notes: To pop everything into place... use Courier 10 (or 10 characters per inch) set top margin at 0.5", bottom margin at 0.5" (or minimums) left margin at 1", right margin at .25 (or minimum) (I had to tell the program that my primitive printer was using legal- size paper) The * at the right margin of some lines probably means "this line changed from previous version" NOTES: on front page LOIS & CLARK is in large, bold, underline The New Adventures of Superman is in not so large, italics "Vatman" is in same size font, not italicized EPISODE 17, Written by: Michael Norell (and) Directed by: Randall Zisk are somewhat smaller, all caps and bold WARNER BROS. TELEVISION is all caps All other text on first page is in courier 10 page 12A & 23 "usefullness" misspelled page 28, at top, Jimmy: I think "poring" should be "pouring" a few lines down, "death valley" should have been capitalized...? page 29, top, "surpressing" should be spelled suppressing page 36, midway: "rebeliously" should be spelled rebelliously page 42, at bottom, "brandeshing" should be spelled brandishing --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ The New Adventures of Superman "Vatman" EPISODE 17 Prod. #455317 Written by: Michael Norell Directed by: Randall Zisk WARNER BROS. TELEVISION Production Draft January 21, 1994 Blue Rev. 1/27/94 Pink Rev. 1/28/94 Yellow R. 2/2/94 Green Rv. 2/2/94 --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Vatman_" Yellow Revision 2/2/94 _CAST_ CLARK KENT/SUPERMAN LOIS LANE PERRY WHITE JIMMY OLSEN CAT GRANT LEX LUTHOR JONATHAN KENT MARTHA KENT _______________________________________________________________ SUPERMAN 2 DR. FABIAN LEEK DELACROIX NEWSCASTER LNN REPORTER * TOUR GUIDE * MESSENGER --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Vatman_" Yellow Revision 2/2/94 _LOCATIONS_ INTERIORS: EXTERIORS: Daily Planet Paris Airport The Pit 797 - Below Plane Perry's Office Skies Lobby Metropolis Skies Clark's Apartment Metropolis Studios * Lois' Apartment Western Street * Luthor's Penthouse Merchant's Bank Luthor's Laboratory Metropolis Bridge The Vat Dr. Leek's office Kent Farmhouse Kitchen Kent Farmhouse Living Room Daily Planet Dr. Leek's Office * Western Saloon * The Sun (Extreme Long Shot) --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Vatman_" Blue Revision 1/27/94 _CHRONOLOGY_ SC. 1 - 12 DAY 1 SC. 13 - 23 DAY 2 SC. 24 - 32 NIGHT 2 SC. 33 - 50 DAY 3 SC. 51 - 52 NIGHT 3 SC. 53 - 57 DAY 4 SC. 58 - 62 NIGHT 4 SC. 63 - 76 DAY 5 SC. 77 - 80 NIGHT 5 --page break-- _LOIS & CLARK_ _The New Adventures of Superman_ "_Vatman_" _TEASER_ FADE IN: 1 INT. DAILY PLANET - THE PIT - (DAY #1) 1 LOIS, JIMMY, PERRY and other newsstaffers all have their eyes glued in horrified fascination to the TV monitor. An anchorperson broadcasts from the Luthor News Network (LNN) studio. NEWSCASTER We are now getting a report that the Seven-Ninety-Seven is making its last circle before it attempts a landing at the Paris International Airport. (beat) I'm reminded of the vigil for Charles Lindbergh not so far from this spot. Only now, it's a giant airliner with its landing gear and * wing flaps inoperative. * Perry casts a worrisome glance at his staff. NEWSCASTER (CONT'D) And instead of a lone American pilot, there are 120 passengers and a crew of ten living this last hour in the cold fear of a possible violent death. 2 ANGLE ON NEWSROOM ENTRANCE - CLARK KENT 2 steps off the elevator, starts for his desk, is arrested by the sight of the crowd around the TV, wanders over to see what's going on. We CONTINUE HEARING: NEWSCASTER They're only three minutes from touchdown. (beat) We nov have an LNN Reporter on the * scene... Let's see if we can go to * their satellite feed. * (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 1A. 2 CONTINUED: 2 on the screen behind the newscaster we see a * photograph of the on-the-scene reporter and a shot * of the Paris Airport. * LNN REPORTER (V.O.) * In his last circle, the pilot used * up all but enough fuel to complete * the landing, so this is it... * (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) Pink Rev. 1/28/94 2. 2 CONTINUED: 2 CLARK What's going on? PERRY Serious situation at Orly. Plane's got no landing gear, about to attempt a landing. Clark's reaction is swift. He needs to be there. CLARK Uh... I just remembered, I left my story notes in my car. LOIS Clark, you don't have a car. CLARK ... in the taxi. My... taxi. I'll just... And he races toward the elevator when he hears... JIMMY Look! PERRY I don't believe it... LOIS It's Superman! He's there! (then, realizing) In Paris. Clark walks slowly back toward the TV monitor as a GROUP CHEER goes up. PERRY Great Shades of Elvis! 3 ON CLARK 3 disbelieving, stands directly in front of the TV. 3A EXT. SKIES ABOVE PARIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - DAY 3A * Superman, or it sure as hell _looks_ like Superman, * FLIES alongside the stricken airliner, directing it * toward the runway. * (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 3. 3A CONTINUED: 3A NEWSCASTER (V.O.) This just in. Superman, the famed Man of Steel from Metropolis, is flying alongside the stricken airliner. 4 OMITTED 4 5 TIGHT ON CLARK as he hears... LNN REPORTER (V.O.) Superman is setting the big aircraft down, gently as a feather. It's almost on the ground... and now... he's done it! The plane is safe! Superman has saved the day! The newsroom gang emit another cheer, backslapping all around as they disperse and the TV is turned off. But Clark continues to stand and stare at the now blank screen, _stunned_ as we... FADE OUT. _END OF TEASER_ --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 4. _ACT ONE_ FADE IN: 6 INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - DUSK 6 As Clark lets himself in. He's deep in thought, still not recovered from the shock. The phone's RINGING. Clark picks it up. Clark paces as he talks. CLARK Hello? 7 INT. KENT FARMHOUSE - INTERCUT WITH CLARK 7 MARTHA Clark, that was so thrilling. CLARK Uh... JONATHAN All those people... we're so proud. MARTHA It was quite a surprise though, seeing you in Paris. CLARK I wasn't _in_ Paris. * JONATHAN You... what do you mean? CLARK That wasn't me. MARTHA What did you say? (to Jonathan) What did he say? When we cut back to Clark, he's now pacing on the ceiling. CLARK It was somebody... some_thing_ else. I watched it, too, at the newsroom. (beat) When I saw him... it was like my whole world turned upside down. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 5. 7 CONTINUED: 7 MARTHA But Clark... we saw you... You were * wearing your outfit. You _flew_ * What... _who_ else could do that? * CLARK I don't know. * JONATHAN This is unbelievable. (beat) Maybe you should make a public statement, get this out in the open, let the world know there's an imposter out there. CLARK Not until I know who I'm dealing with. (beat) I'll call you guys later. He hangs up. We HOLD on Martha and Jonathan, looking at each other with shock. 8 ANGLE ON CLARK 8 He sits brooding, now makes a decision. 8A EXT. SKY - ABOVE ATLANTIC OCEAN 8A SUPERMAN _STREAKS_ above the blue water, heading east. 8B EXT. SKY - ABOVE LONDON 8B Superman still FLYING east. Big Ben tolls the hour. 8C EXT. SKY - ABOVE PARIS 8C Superman _FLIES_ past the Eifel Tower. 8D EXT. PARIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - FROM ABOVE 8D Superman _FLIES_ above the airport, slows, swoops down. --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 5A. 9 EXT. PARIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - DAY 9 Superman _LANDS_ by a hanger, moves into the shadows, emerges a split second later as Clark Kent. 9A EXT. PARIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT HANGER - DAY 9A Clark exits the terminal and walks onto the runway with DELACROIX, a short man with a distinct french accent. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 6. 9A CONTINUED: 9A DELACROIX It was very lucky that you were here in Paris on assignment. I've read many of your articles on Superman in the international edition of the Daily Planet. CLARK Thank you for meeting me. DELACROIX I've arranged for you to examine the plans. CLARK Thank you. I just need to verify... something, for my article. As Delacroix leads him... 10 EXT. 797 - UNDERNEATH THE PLANE 10 Clark stands on a stepladder, examining the. * fuselage. Then, looking around to see that no one * is observing, he floats up to the belly of the plane, runs his hands over the metal skin. Still hovering, he spies something. 11 TIGHT ON A SET OF HANDPRINTS 11 in the metal itself. 12 BACK ON CLARK 12 as he places his hands into the prints. It's a perfect fit. As Clark floats back down and turns his gaze on his own hands we... CUT TO: 13 OMITTED 13 13A INT. DAILY PLANET - LOBBY (DAY #2) 13A Lois stands by the newsstand leafing through a stack of papers. Clark, carrying a paper bag, enters through the revolving doors, joins her. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 7. 13A CONTINUED: 13A LOIS It's been three days since Superman has even been seen in Metropolis. (trying to get a spark from Clark) Don't you find that just the tiniest bit odd? CLARK Yes, I do, but... Perry, wearing a Daily Planet baseball cap, strides * by en route to the elevators, tips his hat to Lois * and Clark as he passes. * LOIS Morning, Chief. Lois refers to the European paper she holds. LOIS (CONT'D) Look at this. In the last thirty- six hours Superman's saved an airplane in Paris, righted a sinking ship in Rio, rescued a busload of school children in Surinam, wherever _that_ is, and on and on. Never once talking to the press or even sticking around to see how things came out. CLARK What's the point? (offering the bag) Croissant? * Lois opens the bag, rips off a piece. LOIS The point is... why isn't he _here_? * Why isn't he saving sinking ships or * rescuing school children in * Metropolis like he's always done? (beat, re croissant) * These are incredible. Where'd you * get them? * CLARK A little French bakery. * (beat) * You know, Lois, Metropolis doesn't * _own_ Superman. Maybe he's on vacation, maybe he's... (very frustrated) (more) (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 8. 13A CONTINUED: (2) 13A CLARK (Cont'd) The truth is, I don't understand it either. CUT TO: 14 INT. PERRY'S OFFICE - DAY 14 Jimmy enters talking... JIMMY Chief, I got you those brochures on * that white water rafting trip but * frankly, it looks a little dangerous... PERRY * Dangerous? Good. * Jimmy looks at him, then just... stares. 15 PERRY - JIMMY'S POV 15 Hat off, we now see that Perry is wearing a hair * piece, and bears a striking resemblance to Dan * Rather. * PERRY Yes? You were saying? It's obvious the Chief doesn't want to acknowledge his new... _do_. Jimmy tries his best not to look at Perry's head. JIMMY Uh... oh, right... those * brochures... Chief? Everything okay? PERRY Why shouldn't it be? JIMMY Oh. Good. That's... good. Anyway, they say that this trip is not for the faint of heart, solid swimmers, etc. PERRY * (musing) * Always hated swimming. Never much * good at it either. Sometimes you've * got to live on the edge. * (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) Pink Rev. 1/28/94 9. 15 CONTINUED: 15 JIMMY Uh, I'll just leave these things here. On your desk. Chief. PERRY Thanks, Jimmy. Jimmy can't help another stare, then exits. Perry takes a look at the brochures, then puts them down. He leans over and turns a few pages on his desk calendar. One of the days is circled in red. Perry scribbles something on it, then turns back to today's date as we go to... 16 INT. JUST OUTSIDE PERRY'S OFFICE 16 Jimmy stands there, puzzled, then moves off. 17 ANGLE ON CLARK'S DESK 17 Lois and Clark exit an elevator, walk into the pit. LOIS I mean what's going on with Superman? Why is he gallivanting all over the world? I left messages for him to call me with every correspondent and news bureau of ours worldwide. Nothing. CLARK Don't worry. I have a real strong feeling he'll be back. Soon. LOIS Don't tell me, reporter's intuition? CLARK You don't hold the patent on it, you know. LOIS No, but intuition is not something you can just 'pick up,' you're born with it. CLARK And? LOIS _I_ was. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 10. 17 CONTINUED: 17 CLARK Congratulations. Can I get back to my story now? Lois, still frustrated returns to her desk, but her heart's not in her work. She leans back in her chair. LOIS Superman, Superman... wherever you are, please come home. 18 EXT. THE SKIES ABOVE METROPOLIS 18 A man in the red, yellow, and blue uniform speeds through the clouds. Faster and faster until we hear several SONIC BOOKS pierce the stillness. "Superman" rolls over in delight at his ability to create these sounds. He looks down. 19 EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - "SUPERMAN'S" POV 19 Pedestrians cower and cover their ears. A squeal of brakes as a traffic accident is narrowly averted. A waiter carrying a tray of drinks at an outdoor cafe stumbles, and the drinks fly. 20 OMITTED 20 20A "SUPERMAN" 20A full of youthful exuberance, jumps for joy, then continues on his way. 21 INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - DAY 21 Clark is examining still photos from the French * airplane near-disaster. * 22 VIA CLARK'S MICROSCOPIC-VISION 22 he zooms in on the face of Superman. * Unquestionably, that's _his_ face. * --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 10A. 23 OVER HIS SHOULDER NOW - LOIS 23 peers at the photo. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 11. 23 CONTINUED: 23 LOIS What're you doing? CLARK (tap dancing) What an I doing? Nothing, really. * I didn't get to see the whole * rescue, so I got some pictures. * Lois stares at him knowingly. CLARK (CONT'D) What? LOIS And I thought I was the biggest Superman fan in Metropolis. Maybe you should join his fan club. (off his look) You'll get a button. Clark shakes his head and Lois pulls up a chair beside him, her mood changing quickly. LOIS (CONT'D) It's crazy, really. CLARK What? LOIS That I had the gall to believe that Superman was mine... uh... Metropolis'. I mean, unselfishly speaking, I suppose he should belong to the world. But then again, selfishly speaking... I thought this was his home. CLARK It is. He's... as much as said so. LOIS Maybe. But the fact remains: I have no hold on him at all. Lois' depression mounts as this revelation sinks in. Then, pure Lois Lane, she musters... LOIS (CONT'D) Well, better get to work. As she walks away... (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 12. 23 CONTINUED: (2) 23 CLARK Lois... you'd be surprised. You... Metropolis has a stronger hold on Superman than you may think. Lois smiles. LOIS Nice try, Kent. But then again, what're partners for? She walks off as we... CUT TO 24 EXT. SKYLINE - (NIGHT #2) 24 Superman FLIES into frame. He stops, looks down, all around, in search of the imposter, then turns and shoots out of frame. 25 SUPERMAN 25 continues to search the skies when suddenly... SUPERMAN 2 Hey! You! Superman whirls, sees: 26 HIS POV A HUNDRED YARDS AWAY - THE IMPOSTER 26 standing in mid-air, mocking Superman's stance. Superman _FLIES_ toward him. When they are only feet away, both Supermen begin a _VERTICAL DESCENT_, their eyes never leaving one another. 27 ON THE GROUND 27 Superman stands in front of his'"twin," visually inspecting him. Superman is stunned to realize he's looking at himself. Superman 2 wears a mocking grin on his face. Finally: SUPERMAN Who are you? SUPERMAN 2 I don't want to talk. You're my enemy. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 12A. 27 CONTINUED: 27 SUPERMAN * Why would you say that? * Superman 2 regurgitates the lessons his "father" * has given him... SUPERMAN 2 * I an the most powerful man in the * universe. You've outlived your * usefullness. * SUPERMAN * Who told you all these things? * SUPERMAN 2 * My father. * SUPERMAN * Who's your father? * SUPERMAN 2 * I promised never to tell. * Superman is frustrated, tries another tack. * SUPERMAN * I'm not your enemy. I want to be * your friend. I want to know more * about you, where you come from. * SUPERMAN 2 * I was born in the womb. My father * took me out. * SUPERMAN * Okay. How old are you? * SUPERMAN 2 As old as you. * (beat) * Catch me if you can. Superman 2 _FLIES_ into the air, and Superman gives chase. --page break-- VATMAN (#17) Pink Rev. 1/28/94 13. 28 SEVERAL CUTS - HIDE AND SEEK FOOTAGE OF THE TWO SUPERMEN 28 as they speed through the air, turning, diving, racing through a tunnel, climbing... and always, Superman is just behind his nemesis. He can't catch him; they are equally fast. 29 SUPERMAN 2 29 Superman 2 _FLIES_ away, hitting warp speed. All * Superman can do is watch him until he's out of sight. 30 INT. LEX LUTHOR'S LABORATORY - NIGHT 30 * Superman 2 enters the darkened laboratory. Just as * he does so, a light is switched on. LUTHOR (V.O.) Do you have any idea what time it is? We now see that LEX LUTHOR is the one giving the fatherly chastisement. SUPERMAN 2 Sorry, father. I was just... practicing -- like you told me. My 'out-of-town' tryout. I think I did good. LUTHOR Yes. I saw you in Paris. SUPERMAN 2 And I saved that sinking ship in Rio. That was fun. LUTHOR All well and good, but when I say 10:00, I mean 10:00. (beat) You haven't been flying around Metropolis, have you? SUPERMAN 2 Oh, no father, you told me not to. Luthor stands and hugs his "boy" who hugs him back. LUTHOR Come with me, son. Time for bed. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) Pink Rev. 1/28/94 14. 30 CONTINUED: 30 SUPERMAN 2 Will you tell me a story? LUTHOR Maybe. If you're in bed quickly, with no fuss. CUT TO: 31 INT. LEX LUTHOR'S LABORATORY - "THE VAT" - LATER 31 * The CAMERA MOVES over an elaborate computer set-up, with blinking lights. Screens monitor EKG, strong and steady pulse, around 20, blood pressure inhumanly high. The machinery HUMS, emits a steady BEEPING. As we PAN all this hi-tech stuff, we're hearing: LUTHOR'S VOICE ... and then the Wolf said to Red Ridinghood, 'Are you sure the policy is in your name?' And Red Ridinghood said, 'Yes. Grandma said when she passed away I would inherit everything.' So the Wolf said, 'Lets pay grandma a visit.' (beat) And so, Red Ridinghood took off her. hood and cape and gave it to the Wolf. SUPERMAN 2 And the Wolf went through the forest to Grandmother's house, ate her, and he and Red Ridinghood split the money. LUTHOR That's right, as it should be. The grandmother was old and it was time for the younger, stronger generation to take over. The CAMERA now follows a maze of cables leading from the computer... LUTHOR'S VOICE (CONT'D) And so it is with you and the old Superman. You and I are destined to control this city and eventually the world. The cables lead to what we now perceive is a large tank. It contains a murky fluid. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 15. 31 CONTINUED: 31 LUTHOR'S VOICE (CONT'D) Remember: All that ultimately * counts is winning. All that * satisfies is power. Might is Right. * As the CAMERA CONTINUES TO MOVE, we see two bare feet suspended. We MOVE UP the naked boy... LUTHOR'S VOICE (CONT'D) Obey me in all things and we shall realize our dream. We now come to the face. It's Superman 2, suspended in the viscous amniotic fluid, eyes closed, umbilical cables attached to electrodes at chest and temples. He floats eerily. 32 LUTHOR 32 looks up at the suspended boy. His eyes are on fire as he whispers: LUTHOR To destroy Superman. He is my enemy. Therefore, he is _your_ enemy. You will be the instrument of our victory, then _you_ will be the one, the only Superman. _My_ Superman. FADE OUT: _END OF ACT ONE_ --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 16. _ACT TWO_ FADE IN: 33 INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - (DAY #3) 33 Perry, still wearing his hairpiece, and now in an * Armani suit with a Jerry Garcia tie, steps out of * his office, calls to Lois. PERRY Lois! Robbery and hostage situation at the Metropolis Merchant's Bank. Shake a leg. Lois grabs the fax out of his hand, then does a double take. LOIS New suit? PERRY As a matter of fact, yes. LOIS Huh. Special occasion? PERRY Not really, no. LOIS Huh. (beat) You okay? PERRY Lois? LOIS Yes? PERRY The bank? LOIS Oh. Right. Lois dashes off. Jimmy comes up behind Perry. JIMMY Chief? Are you sure you're okay? The seemingly innocent question makes Perry snap. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 17. 33 CONTINUED: 33 PERRY (roaring) Yea! I'm okay! Why is everybody asking if I'm okay?! I'm okay, okay? I'd be better if everyone around here minded their own business. Can't a man change his * outfit without going through the * third degree? (bellowing, to the entire pit) The next person that asks so if I'm okay will be fired! Perry moves toward his office, enters it. JIMMY That man is not okay. 34 EXT. METROPOLIS MERCHANT'S BANK - DAY 34 Whatever crises was in progress minutes before is now over. The remaining COP on the scene stands, writing up a report. Lois rushes up to him. LOIS Lois Lane, Daily Planet. What happened? COP Tense stand-off until Superman got here. LOIS He's here?! In Metropolis! COP (nodding) He flew in the top floor window, apprehended the perp, freed the hostages. He's over there. The Cop points to a Metropolis "Paddy Wagon." Superman is standing by as two other cops load the perp into the vehicle. Lois, ecstatic, rushes over to greet her hero. LOIS Superman! Superman! You're back! Suddenly... --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 18. 35 THE PERP - LOIS' POV 35 breaks free from the two policemen loading him into the wagon, runs off. Superman takes off after him, easily catches him. * Superman then lifts him and tosses him into the * waiting paddy wagon some twenty feet away. The * policemen shake his hand, but Lois stands there in shock. The cops disperse and the paddy wagon drives off. Superman turns to see Lois walking slowly toward him. He stares at her... with no recognition. LOIS Superman? SUPERMAN 2 Yes? LOIS It's me. Lois. But this Superman just gives her the once over, a sly smirk, then TAKES OFF and rockets away. 36 ON LOIS 36 watching him go, hurt and puzzled. 37 INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT 37 Cat and Jimmy are looking at Perry, standing at the elevator station, talking to two men. CAT Well, whatever the reason, I, for one, like his new look. I think he's sexy. JIMMY Mr. White? Sexy? CAT Very. I mean, he always had that aura of power, but now he's mixing it with a little style. Why do you think women flocked around Henry Kissinger? Because he had tight buns? JIMMY Still, there's something going on. He's never acted like this before. (more) (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 19. 37 CONTINUED: 37 JIMMY (Cont'd) Ever since last week... Half the time he's poring over the brochures * I got him... CAT Brochures? JIMMY White water rafting, tent safaris, * death valley hikes... a far cry from * his usual two weeks in the Catskills * with the Mrs. And yesterday he said something about 'living on the edge.' CAT * Perry? The man's a permanent * fixture in the slowlane. * (beat) Anything happen last week that was unusual? JIMMY I've been trying to think.... there * was an awards dinner, stockholder's meeting, his annual medical check- up. At this, Jimmy stops talking. Whatever Jimmy's thought, it goes right over Cat's head. CAT Well, let me know if you need any snooping around. I'm good at that. Very good. Cat swishes off, leaving Jimmy to wonder... 38 INT. KENT FARMHOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY 38 Martha is busy finishing a freeform sculpture made * out of Slinkys. * CLARK I saw him. He was ten feet away from me. He looks exactly like... * he _is_ me. And he has all my powers. * MARTHA How could that be? * (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 20. 38 CONTINUED: 38 JONATHAN Some kind of trick, an illusion... a hologram? CLARK (shakes his head) He's real. (beat) Is it possible... could I have a twin brother? JONATHAN No. Your father would have said so in the message he left you in the globe. CLARK Maybe another family on Krypton also * sent their child to earth. * MARTHA But he looks exactly like you. * CLARK You're right, you're right. I'm just grasping at straws. (beat) Mom, what _is_ that? * MARTHA I call it, 'Mano a Mano.' * JONATHAN I think there's another thing we ought to consider: why is he here? What does he want? MARTHA I saw this movie once. There was a * parallel universe and... * CLARK Mom, don't get sci-fi on me, please. (beat) There's only one way to find out. I have to confront him, talk to him. But first, I have to find him. Martha exchanges a look with Jonathan as we... CUT TO: 39 INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - DAY 39 Perry passes by Jimmy's desk an his way out. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 21. 39 CONTINUED: 39 PERRY I'm history, Jimmy. * JIMMY Where you going? PERRY Lunch. Thought I'd try some of that Japanese delicacy -- blowfish sushi. JIMMY The kind that can kill you? PERRY (smiling) Sayonara. * Jimmy watches as Perry steps inside an elevator. Jimmy looks toward Perry's office. CUT TO: 40 INT. PERRY'S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER 40 Jimmy is rifling through the paperwork on Perry's desk, looking for a clue, a hint. Nothing. Then he sees his desk calendar. He flips backward through the pages, finds a notation: 41 CU - CALENDAR PAGE 41 "Doctor Zohar. Annual physical, 10:00 a.m." 42 JIMMY 42 then flips forward until he finds another page. 43 CU - CALENDAR PAGE 43 It has written on it: "Metropolis Bridge. Jump. 11:00 p.m." 44 JIMMY 44 returns the calendar to the right day. JIMMY (puzzled) Metropolis Bridge? --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 22. 45 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 45 Clark enters and walks toward his desk. Lois rushes up to him. LOIS Clark, we have to talk. There's something wrong with Superman! Clark's eyes widen as she continues. LOIS (CONT'D) I watched him toss this robbery suspect into a police van from twenty feet away. Knocked the guy out cold. Superman wouldn't do that. CLARK Are you saying you saw Superman? He's here? LOIS Earth to Clark. Yes. I saw him this morning. CLARK Where? LOIS Merchant's Bank. Hostage situation. Where've you been anyway? CLARK With my folks. (off her look) With them... on the phone that is. Talking with each other. LOIS Huh. (beat) And another thing... when I looked at him, it was almost as if he didn't recognize me. In fact, he smirked at me. Superman doesn't smirk. It's like... CLARK What? LOIS I don't know. He's just... bizarro, * that's all. I wish I could talk to him in private. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) Pink Rev. 1/28/94 23. 45 CONTINUED: 45 CLARK Me, too. CUT TO: 46 INT. LUTHOR'S LABORATORY - DAY 46 Luthor paces in front of his "son," Superman 2, sitting in a high-backed chair. LUTHOR Once again. Why must the old Superman die? SUPERMAN 2 Because he's outlived his usefullness. LUTHOR And why is he our enemy? SUPERMAN 2 Because he stands between us and unlimited power. Superman 2 casts a glance over at a counter top, * sees a framed photograph of Lois Lane. SUPERMAN 2 (CONT'D) I saw her today. LUTHOR Who? (seeing the picture) Oh. Lois Lane. SUPERMAN 2 What a babe. LUTHOR Yes, indeed. Also, a brilliant investigative reporter for the Daily Planet. SUPERMAN 2 She talked to me like I was supposed. to know her. (beat) Dad? Can I see her again? LUTHOR (coldly) You stay away from her. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 24. 46 CONTINUED: 46 Superman 2 continues to stare at her photo as * Luthor walks away. * CUT TO 47 INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - DAY 47 A messenger walks up to Lois, typing away on her computer at her desk. MESSENGER Lois Lane? LOIS Yes. MESSENGER I'm supposed to wait for a response. Lois nods, signs for the letter. 48 AT HIS DESK - CLARK 48 is very curious. The messenger remains in front of Lois' desk as she tears open the letter, reads it, smiling... 49 CLARK 49 lowers his glasses to read the note: Dear Lois: Please forgive me my * behavior today. I have so much to * tell you. May I see you tonight? I could be at your place at nine. Please say yes. Yours, Superman. 50 LOIS 50 LOIS (to the messenger) The answer is a definite yes. CUT TO: 51 INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - (NIGHT #3) 51 Lois is facing against the clock, finishing zipping up her dress, pulling up her pantyhose, checking on the pasta Primavera and mixing the Caesar salad. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 25. 51 CONTINUED: 51 She darts back and forth to the table, finishing the setting, lighting the candles. In the nick of * time: she hears a WHOOSH, a flutter of curtains, * and Superman (2) stands in her living room. He's * like a teenager on his first date. Nervous and * excited. LOIS Oh. Hello. You're a little early. SUPERMAN 2 Is that okay? LOIS Sure. Everything's ready. (beat) Would you like something to drink? SUPERMAN 2 Drink? I guess so. I mean, I don't really need to. LOIS (lifting the chilled bottle) Well, nobody needs champagne, but that's what makes life interesting, n'est pas? SUPERMAN 2 Life is interesting. Lois expertly pops the cork, a tiny bit of champagne spilling. Superman 2 stands very close beside her. SUPERMAN 2 (CONT'D) You spilled. Lois pours them each a glass. SUPERMAN 2 (CONT'D) You look really hot. * LOIS Oh. Thanks. * SUPERMAN 2 Can we sit on the sofa? * LOIS Okay. * They sit. Superman 2 edges closer to Lois, he * fakes a yawn and stretch and puts his arm around * her. Lois doesn't know how to react. * (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 26. 51 CONTINUED: (2) 51 This isn't the Superman she's used to. SUPERMAN 2 Do you like me? * LOIS Of course. You know I do. * Although, I am a little concerned * about your behavior lately. SUPERMAN 2 I haven't done anything wrong. LOIS It's just that... I saw you throw * that man and... SUPERMAN 2 Might is right. (beat) How about a kiss? * LOIS Huh? * Before she can say anything further, Superman 2 * grabs her by the shoulders, pulls her close, and * kisses her, perhaps a little too eagerly, too hard. * Lois feels very uncomfortable, tries to push * herself away from him, but he holds her tight.. * CLARK (V.O.) Am I interrupting? LOIS (breaking free) Clark! Lois rushes to him and he puts his arm around her shoulder. Then Superman 2 rises and they stand there, facing one another. SUPERMAN 2 Go away. * CLARK I think Lois wants me to stay. LOIS Yes! I do! Please. Superman 2 walks up to Clark. They're inches away from one another. Superman 2 raises a hand to grab Clark, but Clark grasps his wrist. Superman 2 registers shock at Clark's strength, yanks his arm away. He stares at Clark. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 27. 51 CONTINUED: (3) 51 Something in the way he does tells us... he _knows_. He smiles at Clark, then at Lois. SUPERMAN 2 I have to go now. It's almost ten. (to Clark) I'll be seeing you again. Superman 2 walks to window, then _JUMPS_ out, _FLIES_ up and into the night sky. 52 LOIS 52 exhausted, plops down on the sofa. LOIS Unbelievable. (beat) And you! You actually faced him! You challenged him! (beat) You must be out of your mind. CLARK Are you all right? Did he hurt you? * LOIS Not exactly. He kissed me. * CLARK Superman kissed you? * LOIS Listen Clark, I've kissed Superman * before. I know what it feels like. * I _don't_ know who just flew out that * window, but I'll tell you one thing: * that was _definitely_ not _Superman_. * Clark stands, looking down at her, knowing she's right, wondering where this will lead and so we... FADE OUT: _END OF ACT TWO_ --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 28. _ACT THREE_ FADE IN: 53 INT. PERRY'S OFFICE - (DAY #4) 53 A KNOCK and Jimmy enters. Perry sits at his desk, staring out the window. JIMMY Chief? You wanted to see me? * PERRY Run an errand for me, will you, son. * I'd like some of those taquitos with * the green sauce from Manny's. * JIMMY Mr. White, it's eight in the * morning. PERRY So what? Some times you've got to * go for the gusto and damn the * consequences. Life's too damn * short. * This is too much for Jimmy. Tears from in his * eyes. * JIMMY It's... happening soon, isn't it? PERRY How'd you find out? JIMMY I put two and two together, like you * always taught me. PERRY (pointing a finger in his face) I don't want any to-do. And I don't want anyone else in on it either. Got it? (beat) A man goes his whole life saying 'later.' 'Later I'll do that, experience that.' Then, you run out of 'laters.' (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 29. 53 CONTINUED: 53 JIMMY (surpressing a sob) I understand, chief. (beat) I just want you to know that I think you're the bravest man I've ever met. You're handling this with such grace, such dignity. PERRY Well, time marches on, kid. You either accept life's process, or... not. JIMMY Chief. There's something else. (wiping an errant tear away) You've always been like a father to * me. I... love you. PERRY (touched, but puzzled) Jimmy? You okay? JIMMY Me? Oh, Chief, you're too much. Too much. Jimmy walks slowly from Perry's office, shuts the door, leaving Perry to wonder... 54 INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - DAY 54 * CLARK (V.O.) A clone? Lois paces in front of Clark's desk. They look like they've already been at it for hours. LOIS Yes, it's so obvious. There's no technology in the world that could produce a robot like that. (beat) And we know Superman doesn't have a twin. CLARK How do we know that? LOIS Because he would have told me. So there's only one possibility. (more) (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 29A. 54 CONTINUED: 54 * LOIS (Cont'd) Someone has cloned Superman. Made an exact genetic copy. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 30. 54 CONTINUED: (2) 54 CLARK How? They can't do that yet. We're not that advanced. LOIS Maybe we are. I read an article in * the Metropolis Science Magazine... * Lois picks up the phone, starts dialing. LOIS (CONT'D) Yes. I'd like the number for a Doctor Fabian Leek. CUT TO: 55 INT. FABIAN LEEK'S OFFICE - DAY 55 FABIAN LEEK, a rather odd fellow, takes every opportunity to ogle Lois: we get the feeling he'd love to 'clone' her. Leek shows Lois and Clark around past shelves and tables filled with displays, Petri dishes, specimens, etc. DR. LEEK You see, my dear Ms. Lane, it's child's play to clone individual cells. As simple and natural as the reproductive act itself. Leek smiles at Lois, who does not return the thought. LOIS But, you wrote a paper in college that said entire human beings could be cloned if the right genetic material were available. DR. LEEK Yes, but I was young and, unfortunately, overly optimistic. It's taken me thirty years to finally be able to clone a frog. The process is much more difficult than I imagined. We're years away from successfully applying the technique to human beings. Clark looks into a glass enclosed specimen box. The frog inside is dead. CLARK And I guess the process isn't exactly foolproof. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) Pink Rev. 1/28/94 31. 55 CONTINUED: 55 Leek reaches in and takes out the frog. DR. LEEK Unfortunately, you're correct, Mister Kent. I'm sorry I can't be of greater assistance. Lois and Clark head for the door. Dr. Leek grabs Lois' hand and turns her toward him. DR. LEEK (CONT'D) I would however, be very honored to take you to dinner, Ms. Lane. We could discuss the miracles of life in more, shall we shall, tangible terms. Lois grabs her hand away from him. LOIS I have a better idea. DR. LEEK Yes? LOIS Why don't you go home, change into something more comfortable, pack an overnight bag and then come back here... (Leek's salivating) and take all these poor frogs and release them in the nearest lily pond. Lois turns on her heel and walks out as we... CUT TO: 56 EXT. OUTSIDE LEEK'S OFFICE - DAY 56 * En route to her jeep, Lois is steaming. LOIS That guy is a piece of work. A lying sleazy piece of work. (beat) He completely backtracked on all of his recent research. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 32. 56 CONTINUED: 56 CLARK Still... in order to even begin to make a clone, they would have to have used cells from Superman's body. The man's invulnerable so... How? LOIS I don't know, Clark. But somebody figured it out. And we're going to figure out Who. (as Clark takes off down the street) Where're you going? CLARK To find someone... who might be able, to help. I'll meet you back at the Planet. CUT TO: 57 EXT. SKY - DAY 57 Superman is treading air, waiting, waiting... finally sees a streak of red and blue go by, takes off after it. 57A LOCATION TBD 57A The Supermen look in silence at each other. Superman 2 has matured in thought and attitude. SUPERMAN I need to ask you something. Last * time we talked you told me you were * as old as I was. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 33. 57A CONTINUED: 57A SUPERMAN 2 Yes, that's correct. * SUPERMAN Are you sure? I mean, do you have memories of your life? (beat) Do you remember growing up? Do you have any friends? When did you learn to fly? Superman 2 doesn't have these memories, and it confuses and angers him. SUPERMAN 2 So what if I can't remember? SUPERMAN You can't remember because your 'father' made you, built you from a part of me. You're a biological machine. You have no childhood memories because you never existed until recently. SUPERMAN 2 That's a lie. You're a liar. You're not even really Superman. You're Clark Kent. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 34. 57A CONTINUED: (2) 57A SUPERMAN (nervously) * Have you told anybody, your father, * that? * SUPERMAN 2 Not yet, but I might. * SUPERMAN Please, don't. * SUPERMAN 2 Why shouldn't I? * SUPERMAN Because _someone's_ been lying to you, * but it isn't me. * Superman 2 turns and rockets away. CUT TO: 58 EXT. KENT FARMHOUSE - (NIGHT #4) 58 CLARK (V.O.) He knows who I am. 59 INT. KENT LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 59 Martha and Jonathan just sit and stare upon learning this. CLARK It's funny, though. I should avoid * him, fear him, but... JONATHAN But what? CLARK He's just... so much like me. So much like the brother I never had, never will have. JONATHAN Did you find out what he wants? CLARK No, but he thinks I'm his enemy. A * confrontation is inevitable. * MARTHA Could he hurt you? * (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 35. 59 CONTINUED: 59 CLARK From what I've seen, he has every * power and ability that I have. If * it came to a fight, one or both of * us could be killed. * On Martha and Jonathan, exchanging a glance, we... CUT TO: 60 INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - NIGHT 60 Lois rushes up to Clark when he steps off the elevator. LOIS I found it! (showing him the paper) Look! 'Superman donates a lock of hair for charity auction.' CLARK Of course, I remember. (beat) Does it say who bought it? LOIS I'm way ahead of you. Mrs. Doyle Alexander. I called her and she said that there was a break-in at her house the day after the auction. The lock of hair was stolen. Never found out who took it. Never got it back. CLARK Good work. Now we know the how... all we need now is the _who_. CUT TO: 61 INT. LUTHOR'S LABORATORY - NIGHT 61 A man is shining an intense beam of light into Superman 2's eyes. 62 ON LUTHOR 62 watching - as Superman 2, bare chested, is being examined by Dr. Leek. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 36. 62 CONTINUED: 62 DR. LEEK Follow the light. * Superman 2 follows the beam with his eyes. * DR. LEEK All right, all done. For now. * (suggestively, to * Luthor) Isn't it his bed time? * LUTHOR Yes, son. Time to go to bed. * You've had a long day. Luthor walks him toward the tank. SUPERMAN 2 (rebeliously) I'm not a child anymore. I don't * need to be told when to go to bed. * LUTHOR I'm still your father. You'll do as * I say. * SUPERMAN 2 (backing down * somewhat) Why don't I have any memories? Of growing up? LUTHOR (evasive) * That's not something for you to * worry about. SUPERMAN 2 Superman said the reason I don't * have memories is because I'm not * real, I'm a biological machine. * LUTHOR That's not true. SUPERMAN 2 What is the truth? LUTHOR How dare you question me. SUPERMAN 2 I bet I know some things you'd like to know. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 37. 62 CONTINUED: (2) 62 LUTHOR Like what? * Superman 2 stares at him a moment. Then... * SUPERMAN 2 (defiantly) * I think it's my bedtime. * Superman 2 climbs into the tank. Luthor shuts and locks the door, turns back to Leek. LUTHOR (CONT'D) What is it? DR. LEEK We have a little... problem. LUTHOR Enlighten me. DR. LEEK His vital signs are weakening: brain wave activity erratic, irregular heartbeat, and so on. LUTHOR Prognosis? DR. LEEK He's dying. Like the frogs. (beat) He was our first, our prototype. I * warned you there might be complications. LUTHOR (concerned) Has he lost any of his strength or * powers yet? * DR. LEEK Not yet, but time is running out. * LUTHOR Then it must happen tomorrow. * DR. LEEK What makes you think he can win? * (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 38. 62 CONTINUED: (3) 62 LUTHOR Because, if it meant the difference * between winning and losing, he'd * pick up a train loaded with * passengers and use it to bash * Superman's skull in. Unlike * Superman, he has no restraint, no * morality. _I_ taught him. Luthor turns to look at Superman 2, suspended in the milky white liquid of the tank. LUTHOR (CONT'D) Tomorrow. Tomorrow he will kill * Superman. As Luthor walks away, Superman 2's eyes open. He's * heard every word. FADE OUT. _END OF ACT THREE_ --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 39. _ACT FOUR_ FADE IN: 63 EXT. DAILY PLANET - (DAY #5) - TO ESTABLISH 63 PERRY (V.O.) Two Superman? 64 DAILY PLANET - PIT - DAY 64 Lois is at her desk, Perry towering over her. LOIS I know it sounds farfetched, but... PERRY Farfetched? Lois, if I told you I saw Elvis last night at the LexSave what would you call it? LOIS But chief... PERRY Look, you say that since this 'clone' appeared, the 'real' Superman hasn't been seen. Think about it. Maybe there aren't two of them, but the real one has gone... crazy. Cat has wandered over during Perry's speech, leans against Lois' desk. LOIS No. I'm telling you he's a clone. I should know. I had a date with him. CAT What does that prove? Every person in this office knows how many clones you've dated. Cat has a little laugh at her own joke. Lois' expression sobers her up, fast. She tip-toes away. PERRY Lois, I don't know what to tell you except... don't even _think_ about writing this story until you can present me with solid evidence. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 40. 64 CONTINUED: 64 Perry walks off, leaving Lois to stare, frustrated, after him. 65 ANGLE ON JIMMY 65 watching as Perry enters his office. Jimmy hightails it after him. 66 INT. PERRY'S OFFICE - DAY 66 Perry is just settling in when Jimmy opens the door. JIMMY Chief? PERRY I'm in a rush this morning, Jimmy. A lot of things to do before... JIMMY That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I have a phone number here... it's the Metropolis Hot Line. Twenty-four hours. There are counselors there, ready and willing to hear your problems. PERRY Thanks, Jimmy. I'll keep then in mind. JIMMY Chief, there are people out there who know what you're going through. You don't have to suffer alone. The phone RINGS. Perry picks it up. PERRY Hello? Yeah, Alice, hold on a sec. (to Jimmy) Anything else? JIMMY Uh, no. I'll be right outside. If you... need a shoulder to lean on. Jimmy exits, Perry shakes his head, gets back to * his phone conversation. * CUT TO: --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 41. 67 INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - DAY 67 * Lois hears a WHOOSH of air, looks up to see Superman standing in front of her. LOIS Superman, is it really you? SUPERMAN In the flesh. LOIS Where've you been? SUPERMAN Trying to get the low-down on this imposter. Lois, I need your help. LOIS Anything. SUPERMAN Then come fly with me. Superman sweeps her up into his arms. Cat stands by her desk, shaking her head. CAT Some girls have all the luck. CUT TO: 68 INT. DAILY PLANET PIT - MINUTES LATER 68 * Clark Kent walks into the newsroom, looks around, finds Cat. CLARK Cat? Did Lois come in yet? (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 42. 68 CONTINUED: 68 CAT Uh huh. She left a few minutes ago.... with Superman. CLARK What!? CAT Yeah. They flew out that window... is something wrong... I hope? But Clark hasn't heard her last sentence. He rushes off toward the storage room an we... CUT TO: 68A EXT. IN THE SKY - SUPERMAN 68A * ... flies above Metropolis, looking for Lois. * Suddenly, the sound of her SCREAM pierces the air. * Superman looks down. * 68B EXT. METROPOLIS STUDIOS - FROM HIGH - SUPERMAN POV 68B * Superman sees the Old West Street below. * 68C EXT. METROPOLIS STUDIOS - OLD WEST STREET - DAY 68C * An open tourist van, loaded with foreigners and * cameras, drives through the town. * TOUR GUIDE * (to the driver) * We're driving, we're driving. * (to the tourists) * Unfortunately, there is nothing * shooting on our Old West Street * today, so we'll proceed on to the * Tropical Lagoon set. * 68D EXT. METROPOLIS STUDIOS - OLD WEST STREET - DAY 68D * Superman _LANDS_, looks around and sees... * 68E LOIS 68E * She's tied to a post under the sign "Village * Blacksmith". Superman 2 stands above her, * brandeshing a red hot iron in front of her. Lois * struggles against her ropes -- a vain attempt. * Superman 2 laughs and then... * (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 42A. 68E CONTINUED: 68E SUPERMAN Lot her go! * Superman 2 puts down the hot irons, turns to face * Lois. * SUPERMAN 2 I never would have hurt you, Lois. * But the only way I could guarantee * Superman would fight me was to make * him think your life was in danger. * Superman moves to untie her. When shells free, Superman turns around. Superman 2 is gone. 68F THE SALOON - SUPERMAN'S POV 68F * Only the swinging doors are evidence that Superman * 2 has gone inside. * SUPERMAN (to Lois) * _Stay_ _here_. * --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 43. 68G INT. OLD WEST SALOON - DAY 68G Superman enters, looks around. Superman 2 sits at the and of the bar. Superman pulls the bar forward. Superman 2 now faces Superman. Superman 2 now lifts Superman up and throws him across the length of the bar, through the glasses and bottles, and straight through the window to the outside. A second later, Superman comes _FLYING_ back in. Lois enters through the swinging doors. Superman sees her, turns to Superman 2. SUPERMAN This town isn't big enough for the two of us. Let's take this fight outside. (beat, to Lois) _Stay_ _here_. 68H EXT. OLD WEST STREET - DAY 68H Superman and Superman 2 appear at opposite ends of the street, walking slowly toward one another. 68I ANGLE - A PAINTER 68I working on one of the buildings, sees the oncoming showdown. He drops his brush, jumps inside the building. A beat later a sign is pulled down that says "Closed." 68J BACK TO SUPERMAN 2 AND SUPERMAN 68J They continue walking toward another, their arms at their sides, fingers twitching, although no guns are necessary. Wait a minute... is that Sergio Leone's music we hear in the background? 68K ANGLE - THE OPEN TOURIST VAN 68K is driving back through on their way out. TOUR GUIDE The Old West Town was built in... (sees the duel about to happen) Apparently I was mistaken. They must be shooting something... The jitney stops. TOUR GUIDE (CONT'D) We're walking, we're walking. --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 43A. 68L BACK TO SHOWDOWN 68L * Superman 2 then lets forth a blast of _HEAT VISION_. * Just before it reaches our Superman, he, too, uses * his. 68M ANGLE - LOIS 68M * She hides behind a post, watching the action. * Suddenly, one of the HEAT RAYS is deflected and * zaps the post right in front of her. Lois jumps * back to safety. 68N BACK TO SHOWDOWN 68N * It's a battle of wills as each tries to push each * other back with their respective _RAYS_ * SUPERMAN * Don't you understand? This in a * fight neither of us can win! But Superman 2 still tries to best him. * 68O ANGLE - TOUR GUIDE AND TOURISTS 68O * The tourists are busy snapping photos when the Tour * Guide realizes that this is not make believe. She * shepherds her group. * TOUR GUIDE * We're leaving, we're leaving. * 68P BACK TO SHOWDOWN 68P * Finally, we can see the stress getting to Superman * 2. His ray gets fainter and fainter until it wears down completely. Superman's heat ray hits Superman 2 in the chest, and now, sends him reeling backwards in pain. Superman goes after him. Superman 2 has recovered, but appears weak. SUPERMAN 2 (out of breath) Go ahead. Finish me off. Might is right. Only the strong survive. SUPERMAN I don't want to hurt you. You and I... we have so much in common. We're linked. We're... brothers. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 43B. 68P CONTINUED: 68P SUPERMAN 2 I don't understand. Why wouldn't you want to rule alone? SUPERMAN I don't _want_ to rule. I want to be respected, yes. But you earn that respect by caring for others, not overpowering them. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 44. 68P CONTINUED: 68P Superman 2 appears pale, clutches onto his body to try and ease the pain. SUPERMAN (CONT'D) Are you all right? SUPERMAN 2 I'm dying. (beat) Maybe it's for the best. If I'm not real, if I was created just to do my father's bidding... to kill you, then there's nothing left to live for anyway. 69 69 thru OMITTED thru * 72 72 73 LOIS 73 takes a step forward, trying to eavesdrop. * 74 SUPERMAN AND SUPERMAN 2 74 SUPERMAN 2 I have something to do. Will you wait here for me? Superman nods as Superman 2 takes off. Lois steps forward. LOIS Where's he going? SUPERMAN I don't know. Come on, let's get * you out of here. * CUT TO: 75 INT. LEX LUTHOR'S LABORATORY DAY 75 Luthor is speaking with Dr. Leek when Superman 2 enters. LUTHOR Is it done? SUPERMAN 2 No. I know the truth now. He is the rightful Superman. I was just a pawn... something for you to use to kill him. (CONTINUED). --page break-- VATMAN (#17) YELLOW REVISION 2/2/94 45. 75 CONTINUED: 75 Look picks up a gun from a nearby table, shoots at Superman 2. Because he is weak, the bullets appears to wound him, and he doubles over in pain. When he straightens up, Superman 2 walks toward Leek, has the strength to pick him up and throw him into the vat. Now, Luthor is afraid. SUPERMAN 2 I want the lock of hair. LUTHOR I don't have it here. SUPERMAN 2 You're lying. Give it to me or I will kill _you_. Luthor has enough sense to know he means business. He moves to a vault, opens it, removes the lock of hair and hands it to Superman 2. LUTHOR You must not do this. You are my son. My own... creation. Together we can... SUPERMAN 2 No. It's over. Superman 2 exits. LUTHOR (sadly) You breed them, raise them, want the best for them. One day, you're the center of their universe, the next they've flown the nest and the phone never rings. (beat) I guess it's back to the drawing board. 76 EXT. OLD WEST TOWN 76 Superman waits. He sees Superman 2 flying toward him, lands beside him. SUPERMAN 2 Where's Lois? SUPERMAN Safe and sound. Back at the Planet. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 46. 76 CONTINUED: 76 SUPERMAN 2 Here. He hands him the lock of hair. SUPERMAN 2 They won't be able to clone you again. At least, not after you take the last step. SUPERMAN The last step? SUPERMAN 2 Yes. They could use some of my tissue to recreate another clone. You have to destroy the lock of hair, and me. (off his look) I'm dying. I'm in pain. SUPERMAN I don't think I can do that... SUPERMAN 2 You must. (beat) My father once read me a story about a Viking Funeral. (beat) Do you understand? SUPERMAN (desperately) There's got to be another way. SUPERMAN 2 There isn't. You do understand? SUPERMAN Yes. Superman 2 collapses into Superman's arms. Superman lowers him down, cradles his head. SUPERMAN 2 It's not really the end. As long as you're still here... brother. SUPERMAN (sadly) Brother. * It's over. Superman closes Superman 2's eyes, * looks up toward... (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 47. 76 CONTINUED: (2) 76 THE SUN - LONG SHOT A speck as Superman flies his "brother" to his final resting place. CUT TO: 77 INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - (NIGHT #5) 77 Jimmy comes in, off the elevators, walks past Lois and Clark and into Perry's office. He appears a moment later, rushing over to them. JIMMY Where's Perry? LOIS Left about fifteen minutes ago. JIMMY No! CLARK What's going on? JIMMY (frantic) * I promised I wouldn't tell but... I found out that the Chief got bad * news at his physical last week. I * think he's planning on doing away * with himself. LOIS Jimmy that's absurd. JIMMY No, I swear! There's an entry in his calendar for tonight that says * he's going to the Metropolis Bridge. * I think he's going to jump! * It's still ridiculous, but as Lois and Clark and Jimmy exchange suddenly worried glances we CUT TO: 78 EXT. METROPOLIS BRIDGE - NIGHT 78 Lois, Jimmy, and Clark arrive in a cab, push themselves through the crowd to see... (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 48. 78 CONTINUED: 78 THE LEDGE - THEIR POV Perry stands on the ledge, looks back toward them, nods and smiles, then turns back... JIMMY cries out. JIMMY Chief! No! Too late. The Chief has taken a swan dive off the ledge. Lois, Jimmy, and Clark rush to the edge, Clark ready to owing into action if necessary when they discover... he has a cord attached to his ankle and is in the process of a Bungee Jump. PERRY (O.S.) Great... Shades... Of.... Elllllllllllvis!!!!! 79 EXT. METROPOLIS BRIDGE - LATER THAT NIGHT 79 Lois, Clark, Jimmy and Perry sit on a bench. CLARK Fifty huh? PERRY The big 5-O. JIMMY Well.... congratulations, Chief. PERRY Thank you. LOIS Uh, Perry? one thing. I'd lose the hair piece. PERRY Alice says it turns her on. Says I * look like a young Dan Rather. I * must say, though, the other night * when she cried out 'Oh, Dan,' I * began to have second thoughts. So, * well, I left that sucker down at the * bottom of the canyon. So much for * my mid-life crisis. * Perry stands, as does Jimmy. Perry puts his arm around him as they start to walk. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) GREEN REVISION 2/2/94 48A. 79 CONTINUED: 79 PERRY (CONT'D) I hope you learned your lesson, son. JIMMY Yeah. Never trust an old guy. --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 49. 80 LOIS AND CLARK 80 Remain seated, look up at the brightly lit stars. CLARK Well, there's only one Superman again. LOIS Yeah. All's right with the world... er... Metropolis at least. CLARK Almost. LOIS Almost? CLARK It might have been kind of nice. You know, to have two of them. LOIS Why? CLARK Then Superman would have a brother. * Someone to talk to, share with. We all need that. LOIS I'll say. CLARK Kind of sad. LOIS (cheerfully) Sad. Clark realizes Lois' mood doesn't match his. CLARK Are we talking about the same thing? LOIS Sure, companionship for Superman. Right? CLARK Right. (CONTINUED) --page break-- VATMAN (#17) BLUE REVISION 1/27/94 50. 80 CONTINUED: 80 LOIS (cheerfully) So, no problem. I'm available. On Clark's expression, we... FADE OUT: _END OF ACT FOUR_