) PROFESSOR It's your guardian angel. Now shut up and listen -- you have to make that bullet casing in evidence inventory disappear. _Today_, do you understand? CLEMMONS Are you crazy?! Tamper with evidence in a capitol case? I can't compromise myself like that. PROFESSOR Stop whining. I hate it when you whine. Do you want to be governor, or don't you? CLEMMONS I'm simply telling you... PROFESSOR I gave you that video tape! I've _made_ your case! I can un-make it just as easily! Do you want to win or _not_? CLEMMONS Of course I want to... PROFESSOR Well, you won't if that casing's examined too thoroughly. So _lose_ it, understand? And stop slouching! In the Towncar, Clemmons sits up straight, then looks around wondering how he knew. The Professor flips his phone closed. PROFESSOR (CONT'D) What a buffoon. (into recorder) Memo to self, vote for the other guy. The Professor stops at the vendor selling the "FRY LOIS (X) LANE" shirts. (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 36. 41 CONTINUED: 41 PROFESSOR (CONT'D) I'll take two. (to Wolcott) (X) Let's go, Wolcott, we've got witnesses to corrupt. 42 INT. DAILY PLANET - NIGHT #3 42 It's late and the Planet is populated by only a few staffers. Jimmy is at his desk, working on the computer while Clark is at his desk, pondering. Perry, putting on his coat, emerges from his office, spots Clark. PERRY Clark, son, why don't you go home and get some rest. JIMMY Go ahead, C.K., I'll run this stuff on Sykes over as soon as I'm done. Clark looks from one to the other, starts out, then: CLARK (suddenly) The firing pin... JIMMY C.K...? Clark grabs the phone and dials. CLARK Every gun leaves a distinctive firing pin indentation on the rear (X) of the bullet casing. (X) JIMMY But I thought the police lab already checked it out. CLARK (into phone) Detective? It's Clark Kent. When your lab did an analysis on the shell, did they cross-match it with the gun's firing pin? (beat) I know, but since Lois says she never pulled the trigger, maybe the bullet was rigged to fire by itself somehow. (MORE) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Yellow Rev 9/19/96 37. 42 CONTINUED: 42 CLARK (CONT'D) If so, the indentation on the shell wouldn't match... (beat) Great, thanks. PERRY Way to go, Clark. Clark hangs up the phone as Angela Winters enters. (X) ANGELA Unfortunately, it's a waste of time. CLARK (stands) Angela... What do you mean? ANGELA I mean the bullet casing's mysteriously missing from evidence inventory. I just found out. JIMMY But... how could that be? ANGELA Well, if I were a suspicious person, I'd say it smacks of a conspiracy. (grins) But that only makes me even _more_ determined. Perry, tell me about Lois's relationship with Sykes, I mean way back when. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 38. 42 CONTINUED: 2 42 PERRY Well... Sykes was just one of Lois's informants. CLARK Until he ended up in prison... PERRY That was just before you and Lois met. Sykes tipped Lois on a baby-for-sale ring, and she ran with the story. ANGELA But... PERRY Well... Sykes' info was pretty skaky... A lot of bigwigs were wrongly implicated... ANGELA Must've undermined her credibility. PERRY Aw, hell, happens to the best of us. And Sykes had always been fairly reliable... ANGELA I'll bet she was furious. PERRY _Ballistic_ is more like it... But you know Lois, she can go ballistic if she runs out of cream for her (X) coffee. Fact is, she forgot all (X) about Sykes the next day. (X) ANGELA She didn't carry a grudge? PERRY Now wait just a gall darn minute here, Angela... ANGELA The prosecution's looking for motive. If I put you on the stand as a character witness, you can't give it to them. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 39. 42 CONTINUED: 3 42 PERRY Listen to me, Sykes was a first class sleazeball, period, end of discussion. Now Lois may've had words with him, but that's as far as it went. So, you just put me on the stand and I mean pronto, so I can clear Lois's good name and we can all get back on with our lives, you hear me? Clark and Jimmy share a look of pride. Angela, showing confidence, smiles too. She grabs her briefcase, stands. ANGELA See you in court. 43 INT. LOIS'S JAIL CELL - NIGHT 43 Lois is in her cell doing sit ups. WANDA You comin' to Bible class? LOIS (breathless) Nah, I've got five hundred more. Go ahead. Wanda leaves with a GUARD, Lois keeps pumping. She doesn't hear the familiar WHOOSH. SUPERMAN outside the bars as he lovingly watches Lois. LOIS working off her fear through exercise. LOIS Two thousand ten, two thousand eleven... (tired, she skips numbers) ... two thousand four hundred and ninety-nine, two thousand five hundred. She flops flat on the floor. SUPERMAN (O.S.) You cheated. LOIS (off guard) Where'd you come from? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 40. 43 CONTINUED: 43 SUPERMAN (the flying gesture) The usual. LOIS Dumb question. Suddenly he grasps the bars, bends them open and steps into the cell. LOIS (CONT'D) I love when you do that. SUPERMAN (pulling her into a kiss) How 'bout this? There's a new neediness in her kiss. He looks questioningly at her. LOIS I can't imagine how I slept all those nights alone before you. SUPERMAN Me either. (X) (beat) Lois, are you afraid? LOIS (bravely) No. SUPERMAN Not even a little? LOIS (dodging issue) Could you be more specific? SUPERMAN Well, I'm starting to feel like we're being swallowed up by..... LOIS (finishing his thought with hers) A heartless, hungry animal? A huge hurricane that's mowing down our lives and leaving nothing but rubble in its wake? Is that how you're feeling? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 41. 43 CONTINUED: 2 43 SUPERMAN (seeing how bad she really is) Yes. LOIS (covering) (X) Of course, I do my best work when I'm on edge. SUPERMAN Lois, I can't believe you've been sitting on these fears. Holding all this stuff inside you. You swore you'd tell me if things got too bad. LOIS And if I did, you'd go off and do something crazy. SUPERMAN You bet I would. You're my wife. I love you and anything that helps you isn't crazy. LOIS (lowering her voice) Breaking me out of jail is. And I know that's what you're thinking. SUPERMAN I am not thinking that. (she looks at him skeptically) I'm just sort of... feeling that. (X) LOIS Clark, my very sweet Clark, not only do you give me hope, you give the world hope. You do that because you obey the rules. You lend your strength to help everyone get a fair deal. SUPERMAN If anyone deserves a fair deal, you do. Even if you weren't my wife. LOIS But Clark, if to help me you break the rules, you'll damage what you _are_: a symbol. Of decency. Of fairness. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 42. 43 CONTINUED: 3 43 SUPERMAN I'll get you out of here Lois. LOIS I know you will Clark. The right way. Through the door not the window. They kiss. Then they hear the jangle of keys. SUPERMAN I better go. I love you. LOIS I love... He BLURS out. The bars are restored. LOIS (CONT'D) ... you. Lois looks down the hallway wistfully as the matron and Wanda return. MATRON Hey, Lane. Your mother's on the phone. LOIS (too weary) Could you tell her I'm in solitary confinement? 44 INT. DAILY PLANET - LATE NIGHT 44 Perry stumbles wearily through the nearly deserted, gloomy newsroom, waving good night to the last remaining staffers and custodians. He arrives at the elevator, which opens to reveal a single passenger, a man, in hat and dark glasses, half-hidden in shadows in the rear of the car. 45 INT. ELEVATOR - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT 45 The doors shut, Perry punches a floor. The other man steps toward CAMERA and WE now see it's Wolcott. Before Perry can even react, Wolcott punches the "Emergency Stop" button and steps toward Perry, brandishing a hypodermic syringe. ON Perry as he blearily DE-FOCUSES and we: DISSOLVE TO: --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 43. 46 INT. COURTROOM - DAY #4 46 packed with spectators. The judge hits the gavel. JUDGE SAMUELSON Mr. Clemmons, are you ready to (X) call your next witness? CLEMMONS (stands) Yes, your honor. The prosecution calls -- Superman to the stand. Lois and Clark exchange a look -- what? (X) Off Lois, Clark pretends to cough like he needs some water (X) then exits behind a couple of other exiting spectators. After several moments: JUDGE SAMUELSON (CONT'D) (to Clemmons) Perhaps somebody oughta yell 'help.' Then, Superman enters dramatically through the double doors. And, as he strides down the aisle toward the bench amidst the BUZZ of the crowd, we: FADE OUT _END OF ACT THREE_ --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 44. _ACT FOUR_ FADE IN: 47 INT. COURTROOM - CONTINUOUS - DAY 47 Spectators (including Martha and Jonathan) watch with breathless anticipation as Superman strides past, crossing in front of Lois at the defense table. The BAILIFF meets him at the witness stand, holding a Bible. BAILIFF Please state your full name for the record. SUPERMAN Kal El, son of Jor-El and Lara. JUDGE SAMUELSON (leans over) Uh, 'Superman' is fine. I think we know who the witness is, Bailiff. BAILIFF Very well. Raise your right hand. Do you swear to -- JUDGE SAMUELSON I think we can skip this part, too. Mr. Clemmons, your witness. CLEMMONS Thank you, Your Honor. (X) As Clemmons gets out of his seat, CAMERA PUSHES PAST TO (X) FIND the Professor, in dark hat, collar up around his face, sitting in the rear of the courtroom. 48 CLOSE ON PROFESSOR 48 as he furtively whispers into a tiny microphone hidden in his jacket lapel. PROFESSOR The defense is up next, Wolcott. Wait for my command. 49 ANGLE - SUPERMAN 49 as Clemmons approaches: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 45. 49 CONTINUED: 49 CLEMMONS Now, Superman... isn't it true that right after I released the defendant into your custody, she was seen stalking a key witness with a gun? SUPERMAN That wasn't Lois. It was an (X) hallucination. CLEMMONS A what...? SUPERMAN An hallucination. (X) Spectators SNICKER at that. Clemmons plays it up. CLEMMONS Superman, please. We've got several citizens who saw Ms. Lane at the scene with their own eyes. SUPERMAN I can't explain how it works, I don't know. But the image of Lois (X) walked right through my body. (X) CLEMMONS I see. Then, was it also some kind of hallucination that shot and killed Elroy Sykes? ANGELA Objection! CLEMMONS Withdrawn... I take it, then, you can verify Lois Lane's exact whereabouts at the time of this alleged hallucination? SUPERMAN No, I can't. CLEMMONS Were you at the scene when Mr. Sykes was shot? SUPERMAN No... (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 46. 49 CONTINUED: 2 49 CLEMMONS Yet, you still believe Lois Lane is innocent. Why? SUPERMAN (looks right at her) Because I know her. Clemmons smiles to himself. This is going exactly where he wants it to go. CLEMMONS Superman, are you infallible? ANGELA Would the Court please inquire as to where this is going, if anywhere? CLEMMONS Your Honor, Superman's an undisputed hero to the people. His opinion carries great weight. But, I submit, that beneath his seemingly flawless exterior, lies a normal, beating heart. A heart much like yours or mine that can cloud judgment -- and testimony -- with real feelings. LOIS (cracks; to Clemmons) That implies you have a heart. JUDGE SAMUELSON Ms. Lane... (X) LOIS (off Angela's scowl) Okay, okay, I'll be good. JUDGE SAMUELSON The witness will answer the question. Off Superman, not liking where this might be headed: 50 ANGLE - PROFESSOR 50 PROFESSOR (into lapel mic) London bridge is falling down... --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 47. 51 EXT. NEWSVAN - TO ESTABLISH - DAY 51 parked on the side street, two small satellite dishes mounted on its roof. 52 INT. NEWSVAN - CONTINUOUS 52 TIGHT ON Wolcott seated at his computer, wearing an (X) operator's headset. (X) WOLCOTT (into headset) Okay, Professor. Here goes. Wolcott types on his keyboard. A wireframe model of a (X) meteor appears on the MONITOR. It's followed a moment (X) later by the image of a FLAMING METEOR hurtling across the (X) screen. 53 EXT. VAN - CONTINUOUS - DAY 53 CLOSE ON one of the satellite dishes as it rotates on its axis, tilts skyward, then locks into position. 54 EXT. LONDON - REAR OF BUCKINGHAM PALACE CONTINUOUS - NIGHT 54(X) where SEVERAL PEOPLE suddenly react to a FLAMING METEOR (X) falling from the sky! SCREAMING, they scream in a panic (X) 55 INT. COURTROOM - CONTINUOUS - DAY 55 Clemmons is turning up the heat on Superman: CLEMMONS How would you characterize your relationship with Lois Lane? SUPERMAN We're... friends. CLEMMONS Friends. Close friends? SUPERMAN I'm not sure what you're getting at. CLEMMONS Well, she's married to your good friend, Clark Kent, isn't she? SUPERMAN Yes. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 48. 55 CONTINUED: 55 CLEMMONS So, would you say you're as close to her as you are to him? Lois and Superman lock eyes. SUPERMAN I'd say that's fair. CLEMMONS In fact, you've saved her life on more than one occasion, isn't that right? SUPERMAN Yeah. CLEMMONS Is that what you're trying to do now, Superman? Isn't it true you'd do almost _any_thing to save Lois Lane's life? SUPERMAN Yes, but -- CLEMMONS -- Even if it's at the expense of justice? (X) ANGELA Objection, he's leading the witness. CLEMMONS Isn't it true you're more than just close friends with her? (doesn't wait for answer) Isn't it true, I dare say, you might even _love_ Lois Lane? ANGELA Your Honor! GASPS from the spectators. The jury's held transfixed by that stunning question as it hangs in the air. CLEMMONS I'll repeat the question -- do you love Lois Lane, Superman? HOLD the look between Superman and Lois as they react, trapped by the truth. The gallery holds its collective breath. Finally: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Yellow Rev 9/19/96 49. 55 CONTINUED: 2 55 SUPERMAN I can say, beyond a shadow of a doubt that... Clark Kent loves Lois Lane. And I respect their love, as much as I respect the truth. My job is to uphold the truth, and _that's_ what I'd do anything for. As the jury jots down notes, Superman SUPER-HEARS an emergency broadcast: RADIO VOICE ... We just received word that a giant meteor is about to hit London at any moment... Superman reacts and turns to the Judge. SUPERMAN Excuse me, Your Honor, but there's an emergency... The Judge nods. The Bailiff rushes to open a window. Superman gives Lois a quick look, then BLURS out the window. CLEMMONS Your Honor, the prosecution rests. JUDGE SAMUELSON Ms. Winters? (X) Angela gives Lois a confident pat on the hand. ANGELA Thank you, Your Honor. The defense calls Perry White to the stand. 56 ANGLE - PROFESSOR 56 PROFESSOR (into lapel mic) _Now_, Wolcott... 57 EXT. NEWSVAN - DAY 57 The second transmitter on top of the van turns and locks on the courthouse. 58 INT. COURTROOM - DAY 58 The Bailiff opens the door and Perry White walks in. As he walks past Lois, they exchange a smile. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 50. 58 CONTINUED: 58 BAILIFF Please state your full name for the record. PERRY My name is Perry Jerome White. BAILIFF Please be seated... 59 EXT. STREETS - LONDON 59 Superman LANDS to find panic in the streets. Distant SIRENS are blaring and the sounds of colliding traffic fill the air. The meteor is getting closer. Superman directs a BLAST OF HEAT VISION at the meteor. 60 CLOSE ON THE METEOR 60 as the HEAT VISION passes directly through it. 61 BACK TO SCENE 61 Superman scowls, realizes it's an hallucination. He looks around and suddenly hears a HIGH PITCHED TONE. He uses his SUPER HEARING to determine where the sound is coming from. 62 SUPERMAN'S POV 62 A small receiving dish is hidden in a tree. (X) 63 BACK TO SCENE 63 Superman shoots out a beam of HEAT VISION, which hits the satellite dish. The dish sparks and then shorts out. The image of the meteor completely disappears. The people in the streets look up in wonder. A BOBBY runs up to Superman. BOBBY Superman. There is a terrible pile-up in Picadilly Circus. We need your help. Superman CAPES OUT. --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 51. 64 INT. COURTROOM - CONTINUOUS - DAY 64 Perry is being questioned by Angela: PERRY Why, I've known Lois since she first started as a research assistant at the Planet, eight, ten years ago... ANGELA And how would you describe your relationship with her? PERRY Well, you know, it's more father/daughter than editor/reporter. Lois beams, as do Martha and Jonathan. ANGELA Would you describe her as being a good reporter? PERRY No, I'd describe her as being a great reporter. Best there is. (X) ANGELA What can you tell us about Ms. Lane's dealings with Elroy Sykes? PERRY He was just her snitch, until he double dealt her and went to jail. ANGELA And did Lois ever mention Mr. Sykes while he was serving time? (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 52. 64 CONTINUED: 64 PERRY Truth is, she was pretty upset with him for hurting her credibility. ANGELA (off Lois; surprised) But, she got over it, isn't that right? PERRY Well, not really. Lois has a bit of a temper, you see. LOIS Perry... PERRY I'm sorry, honey, I'm under oath. 65 INT. NEWSVAN - CONTINUOUS - DAY 65 Wolcott clacks away on the keyboard. An image of Perry (X) appears on the computer screen. On a SPEAKER BOX we HEAR: (X) ANGELA (V.O.) Your Honor, I'd like a five minute recess to... Wolcott leans into a microphone: WOLCOTT No, let's get this over with. And CAMERA ADJUSTS to FIND -- the _real Perry White_, bound and gagged, watching wild-eyed as Wolcott continues: WOLCOTT (CONT'D) It's hard enough enough as it is. Sykes almost ruined her career... 66 INT. COURTROOM - CONTINUOUS - DAY 66 PERRY ... and she told me in no uncertain terms that one day she'd get even with him, and that's the cold, hard facts. LOIS (to her feet) That's a _lie_. Perry, why are you doing this? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 53. 66 CONTINUED: 66 The Judge BANGS his gavel. JUDGE SAMUELSON Order. Ms. Lane, sit down, or I'll hold you in contempt! PERRY Sorry, Lois, but my conscience won't let me lie for you any more. Lois sinks back in her seat, betrayal in her teary eyes. ANGELA No further questions for this witness, Your Honor. JUDGE SAMUELSON I don't blame you. Mr. Clemmons, would you care to cross? CLEMMONS (smuggly) Why bother? (X) 67 ANGLE - PROFESSOR 67 smiling to himself. 68 INT. NEWSVAN - CONTINUOUS - DAY 68 Wolcott glances over at Perry. WOLCOTT This voice synthesizer makes me sound just like you, doesn't it? (reveals syringe) Hope you enjoy the show, because you won't remember a thing when it's over. DISSOLVE TO: 69 INT. LOIS'S JAIL CELL - DAY 69 Lois is sitting on her bed, back in her prison smock, her (X) head in her hands. Clark comes hurrying down the hallway. CLARK Lois. Lois gets up and moves to the bars. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 54. 69 CONTINUED: 69 LOIS Oh, Clark. Where have you been? CLARK London. That meteor was another hallucination, but it left the city in a real mess anyway. (beat) I heard what happened in court. LOIS (starting to break down) I don't understand it. Perry got up and started telling all these horrible lies. Clark reaches through the bars and touches Lois's face. CLARK I looked for him just now, but he's nowhere to be found. There has to be some explanation why he did it. LOIS (beaten up) Maybe the explanation is obvious. (he waits) I _am_ guilty. CLARK What? LOIS I said, 'Maybe I am guilty.' Of arrogance. Of thinking that because I was famous and popular and educated and polite, well not always polite, but because of all the other stuff that I was special. CLARK You are special. LOIS And even though I know the system can be unfair to people, I didn't think it'd be unfair to me. CLARK Lois, we'll get to the truth. LOIS (at a loss) (X) The truth is, I don't know, maybe I deserve this. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) Pink Rev. 9/18/96 55. 69 CONTINUED: 2 69 CLARK Lois, stop it. He grabs her hands through the bars, they lock eyes. A long moment, then: LOIS (softly) I've always wanted to 'get' the story. Now the story got me. (X) Funny huh? CLARK Remember, no matter what, we're together. Through everything. They kiss as best they can between the bars. Just then, the matron enters. MATRON Verdict's in. Let's go, Lane. 70 INT. COURTROOM - A SHORT TIME LATER 70 Everyone's at the edge of their seats, waiting, as the judge reads the verdict to himself. Lois looks over at the Kents, and Jimmy and Clark, scared out of her wits. Clark mouths, "I love you," and Lois mouths, "I love you, too." JUDGE SAMUELSON Will the defendant please rise... Lois shakily gets to her feet. JUDGE SAMUELSON (CONT'D) Lois Lane, the people of Metropolis have found you -- guilty of murder in the first degree. GASPS and SIGHS fill the gallery. Martha sinks into Jonathan's arms. Clark reaches out to touch Lois, but the Bailiff stops him. BAILIFF There's no contact allowed with the prisoners. JUDGE SAMUELSON Bailiff, take the defendant into custody. This court is adjourned. He SLAMS the gavel down. Clemmons pumps his fist victoriously. The Professor smiles. The Bailiff takes Lois away from Clark, cuffing her wrists. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "THE PEOPLE V. LOIS LANE" (#6) FULL Blue 9/13/96 56. 70 CONTINUED: 70 She and Clark try to touch, but the Bailiff leads her away before they can. And, as Lois looks back at Clark with a heartbreaking, pleading glance: _TO BE CONTINUED_