To pop everything into place... use Courier 10 (or 10 characters per inch) set top margin at 0.5", bottom margin at 0.5" (or minimums) (I had to tell the program that my primitive printer was using legal-size paper) left margin at 1" & right margin at 1" for pages---BEFORE TEASE Page For TEASE Page and after, left margin at 0.8 and right margin at .25 (or minimum) * and (X) used in script probably mean "this line changed from previous version" Notes: Cover: "Brutal Youth", Written by Tim Minear [and] Directed by David Grossmann are all in large bolt print. The remainder of the text is in Courier 10 (10 characters per inch) Typos noted: "all right" misspelled as "alright" in several places Page 13: scene 18, a bottom, two "." after "witness" in original --page break-- (graphic - insert logo.bmp or logo.jpg) "Brutal Youth" EPISODE FIVE Prod. #465205 Written by Tim Minear Directed by David Grossman _Production Draft_ August 23, 1996 FULL Blue 8/29/96 Pink 9/3/96 Yellow R. 9/9/96 Green R. 9/10/96 Gold Rev. 9/11/96 White Rev. 9/11/96 Blue Blue 9/17/96 --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Brutal Youth_" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 _CAST_ CLARK KENT/SUPERMAN LOIS LANE JIMMY OLSEN PERRY WHITE ----------------------------------------------------------------- VEDA DOODSEN YOUNG CONNER SCHENK OLD CONNER SCHENK OLD JIMMY OLSEN DR. KLEIN OLD BENNY ROCKLAND MISTER LARRY GUARD TELLER ANCIENT LOIS --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Brutal Youth_" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 _LOCATIONS_ _INTERIORS_: _EXTERIORS_: Daily Planet Metropolis Street Newsroom Conference Room Veda's Townhouse Perry's Office Leisure Park Villas Clark's Apartment Bedroom Metropolis Prison Living Room Veda's Townhouse STAR Labs * Bank Vault --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Soul Mates_" Yellow Rev 9/9/96 _CHRONOLOGY_ SC. 1 DAY #1 SC. 1A - 16 DAY #2 SC. 16A - 24 NIGHT #2 SC. 25 - 39 DAY #3 SC. 40 - 44 DAY #4 SC. 45 - 57 NIGHT #4 SC. 58 - 61 DAY #5 --page break-- _LOIS AND CLARK_ _The New Adventures of Superman_ "BRUTAL YOUTH" TEASE FADE IN: 1 INT. CLARK'S BEDROOM - MORNING - DAY #1 1 CAMERA TRACKS CLOSE as WE ENCOUNTER two pairs of BARE FEET NAKED LEGS draped in a crisp white sheet. (X) MOVING UP the contours of the billowing sheet to the astonished faces of LOIS and CLARK. She's in his arms. (X) They both stare forward, dumbfounded by what has just (X) occurred. This may be what people look like after seeing (X) God. A long beat. Finally... (X) LOIS Wow. (X) CLARK I know. LOIS That was -- (X) CLARK I mean -- (X) LOIS Exactly. (X) (then) (X) The only thing I'd like more would be -- (X) CLARK -- more. (X) LOIS Yes -- (X) And suddenly they're all over each other, evidencing a (X) taste of the passion they shared. As they go at it: (X) CLARK We could still make those (X) reservations in Hawaii... LOIS We're not leaving this room -- (X) CLARK Okay -- (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 1A. 1 CONTINUED: 1 LOIS Just do me one favor -- don't roll over and go to sleep... And now CAMERA ROTATES 180 DEGREES, PULLS BACK and WE SEE that they're, well, on the ceiling. DISSOLVE TO: 1A INT. DAILY PLANET - ELEVATOR - DAY #2 - TWO WEEKS LATER 1A(X) Lois and Clark stand in the elevator along with A THIRD (X) PASSENGER. Lois holds a donut; Clark holds a cup of coffee. Polite silence between floors. The elevator (X) stops. The PASSENGER gets off on his floor -- and the (X) moment the doors close, Lois and Clark are in a hot clinch. (X) LOIS How are we going to get through the day? (X) CLARK I don't know. (X) LOIS You'd think after two weeks... (X) CLARK We waited a lot longer than two weeks... (X) LOIS So... it was worth it, then? The (X) wait, I mean. (X) CLARK Lois -- it was perfect. Better than perfect (X) She relaxes, kisses him fervently. Now he's looking a (X) little unsure. Stops kissing her. She pulls back, looks at him quizzically. (X) CLARK (CONT'D) I mean -- it was for _me_ (X) LOIS (amused) (X) Clark -- it was super. (X) He looks at her -- and now they're going at it again. (X) Without taking their lips off each other, they both strain (X) to see the elevator indicator light. WE HEAR A DING and... (X) CUT TO: (X) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 2. 2 INT. DAILY PLANET - CONTINUOUS 2(X) The elevator doors open revealing Lois and Clark, a little (X) flushed and rumpled but standing apart, trying to act (X) decorous. She holds the coffee; he holds the donut. They (X) notice, make the switch, alight from the elevator just as (X) PERRY approaches. PERRY Well! Look who's back! Mister and Mrs. Clark Ke -- have we decided on that yet? Aww, hell! The Happy Couple! Clark gives Lois' shoulder a squeeze. JIMMY approaches. JIMMY Lois! C.K.! How was Hawaii? PERRY Are you kidding? It was fantastic! These two got the very same look Alice and I had after our honeymoon at Graceland. (moving off) 'Course, we all know how that worked out... CLARK (to Jimmy) So how'd your date with that (X) redhead go? JIMMY It was good, but I don't think we're soulmates. (X) Lois and Clark share a secret look. (X) CLARK Give it some time. You never (X) know (X) JIMMY Yeah? You think there might be a (X) future there? (X) CLARK Trust me. (X) JTMMY (shrugs, nods) (X) Cool. (X) He thrusts a copy of 'The Planet' at them. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 3. 2 CONTINUED: 2 JIMMY (CONT'D) So check out the byline on 36b. (X) (as Lois pages through) Last page. Under the retractions. Clark looks over Lois' shoulder as she squints to see: LOIS (reading) 'Metropolis Public Library To Extend Summer Hours -- by James Olsen.' Jimmy, congratulations! CLARK That's great, Jimmy! Er, _James_. JIMMY It's still 'Jimmy.' I just wanted something a little more professional sounding for my first byline. OLD MAN (O.S.) Jimmy Olsen-- ! THE OLDEST MAN IN THE WORLD has emerged from the elevator. He's dressed incongruously for a man his age; fashionably torn blue jeans, high top sneakers, an Elvis Costello t-shirt. He accosts passersby. OLD MAN (CONT'D) Jimmy Olsen! I need to speak with Jimmy Olsen! He spots Jimmy, moves to him, clutches at his shirt. OLD MAN (CONT'D) There you are! I almost didn't make it here! The police wouldn't listen. Someone's got to tell the story! You'll do that for me, won't you, Jimmy? JIMMY Uh, sure... Jimmy eases him into a chair at a nearby desk. LOIS Jimmy, who is that? JIMMY Dunno -- maybe he saw my story. The others react skeptically. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 4. 2 CONTINUED: 2 2 OLD MAN (off Lois; to Jimmy) (X) Hey, you weren't lyin' bud (X) she's a babe. THUNK. The Old Man drops onto the desk, face first. Reactions all around. Clark puts a finger to his neck. CLARK He's dead. LOIS Jimmy... I'm... sorry. JIMMY Don't be. For me, I mean. I've never seen him before in my life. Clark has removed the man's wallet, opens it. CLARK 'Benny Rockland.' But -- this can't be the same guy... JIMMY (grabs wallet) _What_? Benny? 3 INSERT 3 A picture ID of a YOUNG MAN Jimmy's age. WE NOTICE an inch long scar on the boy's temple. LOIS (O.S.) You know who that is? JIMMY (O.S.) We've been friends since the sixth grade. I gave him this scar... 4 JIMMY 4 looks up from the ID to the Old Man in quiet repose. The Old Man has the identical scar on his temple. JIMMY (shocked) (X) Benny...? FADE OUT _END OF TEASER_ --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 5. _ACT ONE_ FADE IN: 5 INT. DAILY PLANET - BULLPEN - DAY 5 Clark and Jimmy emerge from the elevator, both looking grim. CLARK Jimmy, if you want to talk... JIMMY Thanks, C.K. I'll be all right. Jimmy, clearly troubled, moves off; Clark watches him. Lois approaches Clark. As they move to their desks: LOIS How is he? CLARK In shock -- (X) LOIS You look like you are, too... So that old man...? CLARK Was really a 22-year-old kid. LOIS How is that possible? Some rare disease that looks like aging? CLARK The coroner said no, although (X) _something_ turned him into a (X) ninety-year-old man. (X) LOIS Well, I did some checking on (X) Jimmy's friend while you were at. the medical examiner's. (off her notes) Benny Rockland. Grad student at Metropolis U. Lived in the dorms. (X) According to his roommate, Benny (X) started a new job last Thursday and hasn't been back since. CLARK New job? (X) LOIS Yeah. But that's as much as he could tell me. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 6. 5 CONTINUED: 5 Clark reaches for the phone. LOIS (CONT'D) Who are you calling? CLARK Dr. Klein. Maybe he can find (X) something the coroner didn't. (X) 6 INT. PERRY'S OFFICE - DAY 6 Jimmy blows in; Perry looks up. JIMMY Chief, I want this story. Perry reacts to that, rises. PERRY Now, son... JIMMY Chief, Benny came to _me_. He was my friend. This is... JIMMY (CONT'D) PERRY ... personal Personal. This quiets Jimmy; Perry continues. PERRY (CONT'D) Which is exactly why I've put Lois and Clark on it. Jimmy, a good reporter's gotta have a steady, methodical, _objective_ eye. It's tough enough for a seasoned veteran. It'd be near impossible for you in this instance. JIMMY Chief, I know I'm ready. PERRY Son, you know I got nothing but confidence in your abilities. You're a whip smart kid -- but You're still kid. Don't be in such a hurry. You'll have your day. Off a dejected JIMMY -- --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 7. 7 BULLPEN - CLARK 7 speaks on the phone; Lois at his side. CLARK ... thanks, Dr. Klein. (he hangs up; to Lois) He's agreed to look at a tissue sample. (X) Clark looks off as he SUPER HEAPS an ALARM. LOIS What is it? CLARK Alarm. Metropolis Prison. LOIS Go. I'll meet you at S.T.A.R. Labs. They kiss quickly. Clark starts to move off, then turns back to her with a 'I think I left the oven on' look. LOIS (CONT'D) _What_? CLARK I just realized -- this'll be the first time that... (makes flying gesture) You-know-who's separated us since we've been married. (X) She smiles, moves to him, tugs at his tie. (X) LOIS Well, when you see you-know-who (X) just tell him I expect my husband (X) back in one piece. (X) She kisses him again, then loosens his tie for him and gives him a push in the right direction. 8 JIMMY 8 plops down on his desk, then notices Benny's wallet there. (X) Jimmy picks it up (X) 9 BENNY'S WALLET 9 He flips past the picture ID, finds a business card stuffed inside. He pulls it out. It advertises a pizza parlor: "Big Napoleon's Pizza." --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 8. 10 BACK TO JIMMY 10 He casts a guilty glance around the bullpen, picks up the phone and dials the number on the card: JIMMY (into phone) Yeah, I'm wondering if you can tell me about one of your delivery boys, Benny Rockland -- 11 EXT. METROPOLIS PRISON - DAY 11 The ALARM BLARES. GHASTLY SMOKE billows from a newly created hole in the wall, telltale rubble strewn everywhere. PRISON GUARDS emerge, COUGHING and GAGGING. A familiar WHOOSH and SUPERMAN lands into the scene. He SUPER INHALES, sucking all the toxic smoke into his own lungs then BLURS into the... (X) 11A EXT. ATMOSPHERE - CONTINUOUS 11A(X) Superman BLURS INTO FRAME, hovers there and SUPER EXHALES the toxic smoke safely away, then BLURS OUT to... (X) 11B EXT. METROPOLIS PRISON CONTINUOUS 11B(X) The BLUE BLUR streaks through the scene as the guards catch (X) their collective breaths. When Superman reappears, the (X) rubble is gone -- as is the hole, now neatly patched back together. GUARD Thanks, Superman. SUPERMAN What happened? GUARD The wall blew out and D Block was pumped full of that gas. We didn't even see who broke him out -- SUPERMAN Broke who out -- ? GUARD Conner Schenk. Superman takes a beat, then: SUPERMAN Never heard of him -- (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 8A. 11B CONTINUED: 11B GUARD I'm not surprised. He's been on the inside for the last fifty years. I think they built the prison _around_ him. Superman considers that. (X) SUPERMAN Somebody sure went to a lot of (X) trouble to break a senior citizen (X) out of prison (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 9. 11B CONTINUED: 2 11B GUARD Weird, isn't it? 12 INT. TOWN HOUSE - DAY 12 A renovated city.dwelling that has a lot of potential -- High ceilings, views, a wet bar in one wall, the works. The front door opens and VEDA DOODSEN helps her guest inside. Veda's forties, brilliant, gorgeous. Her guest is none - other than the octogenarian CONNER SCHENK. He's dressed in little old man clothes, including sweater and hat. He'd probably do well to have a walker. or a wheel chair. Point is, this guy's old. VEDA Just one more step -- that's it. You're doing very well... SCHENK Free! After all these years! Free! Do you have any idea how this feels, Doc? Veda reacts to something which we can't see -- VEDA I've got a pretty _good_ idea how it feels -- move your hand. He looks at her, grins, raises an eyebrow sexily. SCHENK It _has_ been fifty years. VEDA (pulling away) Look, this is strictly a business arrangement. You promised to lead me to your legendary stash if I broke you out. I've done my part -- where is it? SCHENK The stash? VEDA Yes. The stash. SCHENK You mean the untold millions I squirreled away in my impenetrable hiding place right before my fiery and dramatic capture and subsequent imprisonment -- _that_ stash? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 10. 12 CONTINUED: 12 VEDA That would be the one, yes. SCHENK (lies) I don't remember. VEDA Listen to me, old man -- I suggest you _start_ remembering and fast. If the police figure out that it was _me_ visiting you in prison all this time and not your nonexistent niece, this could end before it starts. SCHENK Just stick me in your doohickey and I'm sure it'll all come back to me. VEDA That wasn't the deal. You're supposed to get me the money first. SCHENK (shrugs) No memory, no money. She regards him for a beat. Then, reluctantly: VEDA Very well. We'll need a donor 13 INT. S.T.A.R. LABS - DAY - A TISSUE SAMPLE 13 in EXTREME CLOSE UP. It SHIFTS and CHANGES ever so slightly before us, as... DR. KLEIN (V.O.) This is incredible This tissue sample it's aging (X) 14 WIDER 14 Lois stands by as DR. KLEIN examines a tissue sample through a high powered microscope. (X) LOIS It's what? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 11. 14 CONTINUED: 14 DR. KLEIN It's breaking down. Whatever it was that sped up this boy's aging process is still at work. LOIS Any idea what it could be? DR. KLEIN That's what's strange. There doesn't seem to be any kind of foreign agent introduced. It's (X) almost as if his youth was... sucked out by some powerful force. LOIS What could do that? DR. KLEIN Something noxious maybe -- intense radiation, a cell disrupter, any Patrick Swayzee movie. (then) Whatever it was caused a chain reaction at the molecular level which brought about accelerated decrepitude. LOIS I'm sorry, Dr. Klein, but I don't have my Mad Scientist-to-English dictionary with me. DR. KLEIN Just think of your victim's aging process as... the opposite of Superman's, for instance. LOIS (startled) Beg pardon? DR. KLEIN You know how Superman's molecular (X) structure is such that his aging process actually stabilizes and slows? Well, in the case of your victim here... LOIS Hold on. What do you mean 'stabilizes and slows?' (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 12. 14 CONTINUED: 2 14 DR. KLEIN What I mean is... (searching) ... stabilizes and slows. LOIS Superman won't... age? DR. KLEIN Oh, of course he will. He's not immortal. LOIS So he _will_ age... but just not like you or... me? DR. KLEIN It's all speculation, you (X) understand, but I think it's safe to say that long after you and I are dead and gone, Superman will still be in his prime, fighting for truth, justice -- LOIS -- and The American Way DR. KLEIN Makes you feel warm all over, doesn't it? (then) Think I'll put this sample on ice, see if I can salvage any of it. He moves off. Lois is left standing there, a little dazed. Her gaze is drawn to a mirror that sits at a slant on a counter. She slowly moves toward it... 15 LOIS' POV - MOVING 15 toward the mirror. The IMAGE that creeps up in reflection is an ANCIENT LOIS. Now CLARK appears in the reflection in the b.g., entering S.T.A.R. Labs. CLARK Sorry that took so long. It was the weirdest prison break... 16 LOIS 16 back to her present age, turns to Clark, jarred. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Green Rev. 9/10/96 13. 16 CONTINUED: 16 CLARK (noticing her state) ... you okay? Lois just stares at him. CLARK (CONT'D) Lois? Did you speak to Dr. Klein? LOIS Huh? Oh, uh-huh. CLARK What'd he say? LOIS Old age. He said it was old age. (moves past him) I'm going to get some air -- And she exits. He glances at the mirror and his bemused reflection. 16A EXT. TOWN HOUSE - NIGHT #2 16 One of the many interconnected Brownstones. A PIZZA (X) DELIVERY BOY appears, heading up the walk. Just-as he gets (X) to the door -- (X) JIMMY (O.S.) Pssst -- (X) The Delivery Boy turns as Jimmy emerges from the shadows, (X) motioning him over with a wad of cash. WE HEAR the SOUND (X) of a DOOR BELL CHIMING as we... CUT TO: 17 EXT./INT. TOWN HOUSE - FISH EYE THROUGH PEEP HOLE - NIGHT 17 Jimmy stands there, dressed in the pizza boy's jacket and hat, holding the large pie and looking nervous. 18 INT. VEDA'S TOWN HOUSE - NIGHT 18 Veda opens the door, cranes her neck, looks over Jimmy's shoulder, checks for witnesses.. JIMMY Someone here order a pizza? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 14. 18 CONTINUED: 18 VEDA Yes. Come in. Jimmy enters, takes in the place as he moves to a table. Veda shuts the door, eyes Jimmy as she moves to her pocket book and makes a production of rummaging through it. JIMMY You, uh, you order in a lot, huh? VEDA Beg your pardon? JIMMY I noticed on our computer that we made a delivery to this address last Thursday. VEDA You know, I seem to have left my money in the other room. Would you mind waiting? JIMMY No, go right ahead. (X) Veda disappears into another room. Jimmy waits until the coast is clear, then takes stock of the town house, not sure where to begin. He takes a deep breath, calms himself. (X) JIMMY (CONT'D) (to himself) Steady, methodical, objective. He dives in, suddenly anything but steady or methodical as (X) he moves around the room, pulling open drawers and frenetically snooping. As he does: (X) VEDA (O.S.) So, do you enjoy your work? JIMMY Uh, yeah, it's great. I get to meet a lot of interesting people. VEDA (O.S.) But I would imagine the hours can be a strain. Your wife must get lonely. JIMMY (busily snooping) Oh, I'm not married. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 15. 18 CONTINUED: 2 18 VEDA (O.S.) Really? Live alone? JIMMY Uh-huh... VEDA (O.S.) Childhood diseases? JIMMY (turning) Sorry -- ? Veda appears there, dressed in a rubber radiation suit, a pair of heavy duty goggles pushed up.on her skull cap. Jimmy just blinks at her. She's training a gun on him. VEDA Childhood diseases. I assume you've had them all? Jimmy can only manage a nervous nod as Veda reaches under a (X) shelf, hits a secret button and now... 19 THE WET BAR 19 ROTATES, revealing a complex looking bit of machinery on the other side. It's Veda's invention: The Rejuvenator. It consists of two translucent cylinders, one on either side of the power source. Schenk is inside one of the chambers the other is empty. JIMMY (taking it all in) This can't be good -- CUT TO: 20 INT. TOWN HOUSE - LATER 20 Jimmy is now inside the other chamber, pressing against the glass, trying to escape. Veda lowers her goggles. Throws the switch. The chambers CRACKLE with energy and what can only be described as a BOLT of LIFEFORCE arcs from one chamber to the other. When it's all over, Veda raises her goggles, looks with intense expectation to -- --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 16.-16A 21 SCHENK 21 as he slowly raises his head. The brim of his hat CLEARS FRAME and WE SEE that he's no longer some old coot -- he's no more than thirty, a devilishly good looking criminal stud. Meanwhile... Jimmy lies in an unconscious heap. (X) Veda catches her breath, moves reverently forward, in awe of both her invention and her subject's transformation. (X) YOUNG SCHENK Gorgeous -- She nearly blushes at that -- but he moves right past her to a nearby mirror. He gazes at his reflection. YOUNG SCHENK (CONT'D) This is incredible -- I look... twenty-five again... Veda sneers at him, tends to Jimmy; rolling him over, checking his pulse. Jimmy doesn't look any different. VEDA More like thirty. YOUNG SCHENK The thing works. It really works! (X) You realize what that _means_? (X) VEDA Immortality, riches beyond (X) imagination, no more dateless Saturday nights. I could use some (X) help over here, you know. Young Schenk reluctantly pulls himself away from the mirror, moves to them, looks down at the inert Jimmy. (X) YOUNG SCHENK Is he dead? VEDA Unconscious. YOUNG SCHENK How come he doesn't look any older? VEDA His system is still processing the event. It'll take hours before he realigns to his new matrix. YOUNG SCHENK Yeah -- but how come he doesn't look any older? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 17. 21 CONTINUED: 21 VEDA He _will_. Trust me. Veda reacts to something she sees in Jimmy's wallet: a 'Daily Planet' ID card. (X) VEDA (CONT'D) _What_? Oh, no... James Olsen, Daily Planet. He's not a pizza delivery boy. YOUNG SCHENK So? VEDA So? I target a specific demographic for these experiments -- runaways, homeless people, the occasional delivery boy -- _not_ employees of major metropolitan newspapers. (then, musing) I can't take him to the drop spot. That could endanger everything YOUNG SCHENK So I'll get rid of him. VEDA Get 'rid' of him? Young Schenk picks up Veda's gun, checks the chamber. YOUNG SCHENK Don't look so skittish. There was a reason I was serving two consecutive life sentences. I'm not nice. He snaps the chamber shut with chilling finality as we... FADE OUT. _END OF ACT ONE_ --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 18. _ACT TWO_ FADE IN: 22 EXT. TOWN HOUSE - NIGHT 22 Young Schenk carries Jimmy out of the town house and over to a parked car. Jimmy, on Young Schenk's shoulders, is starting to come around. More or less... JIMMY (muttering) Steady... methodical... objective... Young Schenk leans Jimmy up against the car as he pops the trunk. 23 JIMMY'S POV 23 coming in and out of focus. Young Schenk reaching for him -- 24 YOUNG SCHENK 24 shoves Jimmy into the trunk. Jimmy tries to force himself back to consciousness. He sees Young Schenk looming over the trunk, aiming Veda's gun... Jimmy reaches out, finds a tire iron... Jimmy swings! Young Schenk goes down Jimmy uses every bit of strength he can muster to claw his way out of the trunk. And now he's running unsteadily into the night... 25 INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - MORNING DAY #3 25(X) The place is crowded with both Lois and Clark's stuff. Lois, all dressed, is leaning against the kitchen counter, (X) drinking coffee and reading intently. Clark enters, climbs over the furniture, moves to her, kisses her. CLARK LOIS Morning -- Morning -- As she continues reading, he pours himself a cup. CLARK This is exactly how I dreamed married life would be. I'd wake to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, and there'd be my beautiful bride. Reading the morning... (MORE) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 19. 25 CONTINUED: 25 CLARK (CONT'D) (now noticing) ... coroner's report. I guess there is something very 'us' about that. LOIS There's got to be a way to figure out where Benny Rockland _was_ during the time he was missing. Look at this... His stomach contents. His last meal was salisbury steak, strained carrots and tapioca pudding. What does that sound like to you? CLARK Like he didn't know it was going to be his last meal? LOIS Hospital food. Plus he had traces of sedative in his system. It reeks of 'hospital' to me. If we can find one that served this exact meal the night before he died -- (he's grinning at her) What? It's not so farfetched. CLARK Not at all. It's very smart. (X) LOIS So what are you grinning at? (X) CLARK You. You're brilliant, talented, (X) gorgeous and you're my wife. (X) So I grin. (X) LOIS You're not so bad yourself. (X) She kisses him, moves to refill her coffee cup. (X) CLARK So I've been thinking, we should (X) talk about where we're going to live. LOIS What do you mean? CLARK I mean -- take a look around. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 20. 25 CONTINUED: 2 25 LOIS It is a little cluttered, isn't it? CLARK It looks like we're fencing stolen merchandise. Besides, wouldn't it be nice to have something that wasn't your place or my place -- but our place? She smiles, moves to him, puts her arms around his neck. LOIS 'Our place.' I like the sound of that. CLARK (embracing her) (X) Look at us -- we're starting a (X) whole new, long, wonderful life (X) together. (X) Off that, Lois sees their reflection in a mirror 26 ANCIENT LOIS 26 is looking back at her over Clark's shoulder. CLARK So what do you think? A house? Duplex? Is there any particular style you've always loved? 27 BACK TO SCENE 27 LOIS Do we have to decide right this second? I have... hospitals to call... She disengages from him, moves off, leaving him feeling like he's missed something but not quite sure what. 28 INT. TOWN HOUSE - DAY 28 Veda sits over the unconscious Young Schenk, ministering to him with a wet cloth. He finally starts to come Around. Winces at the bump on his head. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 21. 28 CONTINUED: 28 YOUNG SCHENK (coming into consciousness) What happened? VEDA You screwed up, is what happened. I found you outside in the gutter. YOUNG SCHENK That kid -- we gotta ice him before he goes to the cops... VEDA Relax. He won't go to the police because he won't know what to tell them. The Youth Wave affects the donor's short term memory. Chances are he'll just wander home, wondering how he got there. YOUNG SCHENK 'Chances are?' You don't sound like you really know what this thing'll do -- VEDA The important thing now is to get your stash and get out of Metropolis _before_ he starts to show signs of aging. YOUNG SCHENK I'm not leaving a witness. It ain't professional. Besides -- he hit me. VEDA You don't have a choice. We're up against the clock. (X) She holds a hand mirror in front of his face. He sees greying at his temples... YOUNG SCHENK I'm getting old again (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 22. 28 CONTINUED: 2 28 VEDA The device isn't perfected yet. YOUNG SCHENK (forgetting his pain) (X) _That's_ why you haven't zapped yourself with it! You're waitin' 'till you get it right, aren't you? VEDA In order to achieve total regeneration, I must have (X) plutonium to augment the human lifeforce. But that means (X) money -- _lots_ of money. Get it for me and I'll make sure that next time ... you _stay_ young. As he considers that (X) 29 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 29 Lois is at her desk on the phone. LOIS (into phone) All right, thanks. She hangs up, crosses the number off her list. Clark appears with a stack of magazines. CLARK No luck? (X) LOIS It seems like _every_ hospital in (X) Metropolis served salisbury steak and strained carrots the night before Benny Rockland died -- (then) But no tapioca pudding. (X) (off magazine) What are those? CLARK Old copies of 'House Resplendent.' I thought we could take a look at them, see if there's anything that sparks our interest. I marked a couple. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" White Rev. 9/11/96 22A. 29 CONTINUED: 29 LOIS (reading) 'The Matsons enjoy their (X) retirement in their Cape Cod dream home.' (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 23. 29 CONTINUED: 29 CLARK Kinda reminds me of my folks. (X) That'll be us someday. Lois snaps the magazine shut, looks a little panicked. (X) Clark starts to show her another one when Perry (X) approaches -- (X) PERRY Lois, Clark -- either one of you heard from Olsen? LOIS No, Chief -- (X) PERRY He hasn't been in all morning. It's not like him to just not show up... CLARK He was pretty upset about his friend yesterday... PERRY Hmmm. Yeah. Probably drowned one too many sorrows last night is all. Now the DING of the elevator. Perry spots PERRY (CONT'D) Jimmy! 30 JIMMY 30 in the elevator as the doors open. He just stands there, blinking into the newsroom. He notices the doors starting (X) to close, snaps out of it enough to push them open and (X) wander into the bullpen. (X) PERRY Where the Sam Hill you been, son? (X) Jimmy opens his mouth to respond, but... JIMMY I'm... not sure. CLARK Jimmy -- are you alright? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Green Rev. 9/10/96 24. 30 CONTINUED: 30 JIMMY Hmmm? Yeah, C.K. I'm... fine. I seem to recall -- a woman. Tall. (X) And rubber gloves... (X) PERRY That's probably more information than we need, son. We all deal with grief in our own way. Point is, you're fine. JIMMY Yeah, yeah guess I am. (then, trying to recall) She made me see lights, Chief PERRY I'm sure she did, son. You don't have to tell me. I was young once, you know. In fact, I'm not ready for the old folks' home yet. Perry moves off. During this, Jimmy has pulled something out of his pocket -- the "Big Napoleon's Pizza" business card. Something tells him he screwed up -- he's just not clear how at the moment. He guiltily shoves it back in his pocket, and -- JIMMY Think I'll lie down. Jimmy shuffles off. Lois and Clark start back to their desks. Clark holds up the magazine. CLARK (indicating) Hey, how about something like this -- LOIS Clark, that's it! CLARK Yeah? Great! LOIS Old folks' homes! CLARK What? LOIS They serve the same kind of food hospitals do, don't they? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 25. 30 CONTINUED: 30 CLARK Yeah. I suppose they would. (X) LOIS (with growing enthusiasm) Of course they would. We've just been looking in the wrong place. She heads back to the phones. Clark looks from her to his magazine. Tosses it aside, as he follows her out past -- Jimmy, at his desk, who's having difficulty focusing on the newspaper. He holds it away as far as he can, squinting like an old man. 31 EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - DAY - VEDA'S CAR 31 rolls INTO FRAME. She's driving; Young Schenk rides shotgun. He wears a trench coat and thirties style hat. (X) VEDA Alright, so where's the money? YOUNG SCHENK (indicating) Right over there -- She looks to where he's pointing -- A BANK across the street. Veda looks from it to him, incredulous. VEDA A bank? _That's_ your impenetrable hiding place? Whoever heard of a bank robber hiding his stash in a bank? YOUNG SCHENK Look -- there ain't no stash, okay? There never was. VEDA What? But all those stories... YOUNG SCHENK Just stories. Urban legend. Don't ask me how those things get started. VEDA What about all those banks you robbed? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 26. 31 CONTINUED: 31 YOUNG SCHENK It was the thirties. Does the phrase 'Great Depression' mean anything to you? Back then, we'd get out with maybe a coupla thousand. Sometimes they'd throw in a calendar. VEDA You lied to me! YOUNG SCHENK I never actually said I had the (X) money -- I said I knew where to _get_ it. And I will. VEDA You can't rob a _bank_! YOUNG SCHENK What do you mean I can't rob a bank? Of course I can rob a bank. I'm a bank robber. It's what I _do_. VEDA Fifty years ago, maybe. But nobody robs banks in Metropolis anymore. There's a certain guy in tights who'll stop you before you can say 'this is a stick up.' YOUNG SCHENK Superman? Pfft. I'm not worried about him. VEDA No? Well how about worrying about this -- She reaches over, snatches his hat off his head and WE SEE that his hair has gone totally snow white. VEDA (CONT'D) -- you're already starting to deteriorate. And it's happening exponentially. He just looks at her, grins, pops his hat back on, cocks his gun, and: YOUNG SCHENK Don't you worry about that, doll face. You just keep the motor running... --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 26A. 32 32 THRU OMITTED THRU 33 33 --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 27. 33A EXT. LEISURE PARK RETIREMENT VILLA - GROUNDS - DAY 33A Lois and Clark walk with MISTER LARRY, the home's director, as he moves.through the grounds. Here and there are OLD FOLKS, napping in wheel chairs, shuffling slowly with CARE WORKERS, etc. MISTER LARRY ... I'm sorry you made the trip out here, but as I told you on the phone, Mrs. Kent, this is a private institution. We're not in the habit of taking in members of the general public. CLARK My father is fully insured -- MISTER LARRY It's not a matter of insurance. The fact is, our residents are sponsored through a private foundation. CLARK What's the name of the this foundation? Maybe we'll try them. MISTER LARRY I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to give out that information. LOIS (off residents) Why does everyone here seem so -- placid? MISTER LARRY (bristling) A necessity, I'm afraid. Without the proper medication, the elderly can become somewhat... unmanageable. LOIS You mean like -- they try to escape. MISTER LARRY This isn't a prison, Mrs. Kent. Frankly, were you in their position, you'd be most grateful for this quality of care. Good day. (X) HOLD ON LOIS as she gazes at the residents, in the b.g.: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 28. 34 SUPERMAN 34(X) holds aloft a cake covered with blazing candles. As he offers it toward CAMERA: SUPERMAN Happy birthday, darling -- REVEAL - ANCIENT LOIS. She's hooked up to a high-tech wheel chair with all the bells and whistles, including an oxygen tank. Ancient Lois looks wide-eyed from the cake-inferno to her nearby oxygen tank. She weakly tries to blow out the candles, but it's clear she doesn't have the wind. CLARK Lois -- ? 35 LOIS 35 comes out of her daymare, turns to Clark. LOIS Let's get out of here. 36 EXT. LEISURE PARK RETIREMENT VILLA - PARKING LOT - DAY 36 Clark follows Lois back toward their Jeep. CLARK He's not telling us something. I think we ought to check out this 'private foundation.' He looks to her for a response -- she didn't even seem to hear him. Clark stops in his tracks. CLARK (CONT'D) Alright. Let's have it. What's bothering you? LOIS What are you talking about? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 29. 36 CONTINUED: 36 CLARK Come on, Lois. One minute you're (X) totally focused on this story, the next you're someplace else. What's wrong? LOIS Nothing. Really. CLARK I can tell when something's bothering you, Lois. You get these tiny little wrinkles. LOIS Wrinkles? _Wrinkles_? Really? Where? (X) She moves to the Jeep's side view mirror, examines herself. (X) CLARK That's not what I meant... Lois, is this about us looking for a new place? (X) But now -- he cocks his head as he SUPER HEARS an ALARM. LOIS What? CLARK Bank alarm... 37 INT. BANK - DAY 37 THE ALARM BLARES as SUPERMAN lands inside the bank. NERVOUS TELLER approaches him. TELLER Superman! He took hostages into the vault! He threatened us not to sound the alarm, but it's been such a long time and there's only a limited amount of air -- SUPERMAN Stand back -- Superman moves to the vault and RIPS THE DOOR OFF. He tosses it safely aside. --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 30. 38 INSIDE THE VAULT 38 several PEOPLE on the floor, their heads between their legs, arms over their heads. One by one, the people on the floor start peering up shyly. SUPERMAN (aside, to teller) Which one is he? TELLER I... don't see him. SUPERMAN Alright, everyone, let's uh, step out of the vault, single file. The hostages get to their feet, start moving out past Superman and the Teller. SUPERMAN (CONT'D) (to Teller) Just let me know when you see him... The hostages pass, one by one. The Teller looks to Superman, shakes his head indicating that this or that one is not the robber. Finally, they're all out. The Teller looks to Superman -- TELLER I don't understand it... we all saw him go in... Now they notice, discarded on the floor of the vault: (X) Schenk's trench coat, hat and gun. But that's it. It's as (X) if he's just melted away (X) 39 THE HOSTAGES 39 as one of them slips out of the group. It's a LITTLE OLD MAN... WE RECOGNIZE him as the old version of Schenk, looking happier and little plumper than we remember him. He simply strolls out of the bank. Off Superman, puzzled: (X) FADE OUT _END OF ACT TWO_ --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" White Rev. 9/11/96 31. _ACT THREE_ FADE IN: 40 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY #4 40 CLOSE ON a headline: "BANK ROBBER GETS AWAY; SUPERMAN STUMPED". It's yanked away to reveal Clark. Lois holds the paper; she's the one who did the yanking. LOIS (sotto) You're obsessing. CLARK Well, it bothers me. I mean (sotto) A _bank_ _robber_, Lois. LOIS Clark, nobody's perfect. (reconsidering) Scratch that. You're perfect, so there's got to be some other explanation. Anyway -- there's nothing you can do about it. That's life. And sometimes life ain't fair. CLARK Okay... She hands him some research files. LOIS The private foundation that runs Leisure Park is owned by one Veda (X) Doodsen. _Doctor_ Veda Doodsen. CLARK And she is... ? LOIS One of Metropolis State University's top medical researchers -- until last February, that is, when she was drummed out of academia. CLARK For -- ? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 32. 40 CONTINUED: 40 LOIS Don't know. My contact on the university board is looking into it for me. But her area of expertise was gerontology. (X) CLARK The study of aging -- LOIS She became obsessed with it after her husband of 23 years left her for a younger woman. CLARK Ouch. That's gotta smart. Lois looks at him, gauges his sensitivity. LOIS Yeah... I imagine it would... CLARK Okay, so what've we got? Twenty-two-year-old boy dies of (X) old age -- (X) LOIS We trace him back to an old folks' (X) home that happens to be subsidized (X) by a renowned medical researcher -- (X) CLARK A researcher who was recently cut (X) off from all legitimate sources -- (X) LOIS Which could mean she's now (X) conducting _illegitimate_ (X) research using that old folks' (X) home as some kind of dumping (X) ground. (X) CLARK I think it's time we paid Doctor Doodsen a house call. LOIS Let's go. They're about to head off, when the MAILBOY passes, drops a package into Clark's in-basket. Clark picks it up, looks at it. CLARK Just one second, Lois -- --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Green Rev. 9/10/96 33. 40A JIMMY 40A sits at his desk, coughs a couple of times, deeply, painfully. His hand goes to his chest -- he's clearly surprised. Clark approaches from behind. CLARK Jimmy (no response) _Jimmy_ -- JIMMY (turning) Eh --? Clark hands him the package. CLARK This is the surveillance tape from that bank robbery yesterday. The police have zilch. The gun the (X) robber left behind was clean. And (X) they still have no idea how he just vanished from that vault. Do (X) me a favor, take a look at this tape and see if you can figure out how anyone could get by Superman. JIMMY Yeah. Sure. Okay. Jimmy reaches for the tape, winces, rotates his shoulder. JIMMY (CONT'D) Ooooh. Feels like rain -- Clark moves off to rejoin Lois. Jimmy rises with some effort, reels as... 40B JIMMY'S POV 40B of the newsroom as it goes IN AND OUT OF FOCUS. 40C JIMMY 40C shakes off the attack, steels himself, shuffles off. --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 33A. 41 EXT. TOWN HOUSE - DAY 41 Lois and Clark approach the town house. LOIS Nice digs. Why do the bad guys always have such great places? You think they all use the same real estate agent? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 34. 41 CONTINUED: 2 41 CLARK You like this place? LOIS It's terrific. I could really see (X) us living in a place like this. (X) CLARK See? This is why we need to sit down with those magazines. I never would have guessed you'd go for something this old. She hits the door bell, looks at Clark defensively. LOIS There's nothing wrong with old, Clark. CUT TO: 42 INT. TOWN HOUSE - DAY 42 Lois is seated opposite Veda; Clark stands, moves casually around the room, admiring the place (and x-raying, of course.) CLARK This really is a nice place you have here, Dr. Doodsen. LOIS Yes, it's beautiful. Turn of the century? VEDA As a matter of fact, yes. It's actually got quite a storied history to it. (prompting) Speaking of stories... LOIS Yes. We're researching a story on Metropolis' unsung heroes, and your name came up. VEDA _My_ name? Why, I'm just a simple, albeit uncommonly brilliant, medical researcher. Hardly a hero... (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" White Rev. 9/11/96 35. 42 CONTINUED: 42 LOIS Oh, it's not your medical research we're interested in, Doctor Doodsen. VEDA No? LOIS It's all the altruistic work you've done for Metropolis' elderly. VEDA I-I'm afraid I still don't -- LOIS You do personally subsidize Leisure Park, don't you? (X) Veda reacts to that, tries to suppress her real alarm. VEDA How did you -- find that out? CLARK We're reporters, Doctor Doodsen. We don't just report bad news. We think the good things people do are just as important... LOIS (turning up the heat) That's why we want the public to know about what's going on at Leisure Park. VEDA Hmmm. Well, as flattering as that is, I don't do these good works for the acclaim. (rising) But thank you for stopping by. Lois stands, notes Clark on the other side of the room, examining the wet bar, looking at it over the top of his glasses. Lois keeps Veda from turning with: LOIS Maybe you can help me on another story I'm working on, Doctor Doodsen... VEDA And what might that be? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" White Rev. 9/11/96 36. 42 CONTINUED: 2 42 LOIS I understand you had some trouble at Metropolis State. Do you think (X) that had anything to do with your being a woman? VEEDA I'm bound by law not to discuss that -- incident. Terms of the settlement. LOIS Then let me ask you this -- why is your work focused on youth? VEDA You're a woman. You should know. But then, you're still young. Vivacious. Probably never occurs to you that one day all those pimply faced box boys at the supermarket won't be in such a hurry to carry your bags for you. LOIS I carry my own bags. Anyway, I'm married. VEDA (laughs) Let me tell you about 'married.' Don't think a husband's eye won't wander once the bloom has gone off the rose. You'll get old; he'll get 'distinguished.' Success makes men attractive; youth makes women desirable. Success is attained -- but youth is lost. And those are the facts of life. Lois just looks at her, open, flayed, exposed. 43 EXT. TOWN HOUSE - DAY 43 Lois is two steps ahead of Clark. CLARK There's some kind of secret chamber behind the wet bar, and what looked like serious machinery. We should come back tonight -- (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 37. 43 CONTINUED: 43 LOIS (near tears) Yeah. Good idea. CLARK Lois -- ? she didn't upset you with her spew, did she? She turns to him -- all her pain right there on her face. LOIS You heard all that -- ? What am I saying? Of _course_ you heard it. You hear everything, see everything. It's like being married to Saint Nick. CLARK Lois, she's a bitter woman. She doesn't know us. I love you. We're going to grow old together. He tries to reach out to her, but she pulls away. LOIS No. No we're not going to grow old together. I'm going to grow old -- alone. She looks at him, deflates, plops down on a stoop. CLARK What is this about? Lois -- we tell each other _everything_. LOIS Oh, yeah? Then why didn't you tell me about your molecular structure? CLARK My what? LOIS (pouring out) I mean, okay, so it's probably not (X) such a big deal to you, considering you, you know, _fly_ and everything. But we Earthlings tend to get a little touchy about our mortality. He just blinks at her, utterly confused. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 37A. 43 CONTINUED: 2 43 LOIS (CONT'D) I know how it sounds, but it's not (X) vanity. I don't mind growing old. Honestly. I just don't want to wake up some morning and find out that we've been separated... by time. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 38. 43 CONTINUED: 3 43 CLARK (bewildered) Lois... I have no idea what you're talking bout. (X) She looks at him as that sinks in, then: LOIS Ohymygod... you really don't, do you? CLARK No. (X) LOIS The way Dr. Klein tossed it off I guess he just assumed. (moving to him) Clark -- you're not like everybody else. CLARK You're just now figuring this out? LOIS Doctor Klein told me your (X) molecular structure slows the (X) aging process. It's like -- dog years, or something. And someday... I'll be an old crone and you'll still be -- Superman. Clark reacts to that, clearly shaken. CLARK What -- ? LOIS It's true. CLARK (processing it all) Well... even if it is... it won't change how I feel about you. Nothing could change that... (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 39. 43 CONTINUED: 4 43 LOIS Oh, I know that. We'll have a wonderful life together. But _after_ we have a wonderful life together... you'll just... have another one. She moves to the Jeep. Clark follows, stunned. 44 INT. TOWN HOUSE - DAY 44 Veda paces the floor. She reacts as Old Schenk enters arm-in-arm with a TAWDRY BABE. VEDA Where have you... been? Schenk pulls out a wad of cash, peels off some bills, (X) stuffs them into the Babe's hand. OLD SCHENK Go buy yourself something nice. And he pushes her back out the door. VEDA What do you think you're doing?! OLD SCHENK Not much, if you know what I mean. Did you get the plutonium? I'm not getting any younger. VEDA And you won't. It's over. OLD SCHENK Come again ... ? VEDA There won't _be_ any plutonium. (X) It's too risky, now. There were reporters snooping around here. (X) Reporters from 'The Daily Planet' who just happen to be celebrated (X) friends of Superman's. OLD SCHENK You think they're on to you? (X) (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 39A. 44 CONTINUED: 44 VEDA They've been to Leisure Park. The place is stuffed with donor's from my early experiments. We've got to leave Metropolis _now_. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 40. 44 CONTINUED: 2 44 She starts to move off, but he grabs her by the arm. OLD SCHENK But I'm still _old_. VEDA I'm sorry... Now he pulls a gun, brandishes it. She reacts, fearfully. OLD SCHENK You ain't going anywhere until you (X) find a way to make me young again. (X) Permanently. (X) VEDA Haven't you been listening? (X) Without plutonium, no normal human (X) being can produce enough lifeforce (X) to make total regeneration (X) complete. (X) Schenk is suddenly struck with a thought... Veda winces at his tightening grip on her. (X) OLD SCHENK No normal human being ? Makes (X) you wonder, don't it? (X) VEDA Wonder _what_? OLD SCHENK How much lifeforce Superman's got (X) in those tights of his (X) Veda reacts to that, horrified, tries to pull free but his (X) grip is unbreakable. (X) 45 OMITTED 45 46 INT. DAILY PLANET - CONFERENCE ROOM - NIGHT #4 46 The lights are low; the video monitor glows blue. The table is littered with Jimmy's work, but no sign of Jimmy. Clark pokes his head in. CLARK Jimmy -- ? He steps inside, is drawn to the table with Jimmy's work. Now Lois enters, steps up next to Clark. --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 41. 47 THE TABLE 47 Several photographs scattered there. Among them: a photo made from the security tape of Young Schenk entering the bank. Next to that, an archive photo of the same man -- from the thirties. And finally, another photo made from the tape this one of the Old Schenk exiting the vault. 47A LOIS & CLARK 47A react to all this. LOIS Clark, Jimmy's really on to (X) something... CLARK Yeah -- but where is he? They both react to MOANING. They find Jimmy on the floor, under the table, clearly not well. CLARK (CONT'D) Jimmy... Clark rolls him over ... and WE SEE that the accelerated aging has hit him full force -- he looks at least eighty. Lois and Clark react with horror as we... FADE OUT _END OF ACT THREE_ --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Blue Blue Rev. 9/17/96 42. _ACT FOUR_ FADE IN: 48 INT. DAILY PLANET - PERRY'S OFFICE - NIGHT 48 old Jimmy is on the couch in Perry's office. Clark kneels next to him; Perry and Dr. Klein stand in the b.g. (X) CLARK Jimmy? Jimmy, Dr. Klein is here. He's going to take a look at you. OLD JIMMY Sure, C.K. Clark smiles, is about to stand, Jimmy reaches out to him. OLD JIMMY (CONT'D) C.K.? CLARK Yeah, buddy? OLD JIMMY I think I figured out that robbery... CLARK Yeah, you did great, Jimmy. You nailed it. Jimmy manages a weary smile, looks up at Perry. OLD JIMMY Not such a kid anymore, eh, Chief? PERRY You rest easy, son. Doctor Klein's going to take care of you. We'll be right outside. Doctor Klein moves toward Jimmy as the others exit to -- 49 BULLPEN 49 Clark and Perry come out of the office. Lois is looking (X) through Jimmy's work, the photos, at her desk. (X) PERRY I still don't understand any of this -- what in the name of all that's Memphis is going _on_? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Blue Blue Rev. 9/17/96 43. 49 CONTINUED: 49 CLARK It's the fountain of youth, Chief. Lois reaches for the archive photo of Schenk. LOIS And Jimmy figured it out -- Clark indicates various stills made from the security tape as he explains: CLARK See, Chief -- these stills Jimmy made from the bank security tape prove it. Here at 4:02, the gunman takes eight hostages into the vault, then enters himself -- (another still) Then, at 4:04 -- When Superman (X) arrives, nine people exit the vault. But no robber. LOIS However, there is a new face -- this old man, here. He wasn't in the bank before. PERRY Wait a minute -- are you saying this_old guy -- and this young guy -- it's the same person? CLARK Conner Schenk, the con who busted out of prison. PERRY And Olsen figured this out? LOIS He sure did -- by not ruling anything out -- even the impossible. Lois' PHONE RINGS. She moves to pick it up as Perry pours over Jimmy's research notes. PERRY (sussing out the research) Steady, methodical, objective. The kid's good. Lois listens intently, then: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 44. 49 CONTINUED: 2 49 LOIS (into phone) ... thanks, Mister Reynolds. I appreciate it. She hangs up, moves to Clark and Perry. LOIS (CONT'D) Well, that seals it. That was my contact on the university board. Veda Doodsen wanted to conduct youth experiments on human subjects. When the university forbade her, she defied them. Did it anyway. And guess who she used as guinea pigs? Clark looks to the still he holds in his hand -- a photo of Young Schenk holding up the bank. CLARK Prisoners... LOIS Yep. She lied her way in, told the warden she had the full backing of the university. Now Dr. Klein emerges from Perry's office, looking grim. LOIS (CONT'D) Doctor Klein -- how's Jimmy? (X) DR. KLEIN He's aging. Rapidly. And there's no sign that it's leveling out. Unless we can somehow reverse this process, or at least stabilize it -- he'll be dead in a matter of hours. Reactions all around to that. Suddenly, Clark's PHONE (X) RINGS. He picks it up. (X) CLARK Clark Kent... (X) INTERCUT WITH: 50 INT. VEDA'S TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT 50 CLOSE ON Veda, on the phone. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 44A. 50 CONTINUED: 50 VEDA Mister Kent, Doctor Doodsen. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 45. 50 CONTINUED: 2 50 Clark looks wide-eyed to Lois, mouths "It's her!" She picks up the extension, listens in: CLARK (into phone) Yeah, hi... VEDA I'll get straight to the point. Tell Superman, with his help, I can restore James Olsen. Tell him to bring the boy to me. But to hurry. Even I can't raise the dead... Veda hangs up the phone as WE REVEAL Old Schenk there, still holding the gun on her. At The Planet, Lois and Clark exchange a grave look and a knowing nod. CUT TO: 51 INT. PERRY'S OFFICE - LATER 51 As Lois enters, kneels down next to the ancient Jimmy. LOIS Jimmy ... ? OLD JIMMY Lois ... guess I screwed up pretty royally, huh? LOIS No, you didn't screw up. OLD JIMMY All I remember is... I wanted the story... guess now I _am_ the story. I must look pretty awful to you, huh? LOIS No -- OLD JIMMY I'm not me anymore. Well, one good thing -- I probably won't get carded so much -- LOIS Jimmy -- you're still you. The outside isn't what's important. That's not why we love people... (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 46. 51 CONTINUED: 51 She senses a presence, looks up to see -- Superman standing there. No words are needed as they hold the look. Then Superman moves to Jimmy, gathers him up like a feather... 52 INT. TOWN HOUSE - NIGHT 52 Superman FLOATS in through an open window with the dying (X) Jimmy, gently lays him down on a couch. The wet bar is already turned to The Rejuvenator. Veda appears, dressed in her rubber radiation suit. VEDA Welcome, Superman. I'm Doctor Doodsen. SUPERMAN You told Clark Kent you'd restore him -- do it. Now Old Schenk appears, his gun on Veda. OLD SCHENK Me first. Superman looks from him to Veda. SUPERMAN What is this? What's he talking about? VEDA The conditions. You give up some of your super lifeforce to him, he allows me to regenerate your friend... and he won't kill me. OLD SCHENK Now it doesn't get any fairer than that. SUPERMAN I can get to him before he pulls the trigger -- VEDA It won't matter. I'll help him, anyway and you'll allow me to -- because you need me to save your friend. (X) Superman looks at her; even Schenk seems surprised by this. SUPERMAN But -- he's got a gun on you... (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 47. 52 CONTINUED: 52 VEDA Yes. And as much as he can't be trusted -- I'm afraid you _can_ be. Trusted to take me straight to prison for my crimes. And I can't have that. That's why I'm going to do as he says -- and then I'm going to escape with him. OLD SCHENK Smart girl. (to Superman) Well, Mister Blue Pants? Time's runnin' out for all of us. What's it gonna be? Superman looks to old Jimmy, lying on the couch, then to Schenk and Veda. Superman sets his jaw and we (X) CUT TO: 52A SAME SCENE - LATER 52A Superman is standing under the donor cylinder as it lowers over him. The receiver cylinder lowers over Schenk. Veda pulls on her goggles, cranks up the POWER. The Rejuvenator IGNITES as Superman's life force starts ARCING into Schenk who starts WHOOPING and YELLING as he recharges. The drain is clearly making Superman woozy now, as... 52B VEDA 52B leans on the controls, cranks it up to the max -- the lights get brighter, the sound louder. Now she turns and makes a break for it, moving to the door, just as -- 53 LOIS 53 enters through the open door, her arms going up instinctively to shield herself from the GLOW of The Rejuvenator. She squints through the glare, sees what's happening. Veda tries to get past her, but Lois lunges. Veda is knocked for a loop. As they struggle -- Superman braces himself against the power strain. Schenk is GLOWING with LIFE FORCE. His face a crazed mask. Superman calls out to Lois: (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Pink Rev. 9/3/96 48. 53 CONTINUED: 53 SUPERMAN No! Lois! We need her! Lois has got Veda by the collar, has her fist poised for a serious punch, but pulls back. LOIS Shut it down! Now! Veda obeys. When the smoke and light clear 54 SUPERMAN 54 looks up, grateful that it's over... Now the SOUND of a BABY CRYING. They all look over to see -- 55 THE INFANT SCHENK 55 screaming in a pile of clothes. 56 SUPERMAN 56 looks from the baby, to the others. Veda is the only one that doesn't look surprised by all this. VEDA He won't be pulling any guns on anyone for awhile. Superman BLURS through the room, and suddenly Old Jimmy is whisked off the couch, the Infant Schenk left in his place. (X) The BLUR shoots through the room again, and now -- Jimmy is (X) in the receiver chamber and -- Superman is standing back in the donor chamber. SUPERMAN Let's go -- (X) Lois looks to Veda. LOIS If anything happens to either one of them... you won't have to _worry_ about getting any older. Veda considers that, lowers her goggles, puts the machine through its paces... --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" FULL Blue Rev. 8/29/96 49. 57 A SERIES OF SHOTS 57 ... as more of Superman's life force ARCS into Jimmy... as Lois looks on, concerned for both of them... as Veda gauges it all very carefully... Finally the ARCING ceases. It's (X) quiet. The cylinders rise. And Jimmy looks up -- totally restored. He shakes his head. JIMMY What a rush -- Superman steps forward, takes stock of his state, looks at Lois. SUPERMAN I feel okay -- Lois looks expectantly to Veda. LOIS Is he? Is he okay? VEDA Too soon to tell -- The uncertainty just hangs there for a beat 58 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY #5 58 Lois sits at her desk, worried. She glances over at Clark's desk -- which is empty. She reacts as the elevator opens... and Jimmy walks out. She tries to cover her disappointment. Perry approaches Jimmy. PERRY Jimmy! What'd Doctor Klein have to say? JIMMY He gave me a clean bill of health, Chief. PERRY Good news. Now, if you'd only listened to me from the start JIMMY From now on Chief. Trust me. PERRY I do -- (hands him a file) -- which is why I want you to get on this story. (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Gold Rev. 9/11/96 50. 58 CONTINUED: 58 JIMMY (lighting up) What is it, Chief? Hostage situation? Social unrest? (off file) -- Metropolis 10k Run? PERRY Now get out there and find me a story among that mass of hopeful humanity. JIMMY You bet I will, Chief. Jimmy starts to move off, but Lois stops him. LOIS Jimmy -- ? Did Doctor Klein say anything about Superman? JIMMY He was still examining him when I left. LOIS Oh -- Lois moves back to her desk, sits. Now she notices a note has been placed there -- 59 INSERT - THE NOTE 59 in Clark's handwriting: "Meet me at 348 Hyperion Ave., Love -- Your Husband." 60 LOIS 60 looks up from the note, glances around the room -- 61 INT. TOWN HOUSE - DAY 61 It's Veda's town house. The place has been totally cleared out. Not a stick of furniture left. Lois enters, a little nervously. She spots Clark standing at a window, dressed casually, looking out at the city. (X) LOIS Clark -- ? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Gold Rev. 9/11/96 51. 61 CONTINUED: 61 He turns to her, smiles. (X) CLARK Lois -- (X) She moves to him. (X) LOIS What's going on? (X) CLARK Nothing. Stand here -- He repositions her in the golden light which streams in from outside. He looks at her, smiles. CLARK (CONT'D) I was right -- LOIS Clark... what are we doing here? CLARK I just had a vision of what you'd look like standing in the light from this window. I had to see. LOIS Clark -- are you okay? What did Dr. Klein say? CLARK Jimmy's going to be fine -- LOIS I know that -- what _else_ did he tell you? CLARK Conner Schenk's already going through the terrible twos. Klein thinks he'll be his _old_ old self by the end of the week -- LOIS He's reverting back? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 52. 61 CONTINUED: 2 61 CLARK (nods) Even Superman's lifeforce couldn't make his transformation permanent. But don't worry about Jimmy, he's going to be fine... (X) LOIS I'm not worried about _Jimmy_, Clark! What about _you_? What did Dr. Klein say about _you_? CLARK (smiles) I'm fine, Lois. According to Dr. Klein I've already compensated for (X) whatever age drain there was. (X) LOIS 'Compensated'? Then you _have_ lost something -- (X) CLARK My friend is healthy, I'm here with my wife. I haven't lost anything. LOIS You gave up years -- CLARK I gave them up for my friend. LOIS How many? CLARK (takes her hand) I don't know. The truth is, nobody knows how long they've got. Anyway, it's not the years that (X) count. It's the moments. Right now. As they happen. She falls into his arms. LOTS Oh, Clark... They kiss. As they disengage: LOIS (CONT'D) So... how do you suggest we make the most of _this_ moment? (CONTINUED) --page break-- "BRUTAL YOUTH" Yellow Rev. 9/9/96 53. 61 CONTINUED: 3 61 CLARK Well -- I was thinking maybe we (X) could look at wall paper samples... LOIS Wall paper samples... CLARK What do you like for this room? Wood panel? Floral motif? She pulls away from him, looks at him as she realizes... LOIS You didn't... CLARK You seemed to really like the (X) place. I mean -- it's in the city. It's got character. And a secret compartment -- which is hard to find in a building this style. All you have to do is say the word. (X) It's ours if you want it. (X) He looks for her reaction -- finally... she smiles. LOIS Well... you know I love it. But is it really you? CLARK No. It's _us_. And as they come together again we... FADE OUT _THE END_